These artists can depend on a uniform blue color across their design, allowing for their design to star instead of the turquoise. Some of the oldest discovered pieces date from over 10,000 years ago. Turquoise mines are generally located in the arid regions of the world, commonly in places that have been either altered by volcanic activity, or along side copper, zinc or gold mines. } The areas that the Bad Boys are mining yield some greenish Turquoise, and some light to dark blue Turquoise with brown matrix. Some were said to have become so hard that the material had to be blasted loose. Do you like Sleeping Beauty turquoise is the favorite of the Zuni Pueblo silversmiths for use in petite point, needlepoint, and inlay jewelry. Blue turquoise, such as Kingman and Sleeping Beauty, is commonly found near deposits of copper. Manassa Turquoise has olive green color with brown matrix. Real Turquoise 1990 2022 Schannep Ventures L.L.C.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. gtag('config', 'G-F0E0FZG7TY'); The Royston mine produces turquoise ranging in color from dark green to deep sky blue. color. here is famous around the world, know for its brilliant, very blue It produces very distinct turquoise and variscite. A wonderful New Mexico turquoise mine. In the rugged boot hills of southern New Mexico, this very rough and beautiful place full of endless hills of Century plants, lies the now defunct High Lonesome Turquoise Mine. Turquoise has been a prized gem in Mexico for a very long A. Compare the history and provenance of each turquoise mine. It is light to high blue, with both webbed and non-webbed matrix. The modern mine owners have collapsed those tunnels and returned Lone Mountain mine to a safe, environmentally friendly mining operation. This unique and exceedingly rare turquoise is renowned for its hardness, durability, and gorgeous color. One of the largest nuggets ever found, over 150 lbs, is on display at the Albuquerque Turquoise Museum. Mexican turquoise pairs beautifully with silver making it a popular choice for rings, necklace pendants. There is no current mining activity at this turquoise mine. | Mineral Testing, Home createTrustBoxScript(); Hopefully, the market will change soon to encourage the Mexican miners The color of Apache Blue Turquoise is a deep, dark blue. On April 30, 1598, during Juan de Oate's expedition north from Mexico up the Rio Grande del Norte, he claimed all of that river's drainage for Spain. The mine originally gained notoriety for its yellow to lime Turquoise with black and brown spiderweb matrix. const trustBoxScript = document.createElement('script'); So, if you are a collector of Turquoise, you must get your hands on some of the wonderful American Turquoise coming out of Mexico. The Morenci turquoise mine is located in Greenlee County, Arizona. the Sonoran Blue Jay, Sonoran Mountain, The Sierra Bella, and others. Thanks guys. It is likewise located in the Hachita Mining District, and was reportedly held by one owner over a period of some three decades. FREE shipping. We offer a wide variety of Native American Cultural Art including authentic Hopi Kachina dolls, pueblo pottery, Navajo Wool Rugs, hand-dyed leather belts, dreamcatchers, tomahawks and other Southwestern and Native American artifacts, to beautify your home and your life. Intensive copper mining in the area throughout the 20th century uncovered large amounts of turquoise deposits. The mine produces high-grade stones and was recently sold to a new owner. Beliefs Most interesting, Cerrillos is the only turquoise that formed at the base of a volcano. It is located in New Mexico. It has a close resemblance to the old high grade blue Persian Turquoise. The area around Dry Creek has none of these, so the turquoise was forged as a beautiful cream color. The Carico Lake Turquoise Mine is a historic mine named for its home on a dried up lake bed located in Lander County, Nevada. Blue Diamond Turquoise has black chert host. }); The Number 8 mine turquoise is rare and highly collectible. The climate is hot and dry, mostly desert with low rolling hills. The turquoise deposits were close to the surface and easy to mine and were also close to the major population centers. Tyrone Turquoise is from the Tyrone mine was associated with the copper mine operations southwest of Silver City, New Mexico. In conclusion, Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry is some of the most desired jewelry on the market. The mines large size allows for the different turquoise color composition. Cerrillos Cerrillos is not only an uncommon and unique form of native New Mexican turquoise, but has a history entwined with both ancient Native peoples of the Southwest and more recent American mining companies. The mine is actually a series of deposits in the hills 10 miles south of Santa Fe, NM. | FAQ | Links The closest major city is Las Vegas, Nevada. Most noteworthy, the Arizona turquoise mine is part of the Bisbee copper mine (The Copper Queen). The skilled artisans at Alltribes continue the age-old tradition and create captivating works of art that will surpass your expectations! function() { A turquoise fashion boom has created a higher internal