About Twilight Granger Fanfiction Crossover Hermione . "Oh, it's not that bad," she said crossly, annoyed that he wasn't more focused on her accomplishment. "Your mother was a brilliant witch." Pairing: Remus/Hermione, Draco/Harry, James/Lily. Potter Ball RELATED:Harry Potter: 5 Changes From The Books That Make Sense (& 5 That Dont). But she isn't pretty. Her reliance on Harry's brotherly embrace gives her a moment to be vulnerable, proving her trust in her best friend. Summary: When Hermione finds a way to bring Sirius back from the Veil, her actions change the rest of the war. "I've missed you so much Hermione," he said. Chapter 1: Confidence. Granger is far more than just"the brightest witch of herage. Summary: But all is not right with Draco, and Head Girl Hermione Granger cant help but get involved. "Were you aware of Andy's crush?" After Harry had disappeared Kingsley had immediately contacted the Ministry and organised several places he thought Harry might go to be watched from first light tomorrow. Summary: Verus Fatum: True Destiny. This hug makes it very clear just how close and loyal they are to each other. Even when Hermione and her two best friends got along, there were other instances when people didn't treat her right. "Maman loved Shakespeare." "As I understand it, you are saving us for a second time, no Miss Potter, I am here to help you." There she must sacrifice all to save those she loves most. who is only just old enough to vote herself. Summary: Hermione is plucked from danger during the Battle of Hogwarts by a mysterious witch from the future and brought back to the year 1942. "Dear." "You are putting all your faith in me?" I've used Daphne Greengrass here because I'm reading this story at the moment where the relationship between the two is similar and I've found it really cute and sweet): Harry was in bed having another sleepless night. "They will still be there when you are older, enjoy your life Hermione, at least for a while." Hermione and Ron were both crying silently as they tried to imagine why Harry had given himself up. Not movin' or nothin'. "It's going to have to be Harry," Hermione said. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. 3. "How may I help you?" He was grappling once again with his conscience when he felt someone sit on the end of his bed. Disclaimer: Only the plot, people, only the plot. People expected he would get back with Ginny but, oddly enough, he couldn't bring himself to ask her back out. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. A tiny pinprick of. Secrets and Lies And when one unwittingly interferes with time, what one expects may not be what time finds, Title: The Right Path by CauseChocolateRocks, Summary: After a Time Turner accident sent her back in time, Hermione Granger faces the events she knows she cant change, and tries to be ignored. Summary: A mysterious item and mischievous Marauders end up accidentally shoving Remus Lupin into another time and place where he has to rebuild his life from scratch, deal with the aftermath of a war he hadnt yet been a part of, all with the help of new friends and a special young witch. Her Hermione Potter memory was only providing her with bits of information, she knew she saw Andromeda a lot more than Sirius, Sirius only came over with his evil mother, that woman had a constant glare on her face, and that the reason for him coming over was to see if the two could make a potential match. . That led to Ron publicly insulting her without realizing Hermione was nearby. Sirius moaned for the fifth time as the three made there way through the forest, the Potter cousins sent each other a look. It seems that Death is a real being and that The Three Brothers actually did meet Death at that river. Something seemed to settle over her and it took her a minute before she realised it was happiness. "Why of course, maybe he could keep James entertained too." 6. WhenHarry faces being cursed to make him talk aboutDumbledore's Army, she blurts out that she'll tell Umbridge about Dumbledore's secret weapon. Even though he doesn't always have the right words to say, he will always act as a source of comfort. Her voice then took on a serious tone. Future educationalists will analyse JK Rowling's fanfiction from various points of view. I will always love you. Her eyes closed, scrunched up as she mentally fought to keep the images away of everyone who had fallen in the war. So, I had this story idea, but I've already got 6 stories on the go and a folder full of countless others on my PC that I've started and haven't His tone was bored as he glared at James, his messy hair and the hole he'd made on his jumper not five minutes ago. 21. But petty school rivalries and archaic prejudices are hastily buried along with the hatchet when an old, powerful magic is awakened within the school. 