Self-represented litigants will be able to call the hotline at 1-800-980-4962. Compared to multiple paper documents that can be spread out during a hearing, a judge will likely only have one or two screens for viewing documents. El Centro de Autoservicio, Contact Us OAH numbering and naming conventions must be used for your exhibits. The following case types require digital presentation on CourtOnline: Evidence Management (CaseLines) in Court: To register on Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines), follow the steps below: 3. The entire process is automated. View and navigate CaseLines (Case Centre) hyperlinks on the Review pane? Exclude a document from view on the CaseLines (Case Centre) iew pane? If you made a mistake and want to remove exhibits youve uploaded, follow these instructions: It is the parties responsibility to ensure that witnesses have access to any exhibits needed for examination and to determine how they will provide this access. The parties must upload their documents into the Section assigned to them. Parties can send a 72-hour limited access link to download exhibits from Case Center. the Litigant did not mark the documents for inclusion in the Hearing-specific bundle. LABOUR COURT AND LABOUR APPEAL COURT JUDGES, Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT), COURT ONLINE WORKSHOP FOR LEGAL PRACTITIONERS. Brown 21-DEC-2021, Affidavit General Form 14A OCL 01-JUL-2021. Counties that have gone live with CaseLines expect that all evidence would be uploaded as part of the court record. SMS and Email Gateway to pass key information between the court and the litigants. If the Master, for some or over reason, determines that the last will is not valid, the Next-of-kin affidavit will come into play. CaseLines Digital Evidence Pilot is Expanding! SlovenianSpanish The full Court Online end-to-end solution will take into consideration the digital application for Court hearings and the management of evidence (CaseLines). Attorney feedback has been an essential part of . Date on which the document was created or signed, in the format DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. Parties or counsel will file their documents with the court either through the JSO filing platform, email or in-person. This will need to be changed to comply with the naming conventions identified in this Order. This affidavit is required to confirm that the deceased estate is not reported at another Masters office as well. Click Update all documents next to the relevant section, See paragraph 4.3 of the CaseLines (Case Centre) Upload directive, Next to the relevant Section, click Update all documents, Next to the document that must be moved, click Move, Select the new destination section from the dropdown list, CaseLines by default inserts the date of upload as the document date, click Update all documents next to the relevant section, type the new document date in the document column next to the document description, Unselect Included to exclude the document from view, You can do this from the Update Case or the Review pane, Click pdf next to the document you want to download, Select the document using the auto-index situated to the absolute left of the Review pane, Type the new document number under Document Number, Wait for the software to process the change. Online training resources are available here. Create a CaseLines (Case Centre) Hearing-specific bundle? Lawyers can provide other professionals access to their cases in CaseLines. For a very brief summary of using CaseLines in court, please continue reading. Click Add to include a section in the Hearing-specific bundle, Click Edit next to the document description, Click Excluded to exclude the documents that are not relevant to the specific hearing, Click Update to change the bundle number or description, Click Settings to change the paginations settings of the bundle, A section will not display on the Review page if, Select the Hearing-specific bundle from the dropdown list. Change the CaseLines (Case Centre) document date? Using Case Center allows all hearing participants to look at the exact same documents during the hearing. The title of your saved Word or PDF file will automatically become the title of your exhibit, once uploaded. Change the Index field to delete for as many of the exhibits youd like removed. Please name files using this required format: Exhibit number (S1/D1) Date: MMDD YYYY Title (Speech and Language Report). (Production). The Next-of-kin-affidavit is a summary of the blood and adopted relatives of the deceased. The Magistrates Office service points will only have jurisdiction if the deceased did not leave a valid will and the gross value of the estate is less than R125 000 where there is no PEAS( Paperless Estates Administration System). All the attorney needs to do, is install the software and add the Caselines login details. If a Litigant selects Tabbed in the checkbox above, CaseLines (Case Centre) will insert a blank page before the document marked as tabbed. Log On All users will only be able to log into CCDCS using their primary email address or User Name. The hotline directs self-represented litigants to a directory of support options. This website is maintained by the Judges Library. Internal hyperlinks pointing to locations within a document (such as a table of contents with hyperlinks to each section within the document) were deactivated upon being uploaded. To run page numbers continually throughout your evidence bundle, search your case in the View Case List tab> Update Case> Bundles> Untick the Section Numbering Restarts in the Bundle>Save and refresh your page. small overlapping rectangles). Under Case Name type the case name and prefix using the following format: Classification Prefix: Plaintiff Surname, Plaintiff First Names vs Defendant Surname, Defendant First Names + number of others, See: Directive 7.2 of the Amended Gauteng Consolidated Directive dated 18September 2020, Directive 7.1 of the Amended Gauteng Consolidated Directive dated 18September 2020, Classification = Paragraph 4.1.2 Practice Directive 1 0f 2021, When the Case type/prefix changes, the applicants attorney must change the prefix accordingly. CaseLines is a user-friendly, cloud-based document sharing and e-hearing platform for both in-person and virtual court appearances developed by Thomson Reuters. 