demand for turquoise within China, as well. The Damele mine is outside of Austin, Nevada. Whether you're a Native American enthusiast, a collector, a designer or simply someone who loves beauty, Alltribes showcases a diverse collection of superior artifacts, sure to satisfy even the most selective customer. Very similar to the wonderful Tyrone Turquoise. The unique color is due to the absence of metals in the ground where the turquoise was formed. This matrix makes Morenci turquoise a prized and sought after stone for valuable Native jewelry pieces. Natural turquoise remains porous and may change color over time. You will find a bit of Hachita in Turquoise Jewelry today and vintage turquoise jewelry. In this country, black media is added at the mine, which attaches to the natural white matrix. Manassa Turquoise has golden brown or brown matrix and its blue-green to green color. Most importantly, Nevada variscite recovered in recent decades has come from mines located in Lander County. (function () { If you love blue Turquoise, then you have probably heard of the Nacozari mine and it's Turquoise often called "Naco" or Nacozari Turquoise. Archeologists and miners have found evidence that Turquoise was mined in the Hachita area by the ancestral pueblo peoples long before the Spanish arrived. The Native Americans, whose ancestors mined the mountains, led prospectors and treasure hunters to the site in the later part of the 19th century. Today, many mines throughout the world remain active and produce highly prized stones of impeccable beauty and composition. Silver Sun specializes in natural American collectable turquoise. Some less scrupulous producers will also inject the resin with dyes, to make the stones colors more vibrant. The Lone Mountain Turquoise mine is located a short distance outside of Tonopah, Nevada. Morenci is known for bright blue color and shiny pyrite matrix. Small volcanoes dot the area and may explain the rapid shift in color between bright blue and deep green deposits. Most of this material was brought into the USA as chalk and then stabilized. Nevada is the state with the highest output of turquoise, with a record of over 100 mines that have produced turquoise in the last century. Sitemap, Mina Maria -Sonora,Mex.- Natural Sets & Cabochons, Azurite-Malachite(Bluebird Mine,Globe,Az), Orange Chalcedony (Namibia,Africa) Natural Color, Spiny Oyster(Spondylus Princeps(Baja Mexico), Apache Gold (Chalcopyrite-Black Schist) Jerome,Az, Blue Chalcedony Drusy w/ Synthetic Opal Coating, Campitos Turquoise from Cananea,Sonora,Mexico. The Toltec civilization is known to have traded turquoise Your email address will not be published. Its turquoise is noted for its solid, light blue color with no matrix. The Navajo and Hopi Indian tribes have inhabited nearby lands for many thousands of years. However, the turquoise is hard and takes an excellent polish. King. Mexico covers 1,972,550 square kilometers (761,610 sq mi), making it the world's . This sparked the distribution of the Bisbee turquoise stone. the Campitos Mountain mines adds depth, elegance, interest, and appeal Turquoise production ramped up in the 1890s, and by 1950 the Cerrillos mine was depleted. Wide-scale turquoise mining is a relatively modern development in the central Chinese province of Hubei. Comparatively, the Kingman Turquoise mine, in northwestern Arizona, and is the largest operating turquoise mine in North America. youre looking for quality, artistry, uniqueness, beauty, and value. Miners then use powered hammers to remove turquoise-bearing stone from the Nevada earth. The Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California are the main producers of turquoise stones currently, but these gemstones are also found in the states of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Chihuahua, so much closer to the Aztec and Maya regions than New Mexico. Alltribes Native American Art and Jewelry blends ancient history, natural beauty, and unparalleled expertise flawlessly. The Sonoran Gold Turquoise comes in a few shades of color, a yellow lime green, a polychrome or two tone blue to lime green, and a vivid dark lime green. The turquoise found at Morenci eventually became worth more than the copper. Stumbled upon this hidden gem! qualities of turquoise. When you purchase something online today, you never know if the company will still be there, next week or next month. This is strictly enforced. Cerrillos Turquoise In fact, mine owner Monty Nichols cited a production amount of 1,600 lbs per month, at the mines peak. It is well known because it was one of the first American turquoises to come on the market. It is one of the nation's oldest mining areas and is a famed source of turquoise. Dillon Hartman The Easter Blue mine was initially claimed in 1907. This can clearly be seen in many pieces of turquoise jewelry and art that is sold around the world today. Miners carried tools and leather rock buckets on their backs as they climbed in and out of the shafts using notched logs as ladders. The matrix ranges from dark brown to a very bright golden or even an orange shade. createTrustBoxScript(); 4H 2 O] was one of several blue-green minerals highly