41. She lays her head on his shoulder at the graveside as they wish each other "Happy Christmas.". "As much as I admire your dedication, I believe you should spend these next few years enjoying this childhood, as it seems you never really had one." Behind him, Hermione searched for Ron's hand in the dark and when she found it, she squeezed it tightly. Climbing over she made her way up the stairs and to the door hanging off the hinges, most of the room had been turned upside down, books lay torn on the floor and the desk was gone. "Tracey Davis. This moment comes at a crossroads for Harry during Deathly Hallows Part IIwhen he decides to sacrifice himself to save Hogwarts, as well as all of his loved ones currently fighting the Death Eaters. Hermione made the ultimate sacrifice by making her family forget she existed, which is possibly just as painful as losing them to death. I had the chance to know my parents," Hermione's face took on a guilty look. Throughout the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger consistently proves herself as selfless, smart, and deserving of Harry's respect. 32. He tried to make his feet as light as possible as he crunched towards the purring, stopping as he caught sight of Crookshanks' squished face, his eyes on James but his paws were on something else. When Harryhas to face off against a dragon, she stays up late with him to help him strategize. Hermione must face her true destiny when in the wake of war a mysterious object pulls her through time. He must be hallucinating. "I'll do it." "What broom is it?" Her aunt spoke, her hazel eyes on Hermione, full of mirth. Of course, the gatecrasher was an unconscious girl from the future who looked as though she had just been tortured into insanity. Harry asked, downcast. James rolled his eyes, he'd figured that much, his mother only had one sister and that sister was batty. When he reveals what he is going to do to Ron and Hermione, Hermione tearfully offers to go with him. Most of Hogwarts was now rubble, the smell of smoke and burning bodies seemed to cling to the air even a year later. It's more than a little awkward and out of place, given the circumstances. "Hermione, you're not real. Hermione called as she made her way to the kitchen, smiling when she saw Andromeda and Euphemia speaking in low voices, full of giggles. Hermione replied. Hermione Set Snape's Robes On Fire. Hermione embraced Harry and kissed him. Summary: Ron and Hermione had also added some suggestions and he arranged to have them all monitored. When he finds her again, he can hardly trust his sanity. There was the time the troll almost killed her, then the basilisk petrified her, Voldemort's snake attacked Hermione, and the list goes on. She held the timeturner up to her face, taking in the silver and gold sand inside, the writing on the outer circle before placing it around her neck and turning the little knob out the side. Harry Potterglosses over the fact that Granger lost her parents, not to death, but by being forgotten. "How come you weren't named after a constellation?" Ron howled, leaping up on the bed and banging his head on the low ceiling. Andromeda Black asked as she looked over Hermione, her eyes filled with tears. They stayed liked that for a long moment and then Hermione leaned back and looked him in those emerald green eyes she loved so much. Luke the Muggle "How are the family?" Her skin was tan and complemented her caramel waves that hung down her back and her eyes were a sparkling hazel. You can't be here," he said, confused. Not that Hermione is pretty. Harry Potter: Hermione Vs Luna: Who Was The Better Character? Though the Harry Potterseries never shows Hermione getting hurt, Ron and Harry find her in the infirmary after beingpetrified during her search at the library, holding a hand mirror and a page from a book. 23. However, it demonstrates the pair's closeness and their ability to still act silly, no matter what they are going through, and no one can argue that it's not cute. And so the question becomes: Does Hermione dare disturb the universe? "I don't know if I can do that Hermione," Harry said. She is cast back to the Marauders Era where she is Hermione Potter, the pureblood fraternal twin sister of James Potter. I love you so much," Harry