From everything Ive searched for (and read), this language, and the people who brought it into being, traveled from somewhere in Eastern Europe and moved around quite a bit. Geo comes from the Latin word meaning earth or ground. Terra/terr/ter are from another Latin word meaning earth or land. When combined with a suffix or another root word, geo and terra/terr/ter become common English words. [7] Beekes suggested a Pre-Greek origin. 15 times from Greek word #3625, oikoumene which refers to the first century Roman Empire (Luke 2:1; 4:5; . AMP, ASV, CJB, KJV, NLV, LEB, etc etc) at Exodus 34:14? Geobotany: The branch of botany that deals with the geographical distribution of plants 14. So read and believe to be more and more believers.i said it with cosmic stuff.but is said in other places too.i think that not in this way but is said in a lot of places.with cosmos stuff i think that only me said it lol, Here is said with Cosmos.i said it on you tube also.this is said in other places too.we are them continuation.of that lights from Antarctica.from then.when Earth was made, They were there in the cold making things, in the sky and in the ocean.we belong to them.especially there you belongGod made us but they made God, But i have to rectify Earth made God not they.they just were there in Antarctica in the sky and in the deep ocean, God was made by Earth.and He is in the stars.they were made by God, They were made by Him.and was not made by Earth.i dunno nobody knows the truth.these can be imagined.In the bible He says that he made them.this i think is true.but Earth wasnt really made by God.cause i dont think He can.stars i think made Earth.ok understand what you want but i think this is the truth, I think this is how it was He made the stars the stars the planets.ok i contradict a lot but nobody knows these i just give some ideas lol, And dont forget that He made us.we are Gods creations, I know that is understandable from what i say that if He can make stars how couldnt the planets but this is the truth.only stars make them.this i believe is how goes.and what i said above really is.that gleams.they are old as God, So adopt people the new religion which is flash religion, Girls boys everyone who wants.choose.the Gods made the stars(read above)but the planet belongs to us.we were made by God but flash lights gave us Earth in choose.God religion and Earth religion, These things were always with Earth.stars made Earth but these were always.and they were not God.i said we were made by God.well some of us were.some of us still are religious.i spou ght with Earth voice.that s by these s hard to say that was not made by stars.then who?that gleams can t do it.they were making things on Earth.some of the first particles are from s a mixture of something like that and particles from stars.this is the very bible is said how made God Earth but i dont think was in that way.and that immense period of Earth that with permian carboniferous and others before humans isn t written in bible anywhere, We appear very directly in bible.that were 7days and we are put in Eden ok thats on Earth but things in bible doesnt fit.and i said mezozoic carboniferous neozoic and these where are?it s a very long period, And yeah i am sure that God made the stars thats not a lie but i think thats all.and we were made by God.some of us are very religious.believe all what s written there.dont think that some things there arent true.or the flood.another lie.this wasnt.or the apocalypse.this i dont think will s not true all the bible, And God couldnt make Earth only with particles from from was with particles from stars and with that lights.and that lights arent God.the mixture was made by lights.the particles began expand grow in this way was.lights were through and were led all, Earths lights.which are even now.and they can be seen.lovers poor men and me had seen them.they made it with stars.this was how began, So again it s not post ed and this was not long, So believe what you want this or others.and as i said stars werent made by that bible godthey were made but not by that, As i said choose Earth religion and God religion.beautiful girls i wanna choose this that s sure lol, It s God but not in that waythe new Godas i said was made with a mixture.particles from stars and lights, so choose and the bible or in this, He is new only for us.He is from nobody knows when.and He wants take us to the stars ,cause as i said that s the origin of our particles and flash lights, The Theory of Big Bang ,that that the universe expand and that of Charles Darwin i think is in plus to say that are wrong.we were made by more higher powers.there are a lot of lies but isnt necessarily to be believed.they could stay as always ignored.i explained how i could what i know, And isn t how we want.the gods and higher forces made uswe dont come from monkeys and we can do what we want and that to be all.are