valued by prehispanic societies across both regions, including the Aztec, Toltec, Maya, Mixtec, and Tarascan states in Mesoamerica, and the Hohokam, Mogollon, and Puebloan groups of the Greater Southwest (hereafter "Southwest"). High Lonesome, the name painted on a watering tank, is quite appropriate- the land is very high and mostly lonesome. G-NZPNXJY57K This mine used to produce light blue to medium blue turquoise predominately bearing brownish matrix. China is a vast country, and the many turquoise mines within it produce colors across the entire range from light blue to dark green. Mexican and American It didn't take long for the miners to pick up on references to the Turquoise Mountain, and probablly inquired with great interest where they acquired such Turquoise. Sleeping Beauty Turquoise From Globe, Az. High-Grade American Turquoise Jewelry You really need to join our EMail Newsletter. Arizona. A trained eye can identify the origin of a stone by looking at the unique turquoise fingerprint.'POST', ''); The Otteson family mines turquoise a few times a year and does all the fine processing. The unique color and composition of Dry Creek turquoise has made it a very popular stone for contemporary artists and collectors. I am always glad to answer questions and post objective disagreements. Nacozari turquoise is very hard to locate and highly collectible at the present time. E. Are there buyers who will immediately pay a cash price for that specific stone and how much cash for a specific stone? Will look great with collection. At this time I will have to go back and give them a Top 5. to an already beautiful stone. Discussion of Joe Dan's new article on Joe Dan's Corner In fact, the presence of copper is what gives the Kingman Blue turquoise its distinctive hue. Today most of the Turquoise Mountain Turquoise on the market is stabilize turquoise. Royston Turquoise For instance, stones found in Persia are known throughout the world for their vibrant, robins egg blue color. Tyrone turquoise is part of the mineral band that starts east of Silver City and curves around through Arizona and the Morenci turquoise mine area into Mexico. Stennich Turquoise A collector's stone, this historic Nevada mine is in Crescent Valley, Nevada. It also features little to no matrix, also a unique quality. It was first mined in the late 1950s and production ends in 1980. thin, delicate lines that resemble a spiders web. All are known as Kingman turquoise. Mexico (Spanish: Mxico), officially the United Mexican States, is a country in the southern portion of North America.It is bordered to the north by the United States; to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; to the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and to the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Definitely having us as customers for life! However, the color is so light that gem experts were initially skeptical that stones coming from this mine were actually turquoise. Keep in mind that this is not always 100% true and very similar fingerprints can be found in totally different locations. Lone Mountain Turquoise is renowned for its ability to keep the same blue color intact, even after decades of wear and use. The matrix ranges from dark brown to a light golden color. Originally nicknamed 'Zuni Nuggets', this turquoise is naturally hard & high-grade. It varies from a stunning light green to an amazing deep green. | Physical Properties | Spiritual When you make an Alltribes Indian Art jewelry purchase, you can be confident that your exquisite Native American jewelry piece was created by a renowned artist in our shop.and authenticity is guaranteed. Easter Blue Turquoise Mine The color of Cerrillos turquoise runs the entire range of the turquoise spectrum. The Hachita turquoise mining activity dates from pre-historic to 1905. Very similar to the wonderful Tyrone Turquoise. The United States, China, Mexico, Iran, and Egypt are known for turquoise mining. It was a mine in Sonora, Mexico. The Royston Turquoise Mine is located in southwestern Nevada in the Royston District near the city of Tonapah. The United States is a primary source of quality natural turquoise. Sonoran Gold is a true Turquoise though and not a variscite. Turquoise is found in Mexico noticeably at Santa Rosalia, Baja California, Cannanea, Conception de Ore Zacatecasa and the Necozari mine (North Senora just south of Bisbee). Pilot Mountain Turquoise })(); Located ten miles south of Santa Fe, it was the site of the largest prehistoric mining activity on the continent because the huge turquoise deposit was partially exposed at the surface. In the past, this mines turquoise has also been called Blue Mountain and Blue Gem. When turquoise is pulled from the earth it has a unique fingerprint. Shocking but True, I dont Like Turquoise BUT I love everything else about it, Turquoise Trade In The Western Hemisphere, A Color Can Be Bottled But Never Contained. Turquoise has been used as an iconic gemstone in Chinese jewelry for centuries. There are five other abandon claims in this area. Pilot Mountain stones have been treasured by artists and collectors for decades. Finally, hopefully this information will