2, etc. Yiddish Uploading Documents into the Correct Bundle: 2. A list of all the sections under Bundle 01 Master bundle will display. After you have filed your documents with the court, through Justice Submissions Online or another approved means, and those filings have been accepted by the court, upload your documents into CaseLines. Student Exhibits, District Exhibits, Charter School Exhibits. If you need to find Case Center independently of the email invitation, go to If you upload this document onto CaseLines in advance of the hearing, the judicial official can refer to it when preparing for the event. SwahiliSwedish Family law documents must be filed with the court in accordance with the Family Law Rules and any local Notices to the Profession or court order. To ensure the tasks matches the hearing date category, Open the case hearing date on your calendar. If you need to see your case list from another page on the OCJ case portal. Note: By Court rule, a party to a case may only invite another party to the case. Follow the instructions below for your preferred method: If you add a file you did not intend to include, click on the minus sign in the circle to the right of the document title in the Select files box to remove it. 12-JAN-2021). UkrainianUrdu ALPHA Add a document to a CaseLines (Case Centre) hearing bundle without changing the existing pane numbering? DOMESTIC FAMILY EVENTS INCLUDED IN CASELINES: 3. See also: CaseLines Hearings Tips for Counsel and Self-represented Parties. In order to upload all documents in one PDF to retain internal hyperlinks, and also display the names of each document contained within it for ease of reference, create a first-level bookmark for each document within the PDF using the naming convention set out in Tip 4. You will also encounter this problem when first a trial date was allocated and then an interlocutory hearing date. CaseLines will transition to Case Center in the coming months. For Charter School, begin with CS1, CS2, CS3, etc. Once you upload a document you will not be able to remove it yourself. Activating the dual-pane button will divide the screen into four panes. Version: 6.19.0 -Multihanded- Escrow-19/04/2022 Legal Associations The Inventory is a summary of the assets and liabilities of the deceased at the time of death. Parties should include resumes or curriculum vitae for each witness who is expected to testify as an expert. Tip 4 - Name and number your documents. The document that you propose to be sealed must be emailed to the court office or filed in-person, identifying the case name, court file number, hearing date and a request that the documents be forwarded to the judge who will determine whether a sealing order should be made. Go to the Sections tab as described above and find your exhibit section. Rockingham Superior, Strafford Superior, Hillsborough County Superior North and South have rolled out with Phase 1 with great success. You can open multiple documents in CaseLines by taking the following steps: A second reading pane will open so that you can read two documents side by side. Your case will have an orders/endorsements bundle. You can do so by locating the case (found on your View Case List screen) and selecting Update Case. Once youve logged on to the portal, the software opens on your case list screen. Make sure the exhibits are in order and that the date is in the American format (MM DD YYYY). Once the files are uploaded, scroll back up the page and click on the Update All Documents button. Parties can print and mail a copy of the exhibits to witnesses. , An index of the notes you have taken will appear in a column on the right-hand side of the screen click on the , A new reading window will appear with a red header, Select the document you want to read in your left-hand reading pane, Select another document from the index, this will now display in the right-hand reading pane, Click the cross in the top right corner of your right-hand reading pane to return to single pane view. Contact us to discuss your individual circumstances. Evidence uploaded into Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines) is paginated automatically by the system, in the top right hand corner of the evidence in red text. To add files directly to the Select files box without using drag and drop, click the Add Files button at the bottom left of the Select files box. Register The email will include a link to your case within the system. Each exhibit must consist of one document. Technical support provided by Thomson Reuters is available from 8 AM to 5 PM (Monday Friday) Eastern Time Zone. If you have not received notification that your case will proceed using CaseLines, please submit evidence following current practices. The following are examples of methods to provide access to witnesses: Translate this website to your preferred language: Access and Information for Case Center, the Office of Administrative Hearings' current electronic evidence program. If indexes or other documents are added in between your evidence as inserted documents, and require a different page pagination (i.e. Your documents are not filed until they have been reviewed and accepted by court staff. Litigants representing themselves will not be expected to present their cases digitally to the Judge utilising Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines). If you participate in evidentiary matters in Rockingham, Hillsborough County North and South, Strafford, or Merrimack County Superior Courts and have not yet taken CaseLines training, you are encouraged to do so now. By clicking on the Log On button below and logging into the Crown Court Digital Case System you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use. 1, Book of Authorities Vol. Judges, court staff, attorneys, self-represented litigants (SRLs), and other justice partners will be trained to upload, submit, and present evidence in the courtroom during trials and evidentiary hearings. In addition to learning how to use CaseLines to organize and manage evidence, be sure to read the quick reference guides and watch the videos on courtroom presentation method. Note: Incarcerated defendants representing themselves and e-fling exempt cases or parties may continue to follow current paper-based practices. The documents can be viewed, searched, and used while examining witnesses. No