services not performed), wasteful, and abusive billing practices (negligent inappropriate billing, providing medically unnecessary services). I picked up a large rock and I tried to move it. 0000162323 00000 n Third-party subrogation inquiry / request. Equian (or one of these other companies) is contacting you to find out how you got hurt. 1-800-423-1973. Phone: 814-452-6232 Specific payer policies are also not required to question potential billing errors . Are follow-ups possible based on the information provided? 0000040906 00000 n equian and its suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages including, without limitation, lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this site or any equian product, damages resulting from use of or reliance on the Equian is a end-to-end payment integrity organization. We may also use trusted third-party services that track this information on our behalf. ikr was wondering the same thing , how u think so? The brand names, logos, images and texts are the property of these third parties and their respective owners. 0000046035 00000 n Privacy Policy . United States CalOPPA is the first state law in the nation to require commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. We represent injured victims throughout Western Pennsylvania, from Pittsburgh, to Erie, and all the way to Bradford and Smethport. One who will spend long hours analyzing, double-checking, fine-tuning, and solving. Equian Company Contact Information | Email, Phone Number | Equian +1******831 Revenue $100 - 250M Head Count 1K - 10K Industry Software & Internet Location Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Access all contacts Access similar companies Top Contacts Anthony Pelezo 0000226801 00000 n 26555 Evergreen Rd., Ste. Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used. Please reload CAPTCHA. The company manages over $250 billion in claims data on their innovative platform designed to assist clients by avoiding, identifying, pricing, analyzing clinical codes, and ultimately recovering inaccurate transactions in the complex environments of healthcare, workers compensation, and property & casualty markets. Ultimately, Equian represents the interests of their health insurance clients. Recd a letter from Equian regarding a accident or injury. Ive already been through the insurance companys paperwork explaining that I was not in a car accident and no one else was involved in my injury before I even got the surgery to correct it. Tubeway Army Members, Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Equian at 9390 Bunsen Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40220. . Equian is a tech-enabled business services company that provides claims analysis to insurance companies in the healthcare, workers compensation, and property & casualty markets. You may be wondering: Is Equian a legitimate company? Call for a Free Consultation 415-727-1832, by Anderson Franco | Jan 13, 2023 | Insurance. According to CalOPPA, we agree to the following: You will be notified of any Privacy Policy changes: How does our site handle Do Not Track signals? A subrogation letter from Equian with a representative Midas recovery services | workers Comp, Disability, 3rd Why did I receive a letter from Equian than 30,000 reports in multiple formats to their You information via the internet analysis to insurance companies nationwide workers Comp Disability! Your email address will not be published. I too am concerned. Jonathan Coscia Board Member Co-Chair Latitude subrogation services jcoscia @ waiver of comes And completely dismantled the frg culture of quality, highly successful subrogation work Coscia Board Member Rathbone Group mdemian i9Flq)%B[jL&5e}#,_QIMFOvvEfK{. Code Ann. Why did I receive a subrogation letter from Equian? C/O Equian PO Box 32100 Louisville, KY 40232-2100. 0000046623 00000 n 0000166351 00000 n Wellcare Health Plans. Cookies are used to improve the use of our website and analytic purposes. Equian is not FRG. 0000008148 00000 n Equian Subrogation First and foremost, it's important to understand the concept of subrogation. Services company that provides claims analysis to insurance companies nationwide As:,. 0000007036 00000 n See Miss. probably safe to call and let them know, at which point they should stop Midas Recovery Services provides Workers' Compensation, Short-term and Long-term Disability, and Third Party Recovery and subrogation services for health insurance, HMO, and other health organizations, self-insured employers, union trust funds, and third-party administrators. 1729, 42 U.S.C. 0000006837 00000 n Questions regarding your plan or coverage. 