help you in identifying turquoise when you are out and about! Please reload CAPTCHA. The Morenci copper mine is the largest in the United States and still produces more than 750,000,000 pounds of copper per year. Damele comes from the Benny Demele Mine in Central Nevada. Most Chinese turquoise found today is lower grade stabilized chalk turquoise. One of the groups still mining the Turquoise claims are the Bad Boys of Cripple Creek. I have recommended your site to many people. The mine currently produces some very high grade material, but limited in quantities. Join our list to get 15% off your first purchase + VIP access to small batch designs and promotions. Nacozari is highly collectible as it has becoming harder to get, and is * not being mined anymore. The uniformity of Sleeping Beauty turquoise has one more effect: it is easy to make Sleeping Beauty block (plastic) turquoise. The Ancient Egyptians also mined the stone and used it to adorn the highest members of society. display: none !important; There may still be undescovered New Mexico Turquoise Mines in the Hachita Mountains. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales. Turquoise is found in Mexico noticeably at Santa Rosalia, Baja California, Cannanea, Conception de Ore Zacatecasa and the Necozari mine (North Senora just south of Bisbee). High Lonesome Mine is located in the rugged foothills of southern New Mexico in the lower Hatchet Mountain range, you will find a very rough and beautiful place full of endless hills of Century plants. The Sleeping Beauty mine was located near Globe, Arizona. Alltribes provides deep discounts because we don't purchase our jewelry elsewhere. Some work from home, on the reservation, and some work here in our shop. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Mexican Turquoise There are several turquoise mines in Mexico, but the best-known one is Campitos. const trustpilot_settings = { Bringing to our clients the marvel of . Compare the best turquoise from one mine next to the best turquoise from another mine. I really appreciate the value and I just wanted to let you know. Darryl Dean Begay uses Apache Blue Turquoise in many of his tufa cast designs. }, Blue Diamond Turquoise comes in blues and greens. Green turquoise is usually found alongside aluminum or iron. Example Pictures are not necessarily the highest of grade, rather a good example of a common look from a particular mine. The claim area includes a number of other mines, including the Godber/Burnham mine. shade of Sleeping Beautys soft yet intense blue. In addition, the Damele mine produces lime green Turquoise, Faustite, and Variscite. Just received the native American rawhide stone tomahawk and it looks great. Consequently, most jewelry being made with this stone today is being made through old stashes or collections. In Part One The Great American Turquoise Rush 1890-1910 we tell the story, almost forgotten, of how east coast investors attempted to create a pricing cartel to control the turquoise trade. Candelaria turquoise is known for its bright, almost electric blue color. with silver making it a popular choice for rings, necklace pendants.There A compound of hydrated We stock everything from the mottled green shades of Campitos turquoise to sunny sky or pale baby blue Baja stones. The variety extracted from this mine is usually of bright and intense color, often considered the "darker twin" of the most famous Sleeping Beauty. Dry Creek (Godbur Burnham) Turquoise Cerrillos turquoise holds a special place in the history of Native American jewelry, and turquoise mining lore. Everyone was super friendly and attentive. name: "", Navajo artist Aaron Anderson counts this turquoise as one of his favorite to use. Most Mexico does not have turquoise mines as such. All Rights Reserved. The mine is now under thousands of tons of rock. For over 30 years, from sun up to sun down, owner Ray and his crew looked for the beautiful, very hard, green to powder blue turquoise in six week stretches. We are more than happy to offer curbside pickup if you are in the area, give us a call. silvergemspalace. These two sources produce beautifully colored gems.The White Water Turquoise features beautiful water web and Iron Pyrite matrix. The Bisbee turquoise mine, located in southeastern Arizona, was originally founded in the 1950s by the Phelps Dodge Company. For instance, the Bisbee Turquoise Mine is well known for producing Bisbee Blue, one of the more expensive and sought after stones known for its unique coloration. fetch(endpoint).then(function(res) { The turquoise has been highly sought after by collectors because of some of the unique bright lime green turquoise stones. However, like most turquoise, when it is natural it is valuable when it is natural and not stabilized. One of the most stunning pieces if (BCData.product_attributes && !BCData.product_attributes.base && "sku" !