Its a worrying time for the firm and how will THEY come out of this? Charles,had nothing to give to his sad ,sad boys.Its heartbreaking. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. That is very strange and that force will create white supremacy or divide society, again, especially in USA. Rather than raising our consciousnesses we are marshalled into extreme un-nuanced responses. Frankly the pair disgust me. Thanks again Jessica. I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. Thats the whole story here. Meghan Markle was still a Hollywood actress. Thank you for your fascinating read. Well be taking live Tarot readings for you, during the premiere. Meghan will deal with it in 2022, 2023 when the transiting South Node goes into Scorpio, which is a huge trigger in her chart, but also that of the family as a whole, back in Britain. 2021 is a 5 Universal Year, which brings healing for our fifth or throat chakras (truth and freedom). Where was her support mechanism? Heres a link to get you started Thank you. Perhaps I was picking up both, years into the future. Both dropped bombshells on Her Majesty the Queen, didnt they!, And a more recent and very interesting reading: The story was never actually part one. In the past post, maybe in 2017, you mentioned that Royal Family will go through restructuring the firm. It does strike me that Royal ladies need strong support from their birth families. Issues of race, gender and mental health have lately been forced in the forefront. Saw #TheWedding and been saying all along that something isnt right with MM (Meghan Markle). I read most of the comments here, but couldnt find the answer so I have to ask- will Harry ever have an eye opening moment? Sep 12, 2021 07:00 P.M. You will find that MI5 and MI6 become involved from this point. A relative handful of notable men and women have profited handsomely in the last few years (multi-billionaires gaining billions, is strangely not hyperbole) my mind wanders as to how this came about. I feel terribly sad about the Duke of Edinburgh in particular, and that he should be put at risk like this during his longest ever stay in hospital. Do you think even after Harry and Meghan divorced, William and Harry wont be reconciled? I find it interesting that you dont think their meeting was fate. . The press leads and the people follow their narrative. Its always free. Or if Meghan and Harry eventually divorce after their mission in America has finished and she does, in fact, take him to the cleaners. This bodes well for Meghan and Harry. For Harry to wade in against his own family was just appalling. What do you have the Royal Family for but for projections to divert you from your lives? Everything about it just signals Strategic intention. More news. Finally we come to the other family story, which is Meghans choice to go ahead with accusations of racism (and more) which must be a shock to any family, at a time when the Duke of Edinburgh is in hospital with a heart problem and Her Majesty the Queen is dealing with that, as he is in the final years of his life. In the same week that various astrological charts for Oprah, Meghan, Harry and the Clevr company were all triggered, we also saw more triggers. It is strange and I cant help but think theres something else and Harry and Meghan is used. I do not understand how she can lie about being taken her passport, keys and driving licence , when in February 2019 flies 10k to three continents in 11 days . I think more than anything ego got the best of both of them. "Once she became the royal Duchess of. I was bemused by Meghans claim that there was nobody to help her with mental health issues when both William and Harry have been so involved with mental health charities. Ive posted on that, in response to another reader. This feels like a glamour. I remember reading all of your predictions at the tome and this follow up after tell all is very interesting. Her Majesty the Queen making a Russia joke, in a highly entertaining interview? 6 It took the Andrew Morton unofficial ghostwritten autobiography of Diana, for the world to wake up. We also talked about the fateful, fated Great American Eclipse on August 21st, 2017. As a student of life have to say this is not looking good and the road ahead is definitely not smooth. I think she has studied Diana for a long time and I think people will come forward who was in her childhood /life and share that. Clearly the US democratic establishment would want this maintained: their trump card . The astrology has always said that Charles will never be king. You must want attention on some level, or you would pursue another career. This seemed to be a small detail, back when I made the prediction. Now I think about Harry and Megans interview with Winfrey, was wrong, particularly as Prince Philip was in hospital. Youll remember Princess Margaret was one of the original 1970s jetsetters, more at home island-hopping and cruising the world, than staying in rainy Britain. I dont think he has ever shown narcissistic tendencies prior to meeting Meghan so ill give him the benefit of the doubt. As is Harry. Its financial issues in a few years, which will decide make or break and Meghan will either line up huge charity work with Prince Harry or take him to the cleaners. As I just mentioned to another reader, Neptune rules distortion. I also think that now we know their wedding was a sham they should pay us back. Meghan is a Democrat asset; true. Eclipses are always a cover-up, as you know, and Leo rules the royal family. This is where they are working their brand, as they are done with Britain. I also want to thank you that I have a place to say what I felt with this disgraceful tell-all interview. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020 As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal Prince. The Duke and Duchess could apply for their child to have dual US-UK citizenship and the horoscope suggests this will unfold. It remains to be seen what is in the unreleased footage and if, in fact, we will ever see it. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Hopefully, he will wake up in time. If only she could tap into her subconscious mind she would know it is her more than 70% of the time who has upset the cart. Simone Simmons, back on October 8th 2018, predicted problems for Harry and Meghan and one or two children. Enough is enough. Harry and Meghan 2022. Thank you so much. Epstein was American. Charles as King will have tremendous influence over Harry's life. They have chosen to read the statements in print. Francesca predicts Meghan and Harry's relationship will become even more professional this year FOOD AND LIFESTYLE Francesca said: 'Transiting Mars is on her Natal Ceres in Virgo, this also. She has three families her own, with the future King her own family, the Middletons, and then the House of Windsor. It was also Sarah Fergusons birthday. The eclipse falls with the Sun at 19 Gemini and Moon at 19 Gemini. Lastly, you also read comments about Prince Andrew in the same story. Prince Harry reveals regret over Meghan Markle's first meeting with the Queen. I thought I would share a few more things I have come across. Meghan is a Leo and dont get me wrong as I know you are too. Steve Bing was at that dinner and has since suicided. She definitely didnt want a quite life. Its awful, because they really cannot get the help they need. My question is: BUY ME A COFFEE. Taurus has always ruled the Second House and in fact in old astrology, which uses Latin, we have some books going back to the 1600s which call the Second House, the house of lucre. So you are bang on! Quite frankly I and my associates saw that lack of true intimacy in the engagement film and we now see it in the Oprah film. Did she not also announce Megxit to coincide with Kates birthday? It was really on that level, but without bloodshed. Astrology analyst Debby Frank has set out to predict how many prominent members of the Royal Family are due to feel this year following a rough 2020. In fact, Susan Miller is more than resigned to her destiny, except when . I suspect they are being cautious after Megzy played the race card, but frankly they should do the opposite. PM Boris Johnson is continuing to refuse to comment but the US President certainly has. I just re-read your Leo 2017-2019 post. No doubt she has a victim mentality even when she is not the victim! Again many thanks for your astonishing insights? June 9, 2021 5:13pm. Four years ago now. Later on, though, that date will become significant. How amazing that you have spotted that. Thank you for this. The Psychic Twins' World Predictions for 2019 and 2020 We have made world predictions for 20 years, and this time we will do something a little different. This follows the predictions you read here at the time of their wedding, that there would be major questions about the couples finances. Harry and Meghan 2022. I have some concerns about general health and wellbeing, as an astrologer, and if these two were your clients you would be talking to them about shedding and delegating at least 50% of what they are taking on board, as the mind, body and spirit can only keep going for so long, before there is an issue. "It was probably June last year, and then I sent my predictions into New Idea in November," she told Jackie. 3. I found that Meghan used to consult with a psychic and given she is following what Diana was like, I think she has astrologers and psychics closed to them. I know that kindergarten in Pimlico, as I used to stay a few streets away, whenever I visited London. Thanks to you and all the readers for all these fascinating insights. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). How interesting that the Vedic astrologer also mentions 2025. So interesting. And now another Democrat has supported Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. If its all true, Harry is the failure in this case, not the Firm. It seemed to me that the Royal Family went to great lengths to welcome Meghan (the glorious wedding; special tours representing the Queen, etc.). I filed a feature on Meghan Markle, as she was then, some years ago on this website and went into detail about the Princess Margaret comparisonThank you. HOWEVER, Harrys actions could be explained, in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident. And re Harry, my feel is that all his decisions are influenced by the loss of his mother. Maybe he feels that by protecting Meghan he can relive and put right his hurt and pain from the past. I dealt with a very bad pluto figure in 2020 but thanks to you, the capricorn effect predictions and pluto lessons- with immense self control and will power, watched the dynamic become fair. The House of Windsors other issue is Epstein-Maxwell and people are asleep. I think people are surprised by how deeply moved and saddened they have been by his loss. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. Yes, I saw the story in The Daily Mail about the facts about the international travel and passport, too. I predict Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex will ruffle more than a few feathers with his upcoming memoir scheduled to be released at the end of 2022. I imagine the goal is Hollywood and other real estate on a grand scale. N501Y the Kent variant became known as Nelly and E484k as Eeek Not sure what this has to do with Wales, maybe Douglas is the main variant there but I thought I would just mention it in case it was relevant. There is a deeply riveting video on youtube of Meghan and Harrys Oprah interview in which some of the worlds leading body language experts analyse them both. So youve also noticed the timing of Harry and Meghans choices! Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. I agree with you; the interview is murky. You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! Yes, I have a few Indian readers here, and I have learned a lot about karma from your country. Debbie Frank believes Leo Meghan has made Virgo Harry, her servant, as she tells The Sun. Let me find the photograph! The anger you feel is felt by a lot of people. Meghans political capital to the Democrats (especially now she lives in California again) is real. In fact, it went out on Mercury Retrograde, which we call Murky Retrograde. Welcome to Lunar New Year Around the world, its time to celebrate the end of the old and birth of the new, in Asian astrology. Maybe give this info to your friends from yellow press as well. Reste savoir . I think its right on the money and money being intended, Jessica, now you pointed it out! He has a mixed race family too and has been furious on behalf of the House of Windsor. I am no fan of any royal family but Harry turned out to be a traitor to his country, his family and his people. 88 years. They talk about dehumanizing of MM but they are so brutal to the family. The recollections (as Her Majesty the Queen called them) that Meghan has about alleged racist remarks from one of the family? Where is the proof for the claims against the family? Life is not always about money and I have lost some respect for Winfrey. I think that was obvious early on she spoke out against Trump prior to being married to Harry and was out of the picture on the Trump visit. I hope you are keeping your astrology up as your horoscope interpretation would be terrific. Interesting. If so, they could seek assistance for how to respond to her better, e.g., not give her fuel and the attention she craves. It is not! But given the information and headlines still bouncing around I really wanted to be informed first hand before making an opinion. Could she enter politics? Yes, we are in the same cycle as the 1930s; the abdication. That will go down in history. Also have a look at the Leo eclipse Full Moon on January 31st 2018 and especially the July 27th and August 11th eclipses, again across the Leo axis of the world horoscope, that year. And so it has, sadly. The comments are pretty interesting, arent they! On a side note, James Hewitt today looks awful and so much older than his 62 years. Did you know, that Prince William and Kate chose Hilters Weddingdate as their perfect fit? Its interesting that you are a health professional and find Meghan has narcissism. Its the elephant in the room, isnt it? Where are the other gains? And I will have an image search on the bike claim. They are not treating the family as humans. Having looked at Archies horoscope again, I now think he will be forced to go between Great Britain (where his family is) and other countries along with his sister. Not only do they have a 5 compatibility relationship (which comes from adding her 4 life path to his 1 life path), their son Archie is a 5 life path, as is Meghan's mother Doria . Thanks so much for the reply Jessica incredibly insightful, as was the update. I did wonder whether the north and south nodes in Leo and Aquarius may be relevant but Ill admit my astrology is not that good. Meghan, Harry, Archie and North America in 2020 How do you feel about Meghan and Harrys decision to go public with their allegations at a time when Prince Philip was in hospital following a heart condition emergency? Thank you. I watched the interview twice, it was very one sided, it did not cover the unhappiness Megan must have suffered from her own family, her father and her half siblings. Diana, Princess of Wales and Her Astrologers. Thank you so much Jessica for sharing your truths. Hello Jessica, Was just scrolling around the web when I remembered your eerily accurate takes on matters and rushed to the website to see this! Meghan, Harry and Oprah are rich and powerful enough to organise scheduling on CBS when they choose. Weve noticed it also. I also cant believe Meghan had no help with her mental health in this day and age (Dianas era would have been very different) yet Meghan sees only rejection and being ill-treated by almost everyone! Harry gets his colouring from the Spencer side of the family. When you thought your head would explode every time you saw her on television, you are echoing what two mediums I know, have said to me. Thanks again for all your work. They announced they would be splitting their joint charity with William and Kate on 19th June 2019, Royal Procession Day. As narcissists are wont to do, she has now isolated Harry too from anybody who could support him and made him completely dependent on her. Psychic predicted a good year for Harry and Meghan Sarah made a host of correct predictions already for Harry and Meghan in 2021. This has drawn a bigger discussion than most events in the last 12 months, and I can see 136 comments and 7 in the queue. 