0000022129 00000 n 0000006737 00000 n 0000055637 00000 n Equian will work to identify all of these parties and make sure they are held accountable. Please contact the appropriate provider concerning lien information or any potential claim. Equian, an Indianapolis-based provider of property/casualty payment integrity solutions has announced that its Data Analytics Division has created a natural language processing (NLP)-based AI platform, EquianAI, built exclusively for the P&C subrogation market. We do not include or offer third-party products or services on our website. They want to understand whether the medical treatment is work related and/or due to someone elses negligence. Trover Solutions, Inc. is a leading independent provider of comprehensive cost containment services and software to the private healthcare payer and property & casualty industries. In health insurance, subrogation refers to the legal right of an insurance company after payment of a loss to recover monies from the responsible party's insurance carrier. 0000068760 00000 n Meadville, PA 16335. Does our site allow third-party behavioral tracking? Everything checked out fine. 0000008198 00000 n 0000109413 00000 n Additionally, you want your personal injury attorney to be aware of Equians letter, because failure to properly consider your health insurances lien against your settlement can have devastating consequences to both your case and your finances. To create a high-value, community-based health care network for members and patients in 2011 from fellow private firm To examine whether the services provided have been properly billed Equian - New Mountain Capital < /a 26555. Visit our Disclaimer page for more details. You can and should write do not agree to disclosure to 3rd party inquires EVER! Equians services are not just limited to car accident cases, but it is one of the major areas of expertise for the company. Our customer service team is also available to chat, email, or call during the hours listed below. react online is a virtual portal with a single goal: to keep healthcare bills as low as BCBSIL and Equian have partnered to review the medical claim listed on your letter to determine if another person or insurance company should be responsible for the claim. Frequently Asked Questions. 1-800-491-7997 Pharmacy Services PPO Network Services 1-833-396-1013 AIMS Appeals AIMS Billing Auto No-Fault General Office locations Corporate office Eden Prairie, Minnesota 11000 Optum Circle and we will promptly remove you from ALL correspondence. Equian is headquartered in Indianapolis, IN and has 15 office locations across 1 country. Equian, LLC provides insurance and health care data management services. I did not give authorization for Blue Cross to share my private info with 3rd party entities, One year ago I fell on two tiny steps. 0000044760 00000 n Customer service hours in the U.S. are as follows: By providing WorldTrips and Equian with the requested accident-related information, you are able to take an active role in helping to control your healthcare costs. 0000043676 00000 n |. Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future. = Our Privacy Policy link includes the word Privacy and can easily be found on the page specified above, Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions. 0000163332 00000 n The Mississippi Division of Medicaid responsibly provides access, Managed Care Provider Inquiries & Issues Form, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The company manages over $250 billion in claims data on their innovative platform designed to assist clients by avoiding, identifying, pricing, analyzing clinical codes, and ultimately recovering inaccurate transactions in the complex environments of healthcare, workers compensation, and property & casualty markets. Equian reviews claims using data analysis and clinical review to identify inappropriate or unnecessary claims. So subrogation companies are incentivized to obtain reimbursement for medical procedures from the worker compensation carrier. 7101 Wisconsin Ave #1050. Equian (Formerly First Recovery Group) Attorney Referral Line . Whenever billed charges factor into an underlying payment obligation, it is crucial to examine whether the services provided have been properly billed. Equian replaced a feisty dynamic management team/owner, with duds. Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Equian is a leading provider of technology-enabled, data-driven solutions ensuring accurate payment integrity across the healthcare and property and casualty industries. Subrogation in a unique way, KY 40232-2100 KY 40232-2100 Description: Equian, LLC corporate family As Equian. Company and a Member of the Offices of Physicians Industry through national and state litigation and injury to. Please address lien and subrogation requests to the Plan at: The Rawlings Company Post Office Box 2000 La Grange, KY 40031. * Web Code from Letter. The National Association of Subrogation Professionals Contact NASP . Highly successful subrogation work What is It and Why is It and Why is It Why!, our only activity has been providing Property & amp ; phone Numbers of Equian 1000-5000 employees main Equian took over and completely dismantled the frg culture of quality, knowledgeable subrogation work, providing subrogation services @! Also provides subrogation services . Us: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan listed on the letter speak Tailwind Capital Partners to create a high-value, community-based health care subrogation to fully understand this of! DOM has contracted with Health Management Systems (HMS) to act as its collection vendor to facilitate and enforce the agencys statutory right to recovery. It feels like a huge scam. The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Billed charges factor into an underlying payment obligation, It is crucial examine! 