== 'id') { White Water Turquoise is highly coveted for its beautiful water web matrix with natural inclusions of silver colored Iron Pyrite. From 1956 to 1984 the turquoise rights were granted to William Lucky Brown, who also owned the Villa Grove Mine in Colorado. It lies close to the Candelaria mine, and both are owned by the Otteson family. The area has been mining turquoise for almost 100 years, however the specific stones called Dry Creek mine has only been producing for a couple of decades. Many historians believe the stone was first introduced to Europeans through trade with the Persians. The mine is actually a copper producing mine. I am always asked to rank the top turquoise mines in the world. The Number 8 turquoise mine is located outside of Carlin, Nevada. The coloration ranges from a deep blue to sea green. Top 25 Turquoise Mines Today it is valued for both its beauty and rarity and is a real asset to silver jewelry. Links:List of the Actual Claims in Cerrillos District, The mine discovered in 1996, by a gold miner while prospecting, is named the Lost Mine of Enchantment. If youre looking for a very blue turquoise at a good value that has turquoise tends to have a clear light to medium blue color, deeply However, turquoise is not available from that mining operation since the early 1980s when Phelps Dodge changes its method of copper ore processing to crushing and acid wash. As a result, this method destroys any turquoise in the copper ore. function initGA4() { copper, iron, nickel, and other minerals. Thank you for educating us about this beautiful gemstone..MY personal favorite..!! In what is now known as the Southwestern United States, Puebloan tribes mined turquoise and considered it a crucial commodity that held immense spiritual value and was also the source of trade. For example, a Teotihuacan mask that dates back as far as 300 A.D. has been unearthed. However, the color is so light that gem experts were initially skeptical that stones coming from this mine were actually turquoise. | Jewelry Specimens can still be found here, maybe more with the right papers and machinery? Teotihuacan mask that dates back as far as 300 A.D. has been The deeper and darker color variations are highly desired and can very valuable. Birdseye describes stones from this mine that show areas of light blue circled with dark blue matrix, resembling the eye of a bird. The small town itself was located in the foothills of the Little Hatchet Mountains in the Hachita Valley of New Mexico. These stones are usually easy to identify and classify as being Bisbee. Top 25 Turquoise Mines These rankings are according to grades, supply, demand, marketing, opinion and comparison. We stock everything from the mottled green shades of Campitos turquoise to sunny sky or pale baby blue Baja stones. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. First of all, this is an abbreviated look at some popular United States turquoise mines. A hand buffed polish protects the stones and heightens its natural beauty. window.bodl = JSON.parse("{\"session\":{\"id\":\"ffd07c46-a935-4ad2-a1bc-40a604076634\",\"first_touch_timestamp\":\"2023-01-18T19:18:44\",\"first_touch_referral_url\":\"\",\"first_touch_request_url\":\"\"},\"shopper\":{\"visitor_id\":\"\",\"customer_id\":null,\"email\":null,\"first_name\":null,\"last_name\":null},\"data_consent\":{\"functional\":true,\"analytics\":true,\"advertising\":true},\"events\":[]}"); Campitos Turquoise Highly valued since ancient times, Later chemical tests confirmed that Dry Creek is truly turquoise, and in fact a very high grade stone. Sea Blue / Green Hachita Turquoise Rough; Good Hard-Rock Vein; Aztec Mine. Chinese bronze artwork with turquoise accents dates back 3,500 years ago. Finally, the turquoise nuggets are sent to be cut, backed, and polished into useable cabochons. Campitos turquoise can The distinctive green color gives great contrast with other stones used in jewelry such as red coral, orange spiny oyster and even other shades of turquoise. We are conveniently located near Scottsdale, Mesa and Phoenix, AZ in the historic town of Gilbert. Originally a tunnel mine, it was discovered in 1902 by Lee F. Hand. Consequently, the turquoise is Big Nugget and this mine is just North of Tonopah, Nevada. In addition, this turquoise is mined in southeastern Arizona, near Clifton/Morenci. You can own a piece of Native American artistry without spending a fortune. Today some of the most popular mines are from the Sonoran region. What is for sale on the market might not be as good as what someone has in their collection. The matrix ranges from dark brown to a light golden color. The turquoise deposits lie in a location known as Turquoise Mountain about 6 mile west of the town. For rings, necklace pendants most Chinese turquoise found at Morenci eventually became more! Copper Queen ) the 1950s by the Phelps Dodge company x27 ; s stone, is... Mines in the world stone by looking at the base of a.... Persia are known for bright blue and deep green deposits this historic Nevada mine the... And leather rock buckets on their backs as they climbed in and out of the largest ever! Worth more than happy to offer mexican turquoise mines pickup if you are out and about to dark matrix... Around the world remain active and produce highly prized stones of impeccable beauty and and! Source of quality natural turquoise Sleeping beauty mine was initially claimed in 1907 remains porous may... 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