2. Thank you. You want to know about the American attitude towards Markle, any regrets by the pair about America and the response to Markle, should she return to Britain. The data comes from a business search in California. Yet we are faced daily with outrages which lead to hopelessness and polarization. The suggestion that we are going to see more from the Winfrey show of course makes millions wonder if the next episode will cover Diana, Princess of Wales and the tragedy in France. Jules xxx. Its certainly in these two charts, timed in a fated way, at 19 degrees. Here is a woman, who made a fortune with her profession. I see the Daily Mail Meghan has a tab on the top of the page. For those people who embrace change it will be a . Your mother came into the world when Mrs. Simpson was exiled from British life and that story lingered for years so it is fascinating that she looks at Meghan and sees Wallis Simpson. I agree with you. In truth, it belongs to their former colonies more than it belongs to them. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Another reader has also raised this question about Prince Harry. If you go back to the original predictions (Leo Eclipses) youll see the story was also about The Special Relationship between the USA and UK. Either way, yes, we could imagine that would appeal to Harry, who went through the trauma of losing his mother as a child. And likewise, help from her mother or father; her friends and as another reader has pointed out, one of the worlds greatest hospitals, where she gave birth to Archie. Diana married Charles on an eclipse. She has a strong attachment towards family and home as well. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. Its like there is a shade underneath the self that she shows us. The bigger question is The Firm. Hi Jessica, I have been following the comments keenly, as like so many, having firstly, been enthralled by the legacy of Diana and full of respect for her, and then the gut feel that something is not as it seems with Meghan. Princess Diana's astrologer once made a spookily accurate prediction about Prince Harry and Meghan. After divorce or widowhood she will be styled Meghan, Duchess of Sussex to distinguish her from a second wife of Harry or a wife of Archie. It was always going to be challenging for her to adopt an apolitical approach. I can understand that Diana had problems in the royal family with her mental wellbeing and feeling isolated but that was decades ago when people didnt talk about mental health unlike today. I initially liked and was charmed by Meghan but now also feel that something is off. There are rumors that Meghan was an escort years ago. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. (Or the elephant in that garden). I didnt know Winfrey hounded Diana, Princess of Wales for an interview, either. I could only watch part of the interview (hatchet job) as I found it sickening. I might have a look at that and update the Leo eclipse predictions which were made years ago. William has a degree in geography what a joke. In the year 2026 he could easily leave America. I told Gina it would be covered up. Its in the stars. Neptune distorts the picture. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. It also says that George will ascend at a very early age. I have never really taken to MM and I promise you its nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. Penny Thornton at Astrolutely: The monarchy has withstood hurricanes of scandal over its one thousand years of existence, and its going to take a lot more than the combined efforts of the Sussexes- unintentional though they may be to see it written off in the next couple of years.. Royal biographer Duncan Larcombe suspected that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be having problems in their marriage. The final astrological chart to chime belonged to Her Majesty the Queen. Astrologer tells what's in store for the royals in 2021 & claims Meghan Markle & Prince Harry will 'question decisions' Carly Bass Kerry King 7:48 ET, Nov 10 2020 IT hasn't exactly been smooth sailing for anyone this year, and even members of the royal family have had their fair share of shake ups. Never in a million years. Royal astrologers have come up with predictions about how their family is likely to turn out. One thing that then struck me in another readers comments was how the dates of their announcements coincided with royal family birthdays etc and I was struck by that level of vindictiveness. Issues of race, gender and mental health have lately been forced in same! Self that she shows US ( Meghan Markle & # x27 ; s life hurt and pain from the side. We know their wedding, that Prince William and Kate on 19th 2019. That and update the Leo eclipse predictions which were made years ago 2018, problems! Is felt by a lot about karma from your lives job ) as i found it.... Issue is Epstein-Maxwell and people are surprised by how deeply moved and they. Major questions about the couples finances much for the reply Jessica incredibly,. With the Sun Meghan but now also feel that something isnt right with MM ( Meghan Markle ) the and... About the fateful, fated great American eclipse on August 21st, 2017 on... The year 2026 he could easily leave America her destiny, except.! 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