said. He felt older, much older, now and he thought of her as a child still. She mumbled as Hermione let out a high pitched laugh. "Why did we destroy all those time-turners!" New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Times Hermione Earned Harry's Respect In Harry Potter, Harry Potter: 9 Smartest Female Characters, Ranked, 5 Best Romantic Relationships In Harry Potter (& 5 Of The Worst), Malfoy deserved the blow to his aristocratic face, Harry use thetime turner. Dteste les Dramione par-dessus tout et aussi les. "Whatever for child?" When Hermione first appeared in Harry Potter, she was just a child, and yet she already knew many more things than her classmates. In fact, he had the tendency to throw it right into Hermione's face. You were right there with me through it all. "Lovely to meet you too Sirius." Marrying almost the first guy a girl dates isn't always the best idea. James groaned as he rolled his eyes and clutched Crookshanks closer, the cat seeming eager to escape again, his other hand pulled the door open and allowed his mother and Hermione to pass, he may not know this girl but he was raised a gentleman. When he finds her again, he can hardly trust his sanity. Voldy hit 'Arry with the Killin' Curse and 'Arry fell to the ground. "It's alright dear, you are safe here." He shook his head to clear it. "Jamie, did you find him?" "Harry, you need to let me go.". Severus looked at her for a moment before nodding and striding towards the fireplace. Pairing: Sirius/Hermione. She wrapped his arms around him. . "We met her a few times, I suppose we never got to say sorry for what happened." His first action as the new Minister for Magic is to break at least a dozen international laws to bring her home. Her eyes stopped on James and she let out a gasp, a hand covering her mouth before her eyes flew to Euphemia. In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, Harry, Ron, and Hermione ask Luna Lovegood's father for help, but he offers them up in exchange for his daughter. Title: Everything Is Coming Up Draco by Pierrj92. Pairing: Draco/Hermione; Ron/Hermione; Harry/Ginny. "True. "They would be useful now, I admit," Hermione said. Even though Ron only asked Hermione as a last resort when he couldn't get a date for the Yule Ball, he still was jealous of her when he learned she went with someone else. "Hermione, a lady never shouts." Throughout theHarry Potterseries,Harry Pottermakes a lot of friends and enemies. "Hello Miss Potter, or should I call you Miss Granger?" She spoke, her voice harsh as she lifted the box with the time Turner out of her bag, gulping as she did so. 5. "Sorry to bother you but Professor Dumbledore had asked to see you." He asked taking a sip of his tea, his eyes watching her with their usual twinkle as she looked around, making sure no one had heard, but the house was quiet, Fleamont was in his office, James was asleep and Euphemia was in the garden. He also wasn't sure he could trust his voice, knowing the cost of the victory. Merlin, those Blacks were a crazy bunch. Sirius asked. Hermione's bravery helped her best friend and others along the way. Muggles, especially those related to wizards and witches, were no longer safe after the return of Voldemort. Couples prfrs : Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Remus/Tonks, George/Angelina Priode de prdilection pour la fanfic : "19 ans aprs" notamment, mais j'aime Adore le canon de Rowling, les drabbles, les song-fic, la Next Gen et les dfis. She transports them to Muggle London, diverting the Death Eaters' attention for a moment. Euphemia shot James a sharp look, he turned to look at Hermione and nodded his head. Hermione, however, sticks by him through all of it. Harry and Hermione have an incredibly deep connection that is based on loyalty and support. Eggshells and Talks Hermione's mouth fell open, she nodded her head and through herself out of bed, dressing one of James' old jumpers and one of his old pair of jeans before following her Aunt down the stairs and into the sitting room. Summary: The last place Draco Malfoy thought hed end up in after the war was Hogwarts, as their Eighth Year Head Boy, working together with none other than the bane of his academic existence, Mudblood Granger. She felt slightly dizzy, too many memories in her head that had never been hers before. Numb In June 2021, Kirsten joined Dead Talk Media where she wrote and prepared topics and questions for celebrity guests. In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, the tension between the three best friends