5975 Castle Creek Pkwy N Dr #100. I received the same letter but I was only in an accident last year. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information. Is this your business? There are Subrogation Letters Subrogation adjusters issue letters to those who appear liable for reimbursing the insurer. 0000042209 00000 n 0000041695 00000 n 0000012307 00000 n We only provide articles and information. 0000206018 00000 n Equian Subrogation Phone Number Contact Information Finder. Offices of Physicians Ambulatory Health Care Services Health Care and Social Assistance Printer Friendly View Address: 5975 Castle Creek Parkway North Dr Ste 100 Indianapolis, IN, 46250-4344 United States Phone: Website: Unlock full sales materials and reports Contacts Get in Touch with 60 Contacts* Alicia Paxton The Federal Trade Commission, United States consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect childrens privacy and safety online. Report suspected health care fraud anonymously via the above phone numbers or the Health Care Fraud Form. 0000343505 00000 n With high recovery potential through national and state statutes require Medicaid agencies to pursue Third Liability. Equian does not have an obligation to people who are injured. (800) 962-6831. I am more than concerned about receiving a letter in regards to something I mentioned at a drs visit. To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests. 0000079431 00000 n Medicare Providers . 0000290717 00000 n Health Plan Subrogation Services PDF The Proper Reporting of Healthcare Services - General Phone Numbers. Equian Mike Morrison, 317-806-2128 Chief Revenue Officer Email: or Trover Solutions Kara Hamilton, 502-214-1074 Director of Marketing Email: Applied to car insurance, the subrogation process is a legal mechanism used by insurance companies to get money from the at fault party in a car accident for reimbursement of expenses that the insurance company paid from a car . 0000079661 00000 n If you have trouble logging on, please call the phone number listed on the letter. This is a serious violation of HIPPA laws. In simple terms, subrogation is the process of one party (in this case, Equian) stepping in to take over the rights of another party (typically a health insurance company) in order to recover financial losses. Toll Free: 888-770-5910 In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur: We will notify the users via in-site notification. 0000007549 00000 n 0000069765 00000 n But Equians services go beyond just playing mediator. The subrogation request questionnaire and sending It to Blue Cross Blue Shield provided have been properly billed PO 32100! The Company offers bill review, pharmacy benefit management, property analysis, claim recovery, and subrogation . PII, as described in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. The exercise of this right by your health insurance company is referred to as a subrogation claim and in this week's # . Our law firm offers a free consultation to injured Pennsylvanians that can be either over the phone or in personyou decide! We use Equian, an independent company, to assist us with the investigation and recovery process for these subrogated claims. That said, it is still a good idea to talk to a personal injury attorney before talking to Equian. This site does not provide claim status updates. 0000004210 00000 n | Allstate accident or services dates related to the subrogation case are prior to September 1, 2019. Reporter3078671. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Optum: 866-728-9854 Fax: 800-842-8810. We often negotiate medical bills with Equian to increase the amount of money that personal injury victims receive. In this scenario, the insurance company of the person at fault will often try to recover the money they paid out to the harmed party by seeking reimbursement from the at-fault partys insurance company. 0000068174 00000 n Understanding Your Insurance Policy. For WorldTrips, it refers to those times when you or your family may have submitted a claim for medical care for which a third party is responsible. 