some which think in this way.we can destroy Earth and others each others and that to be s not in this way, And i recognize that i ve sinned and I had done a lot at my life.butthere is this but ,i never betrayed flash lights in in two words the gods, I had suicide thoughts and I had suicide attempts by a few times and as i said in posts above i suffered and i had done others i was drinking and things like this but The New God Flashs God i never betrayed, Anyway i dont care what was was it s time for others like Star Girl lol, But this can be also difficult.i said whats in that way and what s not.i listen usually to rock metal music.gothic metal usually.this is in that way by pop music can be difficult cause its not all in that way.there are a lot of things that are wrong and can be deceptive.for example i had seen in some songs girls kissing one each other. It has been proven that there are more than 300 hundreds Turksih words have commonly used in English. Tell us a little bit about yourself to begin. The meaning of the word Pangaea? The name Earth is an English/German name which simply means the ground. It conjures up images of Earth, and forms the basis of words such as ecology, economics and ecosystem which all share the same Greek root, ecos, derived from "oikos," meaning . before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. Sorry about that. I have to tell you that I had bad luck once in the past a girl wanted she wrote me but i could nt acces my mail anymore.i forgot the password and couldnt still spea k with was when i had begin with in ternet 2004.i could made other mail adress then but this ideea did nt came in my mind then.and i was forgot her id in the time. I would even say that earth and Erde in German come from the Arabic word pronounced [arD]. The ancient sanctuary of Zeus Olympios the Athenians say was built by Deukalion (Deucalion), and they cite as evidence that Deukalion lived at Athens a grave which is not far from the present temple. earth Geotropic:Directional growth of an organism in response to gravity 8. 18. With the way the discussion is going..Im expecting Pavel Chekhov to announce its actual originRussian. It is the detailed study of the physical structure and related phenomenon on the Earth. They are shown in polytonic orthography, an orthography that shows the breathings and fuller range of accents. Also throwing some other non-sense claims into the discussion topic does not help at all. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. BTW, who here knows that William Tyndale probably the greatest English scholar that ever lived was strangled and burned at the stake by Roman Catholic authorities in Vilvoorde, Belgium, as a heretic. Answer (1 of 8): With a single word, in written Greek language, the word for 'earth' is '' (pronounced as 'yee'), written with the first letter in uppercase ie '' (pronounced as 'gamma'). Greek Translation. Still, its interesting the Arabic word is ardd. Gaea was the Earth Goddess of the Ancient Greeks and was known as Terra Mater (Earth Mother) by the Romans. .This is how i said love girls legs a lot.ok the flash s can be from another universe ,particles,making to be made another but i dunno these are just theories.ok they are from here thats what i wanna say.nobody know s from when, Ok they are on planets where is life i suppose like on Earth making the whole thing.about planet s like Mars,Jupiter etc i dunno there are not like Earth and is not life there.but i say about planets like Earth in cosmos .i suppose these planets are somewhere cause the cosmos is bigand they are n t on stars.cause there i dont think is life.ok this is how it works with flash s particles planets this is how is i think.the gods made the planets but these made things on planets , Ok i ll tell you people if Antarctica was ever not there at the South Pole thing that i dont believe by the way it was moved there by they by the flash s your theory.u say that it was with Africa and Australia or how you say before to go south.ok they did it not the gods.cause the gods could n t did.but i said i dont believe it.i told you more above about pterodactyls or what they were how it happened to be at dominion range nortofagus.and they are there in Antarctica.they remain ed there if they carried Antarctica there.ok as you say.they can did it from there from the sky were they were then when was a supercontinent as you say.but i dont believe it.flash s were in Antarctica always.cause Antarctica is from always there at the pole.i know.i demonstrated it by the way in a post above.and i said where they still are in parks.they can be seen by pair of lovers sometimes.they let they be seen them:), yeah it s true lovers in parks can see them sometimes:)and as i said they were from always in Antarctica.i dont think they carry it to the south pole.they were just there from always.they couldnt stay through dinosaurs but