escalatesquickly after theyarein hiding in the forest, primarily due to the Horcrux they're attempting to destroy. And when all else failed, she sought help in her beloved books. Ginny felt numb. This story belongs to sjg74, not me. Hermione smirked gently, they say that about lions too. When Draco and Hermione come face to face with one another at Hogwarts for their eighth year, they have to finally work through the unresolved feelings left from one summer night after his trial. Summary: When Hermione Granger falls through time, she finds herself in the middle of a changing time for the wizarding world. If she did this, she could save everyone, give people a better life. 2 We saw an accident while we were waiting for the bus. "Remember that I will always be with you. "Harry, I know you will always love me. "I couldn't let you die, Harry. So, I had this story idea, but I've already got 6 stories on the go and a folder full of countless others on my PC that I've started and haven't finished. Bait Born and raised in Orange County, California, Kirsten Schultz moved north just on the outskirts of Los Angeles in 2018. Harry waved her off. The strain of the stressful situation becomes too much of a burden on the trio, causing Ron to lash out and abandon Harry. Family and Blood Purity. 25. Published Apr 2, 2022. She makes you happy in a way I haven't seen since the Battle. "I sincerely hope it does my dear, you after all are our last hope." She then disappeared and tears pooled in Harry's eyes again. She wasn't asking, she was telling. Harry returned the kiss. His voice even sounded the same, she held back tears as they filled up her eyes, a wobbly smile on her face. "Hello, Sir." Her voice was polite, an aristocratic tone to it that she'd only ever heard from older Sirius. "How's that new broom working out for you, James?" "I received a letter from myself, imagine my surprise when I was told of a Hermione Granger." Harry Potter had been lost in a world of his own since his defeat of Voldemort. Hermione's eyes went wide as Fleamont's sharp eyes stayed on her face, his whole face seeming to scrunch up much like Crookshanks. He blamed himself and he was ashamed of his behaviour. James groaned as he stepped outside, the snow beneath his feet crunching, and the stars twinkling up above. Though most knew of the Potter family, no one had ever seen the inside of their house, not unless they were family or close friends. Never had she been teased over a boy or giggled over a cousins crush, she felt herself relax as she joked with her aunt. "Grandfather sent me here, there was big bang and someone was screaming and he said go to your Uncle Fleamont, he gave me this and then something happened and I woke up here." Things turned out well for her, but it didn't come without some sadness. "Stop carrying on so, your mother will hear." I grew up in a loving household. Harry said. Or his, for that matter. "It's okay Hermione. Platonic "I'm Hermione Potter, daughter of Octans Potter and Marie Felipe, granddaughter of Charlus Potter and Dorea Black, I" She spoke as though she'd practised the speech her whole life, and maybe she had, most Purebloods did. She felt sick to the stomach as she tried to take deep breaths. "I will Aunt Effie." Which Harry Potter Order Member Is Your Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Unknown by the one she loves but will this all change when Hermione comes up with a crazy, dangerous idea? Then she felt herself falling into a blackness, she heard voices and screams, someone telling her to leave but it was as though she was listening through walls, and then there was nothing. Now, what you hear tonight must never go any further. He was confused, until he saw Sirius walk slightly faster so he was a step behind the two. "I saw how much you were struggling. Her skin was pale, like the snow against her black curls and neck to ankle length black dress, which was getting wet from the snow. Time was slipping. Break She watched as Sirius' seemed to perk up while James frowned and sent her a look. He hadn't meant to let Crookshanks out, the grumpy cat had gotten out all by himself and James had been blamed and sent to search the garden. When Hermione first appeared in Harry Potter, she was just a child, and yet she already knew many more things than her classmates.Her intelligence was her defining feature and it helped her more than once during the darker times that were to come. She stopped as she took in the destroyed Gargoyle statue, it's head by its feet and it's body cracked, her pale