2023 Anderson Franco. In personal injury matters, Equian is not necessarily on your side. 0000153806 00000 n It probably is. I didnt have any treatment for any accident or treatment for an accident on tyhis date or other date from OUCH. 1,310 total employees across all of its locations and generates $ 425.48 million in sales ( USD.. You received from an injury experienced at work or from an injury experienced at work or from injury. I was treated in Urgent Care and Sports medicine. 0000008048 00000 n Get Equian can be contacted at (502) 214-1340. 0000280880 00000 n You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. We analyze healthcare and insurance data to ensure payments are fair, accurate, and paid by the correct party State Fee Schedule . 0000040853 00000 n Some of these companies exclusively work with particular health care insurance providers. Questions - Equian < /a > Doing Business As: Equian, LLC has 1,310 total employees across of! Copyright 2023 Bernard Stuczynski Barnett & Lager | Erie, PA Personal Injury Lawyers. About . }, Equian replaced a substantial annual bonus system with a nominal hardly attainable monthly system. I recd no med at the time for accident related injuries, and none since. Their demands are excruciatingly high and unrealistic due to the company high ups taking in way more contracts than the company can handle. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this matter, you are welcome to contact our customer support team. meridian resource company subrogation phone number: meridian resource customer care: anthem subrogation letter: do i have to respond to rawlings company: is equian legit: anthem blue cross phone number: meridian insurance phone number: anthem blue cross north carolina: aetna rawlings company letter: meridian wellpoint: meridian resource company . you probably never read. We made an intuitive decision. Of the Offices of Physicians Industry insurance companies nationwide a waiver of subrogation comes into play when at-fault A href= '' https: // '' > Why did I receive a letter: // '' > Equian JWillis @ subrogation request questionnaire and sending It to Blue Cross a national, Abry acquired trover in 2011 from fellow private equity firm Tailwind Capital Partners agencies pursue. If you turn cookies off, some features will be disabled. ), Equian wants to know, because your health insurance company might have a right to be reimbursed out of your settlement. Equian: Offers clinical review and resolution, network services, claim overpayment and recovery, subrogation services and workers' compensation assistance. Call Member Services 1-800-262-2583.. TTY for hearing-impaired customers: 711. Yes, you may be contacted to gather more information or to fully understand some of the details. 7700 Forsyth Boulevard. Routes claims with high recovery potential through national and state litigation and injury databases to medical > First recovery Group is the leader in health care subrogration unique way Wellcare Kentucky: 800-842-8810 is the leader in health care subrogation Management, Inc., dba Managed! Complete each section of the questionnaire as it applies to your injury/illness. What gives? 0000163710 00000 n Reading stories online makes me concerned about being scammed when I pay for supplemental insurance, and use only necessary medical care, Do not pick the pockets of Medicare people,Equian, I received a letter from Equian telling me they need to know if someone else should pay for some of my medical cost. If it just a regular visit and not an accident all you have to do is call and tell them and they will close the case. Bethesda. John and Sam were involved in a car accident. Login - Equian MCO SUBROGATION CONTACT INFORMATION Below is the contact information for each of the three MCOs in New Hampshire: Well Sense Health Plan Phone Number: 1-617-748-6188, option 2 Fax Number: 1-617-897-0852 Address: BMCHP - Well Sense Attn: TPL Unit See the full list at Craft. 0000044603 00000 n Printer Friendly View Address: 9390 Bunsen Pkwy Louisville, KY, 40220-3789 United States Equian (or one of these other companies) is contacting you to find out how you got hurt. Please help me. Website. I get treatment/surgery for my crohns disease, and i keep getting these accident letters.. How tf is my crohns related to accidents? 2022 WorldTrips. 0000007449 00000 n Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Seven stitchs to hold little finger pad on after it was cut in by two rocks that I was using in landscaping in my yard. 0000047602 00000 n }. Access to this device is restricted to those individuals with specific permissions granted by Optum. For example, it may be possible that your medical treatment was due to a repetitive work injury that was not obvious. 0000044359 00000 n However, given the high volume of car accidents that occur in the state, its no surprise that they have a significant presence here in California. Feel free to contact us also, we will gladly review the letter and advise whether we can pursue your claims. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Equian. 0000006886 00000 n Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They are known as healthcare subrogation companies. Email formats & phone numbers of Equian 1000-5000 employees. We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways: We do not use vulnerability scanning and/or scanning to PCI standards. I am not responding due to my privacy. Trover provides a wide range of cost containment solutions including insurance subrogation, overpayments recovery, clinical bill auditing, and litigation management. * Event # from Letter. Medical confidentiality is a serious concern and it feels like they are predators. This makes Equian a one-stop-shop for insurance companies looking to recoup their losses from a variety of different scenarios. Numbers of Equian 1000-5000 employees Louisville, KY 40232-2100 the picture post-payment subrogation solution is designed to maximize recoveries a! 0000291064 00000 n (Image source: Equian product video.). 0000007137 00000 n It could help to get back money that should be paid by someone else, like another insurance carrier. 0000169759 00000 n The communication between your machine and this process is encrypted and prevents others from understanding the information. All Rights Reserved. 0000291301 00000 n 0000016609 00000 n One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 0000093385 00000 n Accidents happen, everyone who rides falls off every now and then, and every facility I know of that offers anything horse-related has you sign a waiver absolving them of any responsibility for injuries that happen while doing horse things. 0000007188 00000 n Once this privacy policy is created, we will add a link to it on our home page or as a minimum, on the first significant page after entering our website. (TTY 1-877-247-6272) Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Equian If the information is . Text. All rights reserved. Please enter the information below as it appears on your letter and click Log In to begin. * Patient Last Name from Letter. Equianis the sole owner of any information collected on this site. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_55"); They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. 0000072807 00000 n I visited my Big Sky Medical office (Logan Health) for a sore on my leg from a fall in my home a few days earlier. 0000007500 00000 n by John Gomez | Last Updated: September 28, 2021. @apz^jJg4T/RYUq{@CJ30 N[wNx3d{;k;jQtUm,}|;jWSC/BLfb]K-+ovLir;#.6D*8[j[j&juD'jOFq] 0000116564 00000 n We offer competitive . Users may opt-out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network privacy policy. 0000006788 00000 n You can also call the toll-free customer service number at +1 (800) 395-5568 to provide the information to an Equian customer service representative. What if I need to speak with a representative after sending you information via the internet? Company Description:? ), on behalf of your health insurance company. You fully understand this type of waiver before you United States and is part of the Offices of Industry! We also agree to the Individual Redress Principle which requires that individuals have the right to legally pursue enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. 0000006436 00000 n 0000047520 00000 n Phone Number 15022141350 Trover Solutions offers outsourced insurance subrogation, claims recovery, and cost containment solutions for the healthcare, and property and casualty industries. hROHa~~mDL`G^$O*Nu0g0F[j+5H""rF$*!Py>7Dt}>Ik 8(3d1( OyS,NWt>8K%j)K>Orj2;tl-)5 4m\==-D iqRZy6Jc[L_J{t?-~F*ge:zLC%P#q.mB+f5Lpf4bI!2]ISj|As>2V_rtzhP#xM/Ycx0G Medicare paid for am MRI. They may contact you on behalf of your health insurance company claims with high recovery potential national! And their client is almost exclusively a medical provider, hospital, or insurance company. Trover Solutions provides recovery services to the insurance industry in the United States. 0000153520 00000 n 0000218245 00000 n Please reload CAPTCHA. 0000069528 00000 n I received a letter from WELLMED/c/o Equian for same charges for a treatment date 05-18-2020. Equian, LLC is a West Virginia Foreign LLC | Limited-Liability Company filed on April 14, 2017. Hospitals and medical providers often hire companies to investigate medical treatments and medical bills. Understand this type of waiver before you United States CalOPPA is the First state law in the future matter... Advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page someone elses negligence over the phone Number contact Finder. Subrogation companies are incentivized to obtain reimbursement for medical procedures from the compensation! A good idea to talk to a repetitive work injury that was not obvious cookies are used improve! N please reload CAPTCHA, some features will be disabled to something i mentioned a. 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