Your email address will not be published. In my family it would be seen as getting too big for your boots if you even celebrated yourself for something you did that was felt to be amazing. Never has so much been Help fund my defence. If they do not want it then Serge will sell it. He insists the charity is a separate entity to his commercial business Universal Medicine Pty Ltd. Student notes from a few years ago show Benhayon soliciting anonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property into conference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. Then again, Sergio and Serryn ORegan flat refuse to answer questions and were already issuing legal threats before any stories went to print. Jesus simple life & offer of a free, abundant, joyful, peaceful eternal life through Him, makes him the most appealing (& credible, evidence based) Messiah of all. A question for Sam and some of the other professionals in the group to contemplate. I had to ask permission., I was so stupid, so nave. The esoteric breast massage website had a lot of healing claims that it could assist serious gynaecological disorders, Esther explains. Both also promised not to challenge the will after her death. That fundraising was switched to the College of Universal Medicine charitys Fiery Building Fund once it gained charity status, and the website was altered from funding a Universal Medicine Centre to funding the College. They are but mere reflections of our many choices. Not dissimilar from the Office of Fair Trading complaint, which failed largely because they didnt have the power, or authority, to act. Unbelievable. What happened Wiki, net worth. They cant. Yet another family paying far too much for a loved ones devotionto a career scam artist. If you drink alcohol and then hold a baby, the baby can be raped by the entity that's in you. She also didnt know that during 2013 Mrs McIntyre also paid more than $320,000 towards a property in Goonellabah, near Lismore, which is held in the name of her close friend, Ingrid Langenbruch. I have just read the UM justification for Serge vulturing on the McIntyre family tradgedy and inheritance claims. If they did a property title search theyd come up with over a dozen properties owned by the Benhayons. EDG notes taken by Michael Dixon, 18 February 2012 p.4.. Even payrolled propagandist, Rebecca Asquith (nee Baldwin) was around to get aadvertorialblog out of her where Judith described in detail thevulnerabilities that made her atarget for a greedy, death glorifying cult. Perhaps if this was the first and only example of a bequest you might be able to let is pass, but its not. (There are many Jesus followers today challenging churches which pressure people for money, expecting free NT grace based believers to pay OT legalistic law based tithes. Sarah said the judgment is devastating., We are incredibly disappointed by the decision, she said. Now, next year, or in 10 years. (John 2: 14-16). It appears to be regular Universal Medicine courses, formerly ran in venues he had to lease at commercial rates. Pity the Echo has called UM a spiritual group. It demands that followers go to bed by 9pm and get up at 3am. It was an unfortunate decision for the family not to plead undue influence and not to provide the court with the kind of comprehensive dissection of Benhayons shady business dealings which I will use as part ofmy defamation defenceof contextual truth. Women, at best, are today great nurturers of others, but not of themselves! Theyve signed over millions of dollars to share his wisdom. Universal Medicine How can someone full of love and light take a childs inheritance. In early to mid 1999, Serge Benhayon found himself under the impress of a series of unfoldments that led to a re-connection, or, union of old. Another charity the same investigator was looking at had its directors flee overseas with the money. The court went over Sarah & Seths expenditure with a fine tooth comb. (Esoteric Development Group notes, taken by Kathleen Baldwin, September 2008), Undue influence a Universal Medicine cult moneyspinner, Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate, love has no emotion in it, and that women can harmtheir babies with the emotional energy in their breastmilk, ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, false and misleading parliamentary inquiry submission, Testimonial from Judith (end of document p.46 of 49), Meeting Serge Benhayon A Meeting on the Edge of Eternity,,, Universal Medicine's sexual abuse apologism hits a crescendo, Undue influence - a Universal Medicine cult money spinner. Shes been sued for defamation, followed, abused and harassed. I recognised her as a member. Mid2014, I blogged about Universal Medicine preying on cancer patients, with medical professionals GP, Dr Jane Barker,and nurses Sharon Gavioli et al, running Breast Cancer Care cult recruitment retreats. If its popular enough it might go to print? In other planets, they dont have arms and legs, they dont need to eat, he claims in one video. Quite possibly as there is no particular reason to run it now, and it is being watched. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The very weak code of conduct the HCCC doesnt actually enforce, sort of covers it. And remember when Buddha sitting under the bodhi tree decided that he needed to raise millions of rupees from his followers he said come on to me and pass all your worldly goods for it will make you incarnate better in the next life but do not worship me because I am a man just like you.. Thats from the New York Times specialist publication Women In The World. I cant believe people can do this and get away with it. If we are not fitting in then we may be standing out and much like the words fitting in, standing out suggests that we are standing out or outside of something. Perhaps the college is defunct. Yes, Serge became aware of me being in the courtroom. Both Robin and Kasha struggle to come to terms with what happened to the woman who was such an important part of their lives. Theres others out there now aware that their parents are signing over large chunks or all- of their inheritance to the healers-healer. Disgusting. Serge Benhayon Serge Benhayons cult already boasts at least 200 members in the UK. If you believed in decency and respect you would never take anyone elses inheritance. Back in Australia, Esther Rockett the woman who has dedicated so much of her life to exposing a destructive cult has vowed to keep up the fight. The email read: Your children are trying to destabilise you, trying to evoke your sympathy. Vulture like undue influence, using delusional fear based teachings to financially & spiritually exploit a dying, vulnerable, probably frightened patient. In law, it who has the most money, talks the loudest, and can out maneuver the best. If it was a registered health professional, theyd be disbarred. Were one of the only beings that carry extra limbs. Serge Benhayon I felt really hurt, because it was really clear that Serge was trying to drive a wedge between mum and her children.. He preaches that were surrounded by aliens, and that disabled children are evil reincarnated. Investing in your will with cult leader Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon received this money under false pretenses. Ive just updated and clarified info about Serges Wollongbar property above. Then once he does that, he then proceeds to get their money out of them.. ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, We know breast cancer is out of control and energetically from an esoteric point of view this is caused by the lack of nurturing a woman has toward herself. WebWhat Serge Benhayon has presented and written since 1999 is unparalleled, not just in human history but also in the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom. Doctors must be honest and transparent in financial arrangements with patients. I need to just clarify a few items, but I will be using a defence that allows me to air ALL of Benhayons dishonesty in court. The other thing was that the court cant do anything if the evidence is not brought. Life seemed to be about what grades I got in school which would determine which college I could go to, which would then determine whether I would be recognised and successful at my work. Sarah and Seth saidtheir mother told them she wished to leave a significant part of her estate to Universal Medicine. Why does someone who has already got rich selling snake oil and misery need to stand in court and shake down the children of lady that has just died? It was a small courtroom, with little more than a dozen observers half a dozen being team Sergio, including Anne McRitchie (charity director), Alison Greig and some skinny tosser dressed like bogan yakuza circa 1985 who kept trying to give me and the Fairfax journo the evil eye. There was an emptiness in this. Now hes been taken down a notch by one very brave woman named Esther Rockett. Again, he gave me support through counselling and acupuncture and taught me to rest deeply as I went into my chemo sessions, fully choosing to be there since I had decided that I would have it. It is not for him. AND It is worth investing it. He said he urged his mother to reconsider bequeathing the majority of her estate to Universal Medicine. This was a travesty. The charitys accounts show the power bill alone for three months is almost 7,000 aside from other running costs, depreciation and admin. I think he creates doubt. The charitys accounts show the power bill alone for three months is almost 7,000 aside from other running costs, depreciation and admin. How does one separate the bit of wall and paint that the charity paid for from Serges property and freehold? She went up to him and talked to him and she said straight out, I have cancer, Judiths daughter Sarah explains. Looking back even though my parents were not strictly religious, my father especially had some very religious beliefs that were very evident as we grew up. 131,-K/kg. Clearly he wasnt countingdonations toUMs UK charity front, the Sound Foundation which received1.2M from charity trustee, Michael Nicholson alone, in 2011-12. The text with the photograph says that it's great for cases of rape recovery. Why didnt Judith donate to the charity? He is a Charlatan who should at the very least be made to repay all of the money Simple.. He probably thinks it is because he is a master from another plane. Thankfully we have a national press that can and do publish the stories that matter. llness and disease are only markers. Sickening. And Each time I The building at Wollongbar is the College of UM building, supposedly. I talked to him about death and how I had been living my life for others rather than for myself. Unimed Living Yes.. Last year, a 10-month-old baby placed on the Universal Medicine diet was admitted to Lismore Base Hospital, dangerously ill. At first, it seemed harmless. Christoph Schnell was her financial advisor (remember the recent article about in the cult journal the Northern Star about death planning by Christoph? Serge's love for humanity and the enormity of his contribution tocommunitiesfar and wide cannot be, He is the innovator of several healing products, Since 1999 Serge has pioneered no less than, He works closely with allied health and medical professionals, He is a consultant to large corporate businesses, He works closely with a large and varied group of sole traders and professionals consulting on better servicing their communities, He volunteers his time freely to many community projects across a wide range of topics and encourages others to also give back in their field of service. Benhayon and his associates target vulnerable patients with serious health conditions, including cancer, and encourages them to cease conventional treatment. Benhayon has also surrounded himself with professionals health professionals, including five medical specialists and a half dozen or so psychologists; four lawyers, teachers, chartered accountants, media professionals, Eric Walsh, the dropkick cult cop lol, social workers, child safety workers and wealthy sycophants like Rob and Deborah Wild, Neil and Jean Gamble and Michael and Tricia Nicholson. Birthdays Serge Benhayon preaches a wild mishmash of religion, occult and science fiction. anymore. What an absolute charmer Serge is. The proximity to the clinic maximises targets expenditure on worthless healings and other New Age claptrap peddled by the Benhayon bogan demigods. Back in 2005, Esther was feeling stressed and run down, so she booked a healing session with Serge Benhayon at his then home in Goonellabah, just outside Lismore in northern NSW. Everyone thinks their brand of belief is the best from inside it and fails to see the glaring contradictions and fantasy its based on. And Serge responded telling them we were liars and he was man of absolute integrity, and that was good enough for them.
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