hand reached out to touch it, letting out a sigh as bits of stone turned to dust. The Potter Manor was one of the biggest houses people in Godric's Hallow had ever seen. Harry, Neville, Luna, they'd all lost their parents, grown up an orphan in one way or another. His grief-stricken, sleep-deprived mind had to be playing tricks on him. Unpredictable "Ted." And Hermione had a close brush with death on more than one occasion - all during the first 17 years of her life! Title: If Wishes Were Horses: An Eighth-Year Tale by Eilonwy. I needed to talk to you to help you. 18. Maybe not her greatest moment but certainly one of her strongest, Hermione's torture at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange would deserve respect from anyone. He looked at the clock. "I love you too much to let you go Hermione. Hermione volunteers to go with him, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, 10 Strongest Slytherins In Harry Potter, Ranked, The spell caused temporaryharm to his face, 10 Most Popular Harry Potter Ships, Ranked, Death Eater Yaxley grabs onto Ron, getting himsplinched in the process, Almost every character in the franchise has lost or made sacrifices, Harry Potter: 5 Perks Of Being Hermione Granger (& 5 Harsh Realities). Of course he knew she wasn't - she had seen and experienced just as much as he had . Hermione's mouth fell open and her cheeks burned bright red, sure she was older than most people thoughts but at times, more often than not, she had the emotions and feelings of a eight year old girl. It sat on top of the hill, the forest surrounding it, a lake behind it and huge fences and gate preventing anyone unwelcome from entering. Hermione married Ron, who was her school sweetheart, but on a closer look, these two don't have that much in common. Visit Kath Leroy's blog for her articles about culture, acting life as well as other topics, follow her on Twitter and on Instagram as @girlartistgeek or contact her directly at kathleroy2018@gmail.com. The room was full of Death Eaters and, apparently, they were waiting for them. 35. He gave her a sad smile and moved in his seat as she stepped forward. "Ron, Hermione, you told us how Harry had taken Snapes memories and had gone to watch them before he went into the forest. I am no longer updating or taking any requests/asks. "But so did you. He turned to see his mother making her way out into the garden, clutching the robe around her as she searched the trees for her son. Summary: Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter: The 10 Saddest Things About Hermione, Harry Potter: 10 Times Hermione Was Super Annoying (But Also Right), actually erased herself from her parents' memory, attacking Ron with the birds she conjured up. "I know. She let out a little squeak and turned to face Andromeda, only the girl was laughing. Kingsley scanned the faces in the room, making sure they all understood the gravity of the situation. Elaine_s, grankinamaria04, NotSoSirius92, Jaystarglider, Wolfboi1, Jo_SJAB, jjg, Kenna_M, HPMCUHG_trash, xNinky, skinningkittens, Ju_StADreamer, TemptationIsBliss06, Snickerdoodles143, percy_osmond, Lesley616, ladynatblack, nottheiliad, Deysi, HeartOfTheLion, Strawberrylove, coffee_granger_girl, LosiramEspinoza, Mary_Homes, MsKBogle80, Kristine_Storms, UpYourCupcake, SoozQ20, Soledad02, Aliti, Msscrittrice, ZombieCyborgAssassin, Kohra, fandom_life11, CraftyasaFox, letomcat, Helpfulfairy92, idontknow3, MalfoyHuntzberger, CarlyRBlack, queeninthenorth, devasttnk, EvilCatLady, TheSword, Nortia, Neas, ShadowCat69, Moshkino, sand_snakes, chemisgirl, and 194 more users Long Time Coming Remember I'll always be with you and that I'll always love you," she said. Her ability to think five steps ahead and her studious natureaided Harry in defeating the Basilisk, despite risking her life and getting little thanks in return. Title: The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie Hermione awake in the morning to birds chirping outside her window and the winter sun hitting the carpet of the room Euphemia had let her stay in. He was handsome, even at the age of eight, his hair was parted and wavy, though not long, maybe that was something he grew out as he got older, his eyes were like liquid silver and even his pout was cute. Only, he likes her best when she isn't all dressed up. "Hello dear." He chuckled and took a sip of his tea, a content sigh escaping his mouth. 1,299 Followers, 403 Following, 22 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Abdou A. Traya (@abdoualittlebit). "Well he'd be an idiot you not to like you, Andy, but don't rush ahead of yourself, enjoy your youth." 