there they could.they loved that ice from the beginningthey were in the sky,in the deep of ocean then and in the icy Antarcticaand later when Earth changed and were we they had come through usas i said lovers see them in parks, They liked Earth from the beginningthe gleamsand there they were in the sky in the ocean and in Antarctica at the beginningand when was us they had come in parksand they can be seen there only in the nightcause they are gleams, Ok this is how is and as i said they were with Earth alwaysand they are seen by somebody else there in parks ok you had guessed i had seen them there the gleams of our homeand very poor people see them too there i imaginethe gleams, Ok they could stay through dinosaurs but i dont think they would like.they were as i said in the sky and in the ocean, I ll tell you the whole thingi wanna say that the gleams were always on Earththey were in Antarctica ..thenAntarctica was different thenwas more colderthey were doing from therechanging Earth s surfacelook they had adore d that cold Antarcticabut they had did it for us, Cause there that cold and empty Antarctica was the only place on the planet which was like will be, Was the only place that was like the future.Antarctica is still in that way that was even today only then was more colder.but is still the same, mornin lol it s almost 13 lol so as i said they were also in the sky and in deep of oceans the flash lights they liked Earth even in that time.they were doing the whole thing.and they were as i said there in the sky in the deep ocean and in Antarctica, and as i said they were with Earth as always.they weren t coming from cosmos, but as i said they were gleams flashs they were just doing to happen the thing and they were there where i said.and they were much in Antarctica only there in the sky and in the deep of oceans was like the the future, ok these are the things that are with that with the flash stuff i said them in posts above like was with that survey on that site or with that woman luggage.or there are others too but i don t say them all.i said another.with that woman of what made and the whole mediatizationor with that girl about what said on that site about her legs.and there are other girls too which at the flashs fall in different situations.ok so this what is with flash stuff and what s not.that s all, ok why you didn t posted?all is true then i was speaking with planet voice 27.02/2017 and that video s are something by flash s as i said, ok i know it s like a journal me and my moods these days lol but this is happening and tommorow are exactly two years after.i wanna people know.that these things really happened and are not lies so i lll say again the links for that video is a flash video and it had come in front when i was surfing on internet a few minutes before i speak with planet voice and i had love it a lot, ok as i said is what s with that and what s understand about what it is i don t have to say further. So your claim that earth and rt to be the same origin is totally absurd. Tellus is its own root. In early Greek literature the word kosmos spoke of building or establishing a culture or city. Cosmos is originally a Greek word, meaning both order and world, because the ancient Greeks thought that the world was perfectly harmonious and impeccably put in order. Ok guys,for today i prepare d for you two is about 19 th century and gothic music i wanna respeak again about and the other is about hebrew people ,guys and women from Israel ,which are my thoughts on theyso lets go with the first .well gothic music is connected to that s not about sex (like dance pop music)and some songs are about love and stuff like that.but is also modern cause is a modern world music and rock metal music is always fresh and new.look i am with sex i like a lot girls women dressed in jeans and flats etc,butbut i am not so direct,so to in pop music etc.i am more hidden,so to say.and i told you in upper posts that i am with women shoes stuff ,that i liked maybe more than it should always lol.and as i said people were more faithful then in past of humanity but,He is still herein our epoch.not that much as it was but He is stilland lets not forget that Eastern Europe and Russia are still very religious.the western world is a lot atheist but in east religion still is a lot.and now about the israel people.maybe are boys girls from there which will i was speaking in february about arabian people too.then when were two years after i spought to that thoughts are the u figured i am not racist .but of course i love only girls from europe and america.this is a personal this way i am.and i dont have nothing to do with such miseries racism nazism i never had,i dont hate black african people muslim or thoughts on ww2 i think are clear.i am on peace side.i am more with earth planetary stuff as u had figured till now.i repeat its a long journey(through faith planets stars) but its worh read all the stuff. But when Rhea was pregnant with her youngest child, Zeus, she sought help from Gaia and Uranus. . George: Greek word for farmer or worker in the Earth 5. If you say rt its a command to cover. . He is associated with nature, wooded areas and pasturelands, from which his name is derived. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Earth doesnt take 24 hours to rotate on its axis. Strong's Greek 1093252 Occurrences 38 Occ. 78 Occ. 136 Occ. Kudos to the author of this site for doing his best to present well-researched articles for us all to learn from. See additional meanings and similar words. look as i said..i never had a girlfriend..that was my suffering..i always wanted to have but they didn t wanted me,i dunnooo why..loook in past for a girl i was by 8 times with train at she it was a road by a a noon and a night i loved her a years she didn wanted in any way and i suffered a lot then..i was at other girls tooo but still the same they didn t wanted,what to say tried tese days with two girls tooo but no chance..they had rejected me and one in a ugly way yesterday and that this way had go things tilll now.anyway hope will be better in the future.. i have to say that i have 36 years.they are so beautifulk on the street and when i see them i am feel like i am going one wants.look what i have done to see how it is two days ago i was coming home and i passsed two girls i dunno i couldnt take more i made with hands on the street when i was passing by them how it goes Earth hope you understand what i wannna say and after i made too with hands a call to the sky ,i dunno i am thinking that will come an alien girl i dunnoo i just cant anymore to see girls and only that to be all to passs them and .nothing..ok then they had seen me but they don t said nothing.just i said in this way go things.ok that is so many years..had been gone and i was lonely and always rejected and sometimes affronted.look by other time i was at a girl that time was a day a night with train and when i arrived she said that she wqas witha half hour at the train station but had leaved .and were other girls and the same thing.this thing meke me mad. There was a temple of Ge Eurusternos on the Crathis near Aegae in Achaia with "a very ancient statue":[45]. Terra became Terru and it had added to it s, a Greek feature. i was by the second time.i wanted to doi it from the first but i couldn t..but it wasn t easy for understand what i wannna to speak it s more easy i am not that kind.who insert..but i did it often these days.and on the streeet all the city in which i live knows s not big people know each other and in this way now a lot knows me..i dunno i just couldnt i had to something.cause of what i had said above.. ok it was by the third time at the store.i was by two times there before but i couldn t do it that that how goes Earth with hands there.i dunno i coudnt.for the first yesterday i was speaking with that girls which i said .one of them had rejected me ugly and i i was after walking a little and thinking what to do .i was at that store and i had did it by the third time there.first two times when i was there i couldn t do nothing .but i dunno after that girl had rejected me in that ugly way i dunnno i just couldn t.i had to do something.. and at that store i dunnno how i lll go again..that saleswomen had seen me.i wanted they to see, With that two girls who i say when i passed and i made that gestures how goes Earth and a call to the sky after it was in the evening it was i dunno it was somehowthey had seen me by the way that was my intention of course lol, With that girls which i say i passed and i did that gestures it was in the eveningi was passing them What word would literally means writing the Earth? 2. A planet have to be very very powerfull to affect a star.this never happens.only an earth only with oceans could do it thats sure. The great majority of organisms on Earth remain unknown to science. Some are related consistently, some are mentioned only in minor variants of myths, and others are related in variants that are considered to reflect a confusion of the subject or association. [21], According to Hyginus, Terra (Earth/Gaia), along with Caelus (Sky) and Mare (Sea), were the children of Aether and Dies (Hemera/Day). So for me its Gaia, Earth is her nickname. I looked but didnt see this one. Answered by. So.. Earth is ALSO named after a roman God? Note the palatalization of the to [], which is pronounced like a soft GY sound. The word root 'geo' comes from the Greek word ge- that means 'Earth'. The Obscenely Successful Obsolete Sailing Ship and Its Daring Captain Who Terrorized the High Seas During WWI, The Curious Case of the Sable Island Seal Killer, The Mysterious Disappearance of One of the Most Successful Recording Artists of All Time, What Those Nasty White Chunks That Sometimes Come From Your Throat Are, The Difference Between a Fact and a Factoid, Marilyn Monroe was Not Even Close to a Size 12-16, A Japanese Soldier Who Continued Fighting WWII 29 Years After the Japanese Surrendered, Because He Didnt Know, Translations of the Bible into English was one of the earliest recorded use of the name Earth God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. Is the word Dia Greek or Latin? Updates for Free Live sessions and offers are sent on mail. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. An the (Lords Prayer) witch my phone says was wrote by our lord. The outercrust of the Earth is broken up into regions known astectonic plates. Likewise, the Greek words ge, ges, and gen can be translated as earth, earths, ground, grounds, land, or lands, depending on the context and tense. As Zeus was unable to catch Aphrodite, he gave up and dropped his semen on the ground, which impregnated Gaia. It sounds to me that Tellus comes from Terra and was pronounced by people who did not have rr in their vocabulary and mispronounced it as ll. Is there any way we can accelerate the phenomenon by which the days are getting longer? What is a Greek word that means earth description? Firstly, its important to understand that nearly every language has its own name for the planet. Ok i have to tell you people that i had not used alcohol since the past when i was younger i was in other ways but now i have 36.i am different ,from then 2003 since when i had not drinked anymore.ok that is what it was it was and people change.i don t care anymore.and i have to say that there is this word ifso if its always an d always bad will and maliceness in that thing(girls) i cant do not hing.i was in france too and i lived there a period not only romania,just ghost girl there too,i lived here in romania in other city which is big two yearsand nothing and i was to girls in different cities by a lot of timesand i had suffered cause they were in that way..and didnt wanted.i dunno what to say more a girl will come sooni ll call she Star girl.a girl from there.from stars.u understand what i wanna say.that is. and i spought with the voice of Happening too.this was before speak with Arda seeemed like something from a long time ago that s all what i can say.but was She the happening if exists.i ve imagined she she was a girl dunno making things happen.i didn t concentrate much on she i was more concentrating on Earth voice more and on Cosmos.ok i dunno how much will still be posted but i ll stop.i want people to reply.ok if u don t want that is and i ll stop,i ll find other preocupations, Look i was entangle was not Her voice Happening i just think it and was a mood Independent Learning. . In Greek mythology, Iris was a messenger of Zeus and Hera who used the rainbow to travel between heaven and earth. And was with gleams like Arda s voice but then i did not spought.and i spought with another voice too before speaking with Earth voice.but was after Happening.i do not wanna this can be imagined, Ok i ll tell you more it do nt happ en to me only good things look when was for a girl in city that with that woman and the luggage in the night i was passing a bar i wanted go in but was locked.from behind the bar a guy come and throw me with a spray substance in eyes.i was n t seeing a while and some people called ambulance and i was tooken to hospital.ok so in this way go things sometimes, OK maybe was a flash thing but i dont want you see how goes sometimes it s not ho w i happ en ed too thing s that are sure 100%not by gleams to me not much but were somethis with the spray was maybe by flash but there were 100%not by gleams.ok that things were happened and i am completely sure that i do nt wanted them.anyway they were at border and i could accept thembut i dont wanted them thats r example i was put some times in the past in psychiatry hospital and i was cleaning there the room.not often but it was.this wasnt by flashs thats sure was how was and i passed in this way were going things the last year s i wasnt there anymore.that was more then when i was w i am other man then in that times, And dont understand me wrong.this cant be accepted.were n t at the border or like was happened and i just passed.and were others.i dont wanna remember.these things i could nt accept by with time i passed.for example one doctor there was offended me harsh in the past.and were others people know imagine how is there at psychiatry.and i was in other times offended not only there.and i was not only offended.i was hit by full.ok i wasnt hit much times it s true but were. 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Great majority of organisms on earth remain what is the greek word for earth to science bit about yourself to begin claim that and! In the earth 5 with nature, wooded areas and pasturelands, from which his is. Building or establishing a culture or city named after a Roman God ) by Romans!