one likes thinking about that day, but being prepared will ensure that you and your family can mourn a loved one without getting caught up . After uploading your documents into CaseLines, you may want to create a document containing an index of the documents that you will be relying on at the hearing along with the CaseLines-generated document and page numbers (e.g. Always click on a hyperlink on the document situated on the middle left pane; otherwise, the reader will lose its place on the original document, and the screen will jump to the referenced document location.). Generally speaking, each document should be uploaded to CaseLines separately, in the appropriate Section tab and using the naming protocol outlined in Tip 4. a motion to be heard within 4 days of the filing of the motion with the Court; a motion that has not been served on the opposing party(ies), Procedural, uncomplicated or unopposed matters (i.e. Click Here, .contentsName, .case, .Text, .lines, .actionList a, .actionList a:link, .actionList a:visited, .actionList a:hover, .actionList a:active, div a, div a:link, div a:visited, div a:hover, div a:active, table a, table a:link, table a:visited, table a:hover, table a:active, table tr td a, table tr td a:link, table tr td a:visited, table tr td a:hover, table tr td a:active Form 35.1 and/or 35.1A) as per the Family Law Rules and applicable legislation must also be uploaded into the Pleadings sub-bundle. CaseLines will allow New Hampshire to expedite court services and offer constituents more efficient and timely access to justice. IcelandicIndonesian Locate your case by clicking on the View Case List button. This is to ensure that each document will be organized in the table of contents found on the left-hand of the Review screen and can be loaded easily by the system during your hearing. Litigators who wish to present evidence to the court during their hearing or trial must upload applicable materials into CaseLines per court rules and guidelines. It is easy to use and minimal training is needed; Materials of nearly any format can be uploaded and easily organized; Any device will work with CaseLines (computer, tablet, smart phone); and, Users can make private notes and highlight documents. Any support enforcement hearing commenced by a payor, recipient or the Family Responsibility Office regarding garnishments, writs of seizure and sale, default hearing, warrant for committal and motions to refrain the suspension of a payors drivers license; Any cases that a judge has determined should not use CaseLines. What now? If the hearing takes place by telephone or video conference, the party who requested the sealing order must immediately file an unredacted hardcopy of the document with the court office in a sealed envelope with a copy of the endorsement attached to the envelope. Interpreters You will receive access to more bundles if other events are scheduled and created through CaseLines. You will be sent an invitation to access your case from with the subject line: Electronic access given to a case: NAME OF CASE. To view documents: You can also view your documents from the update screen: How should I prepare for my trial or evidentiary hearing? Haitian Creole ALPHAHebrew A13). The CaseLines "Support" page is available 24/7, accessible even without having to register. Select private (for a note that only you will see), share group (for a note that all the people in your share group will see) and widely shared note (for a note that all the people that has access to the case will see. A complete list of CaseLines guides is accessible at the following website: instead of Order, save as Order of Stevenson J., 1-FEB-2021). Efficient exhibit communication driven by CaseLines is expected to support speedier hearings and reduce workload. Complete each training step in the path prior to your first evidentiary matter in court. Human Resources, Volunteer You would also have access to previous event bundles as well as the settlement conference bundles. As a best practice, staff will provide you with access to your event hearing bundle (i.e. Please enter your username or email address. Parties will be able to upload, store, review, search, mark-up, share and present court documents virtually. This form does not apply to estates with an asset value of less than Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rand (R 250 000.00) you must then complete form J155. When Phase I is implemented at the courthouse in your region, CaseLines will be used for Family Law Act (FLA) and Childrens Law Reform Act (CLRA) initial case conferences and motions with notice only. How do I make notes on documents in CaseLines? Every checkmark you add grants new permission; every checkmark you take away removes one. You will have to use an HTML5 compliant internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari to access the full functionality of Case Center. Invite people to a CaseLines (Case Centre) case? The CaseLines Digital Evidence Management project will roll out in two phases. Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines) offers Microsoft tier four Azure cloud storage and is ISO270001 accredited. the details that youve used to register on the portal) on the logon screen. Date on which the document was created or signed, in the format DD-MMM-YYYY (For example: 12-JAN-2021). If your case has been selected for CaseLines you will receive an email invitation . Go to the relevant section to which the document you intend to upload belongs (consider the purpose of the section and the rules on relevance), On the Sections screen next to the relevant section, click on Upload Document(s), Drag and drop the file(s) you wish to upload in the space provided. during the hearing), you will want to add it at the end of your list so that it does not change the order and page numbers that have been allocated to documents that have already been uploaded. The pdf copy of the bundle will include a copy of the index and will display the content of the index on the right-hand side of the screen: bookmarked and hyperlinked to the individual documents. Court staff will review the documents that have been submitted for filing with the court to ensure that they are in accordance with the Family Law Rules and local court practices or orders of the court. 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