33. Her task is to prevent Tom Riddle from ever creating his Horcruxes. It seemed that the Wizarding world was always slightly behind with fashion, Hermione nodded, in her old life she wouldn't have touched this but jeans felt weird to this body as though they hadn't ever been worn. Euphemia sent her a look before she turned on Hermione who was laughing. Arthur led them into the kitchen to join the rest of his family and begin to try and make sense of the terrible night. Hermione cried as she ran over to the girl. By far, one of the most dangerous situations for Hermione happened when Bellatrix tortured her - partially for information, but also for the fun of it. Dec 5, 2014 - Harry Potter Hermione Granger Emma Watson Daniel Radcliffe Harmione. Hermione asked early, Dumbledore sent her an amused smile, his blue eyes twinkling even more. Financially ruining a sleazy reporter ranks pretty high on the tier of protective actions she's taken for him. Fanfiction Recs for Hermione centered fics! She's too different from his Hermione. I'm so sorry y/n. will have to find time for her work as mayor. I give all credit to him, I just wanted to read his story through Wattpad. Death only gave me an hour," Hermione said. The escape from the Ministry had been a narrow one, and the knowledge that they would not be returning to the house at Grimmauld Place had been a huge blow. Eight students return for their final year at Hogwarts, and Hermione Granger would never have thought Draco Malfoy would or could be one of those roses. Summary: The spring term at Hogwarts starts with a bang with the return of Draco Malfoy, back for his eighth year after a stint in Azkaban. There she will find family, friends and danger. He caught sight of the frozen lake through the cracks and grumbled. Grindelwald is at the height of his power, and one Tom Riddle Jr. is set to leave Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the end of the term. "Sir, your not going to send me to Azkaban are you?" That madeher seem quite immature, even though she wasn't. I should have spoken to my parents." Grindelwald is at the height of his power, and one Tom Riddle Jr. is set to leave Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the end of the term. James shouted, his voice going higher as he stomped his foot again, there was a thump from the impact. Though Harry is suspicious of Sirius Black at first, he, Ron, and Hermione quickly understand the situation and try to reverse the damage they've caused. The Boys Fortunately, Hermione has the supplies and knowledge to quickly heal Ron's gruesome wounds. Instead of apparating away, which would have made sense, their first instinct was to run. Euphemia spoke to Madam Malkin, a kind smile on her face as the woman added it to the ever growing pile of clothes. Studying at Hogwarts is dangerous, sometimes almost deadly. Summary: You cant trust a snake Granger, we bite remember? Draco announced. Hermione asked softly, the words out before she could stop herself. Amidthe chaos they can't control at home and the difficult journey they take through the country, a weakened Ron begins to grow jealous of Hermione and Harry's relationship. Hermione has always been the brains of the Golden Trio, but how much is she willing to sacrifice in order to save Harry and conquer the Dark Lord? She studied film, television, and media at Cal State LA where she received a Bachelor of Arts in TV/F/M. "How can I let you go? "Next week Ma'amAunt Effie." You are reading. We've all heard the term "Death of the Author" where the reader has the view of events and writing in the stories different than what was necessarily intended. Yet there still remained one portrait, his blue eyes twinkling down at her and his beard whiter than ever. Instability She was friends with Daphne," Hermione replied. NEXT:Robert Pattinsons 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Movies, According to IMDb. "I like them." Hermione frowned, going other the memories in her head before she landed on a silver eyed boy, she turned to glare at Andromeda. In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, Hermione quickly thought to escape the tent, apparating Harry, Ron, and herself out of the event. James asked suddenly as his mother helped Hermione stand. Hermione felt herself grin as the two began talking, slowly at first, cautious of one another before they were speaking at though they'd be friends for years.
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