The author read all 637 cases and eliminated those that discussed comity only in a domestic context, leaving more than 100 Supreme Court cases relevant to international comity. Id. 15.400.460 (codifying choice of law for torts and other noncontractual claims). 283, 353 (1822) ([Schooner Exchange] stands upon principles of public comity and convenience.). As a principle of restraint, adjudicative comity operates through a multitude of doctrines that limit the exercise of U.S. courts jurisdiction, often with the aim of avoiding multiple proceedings. 2006) (recognizing possibility of abstaining on international comity grounds); Ungaro-Benages v. Dresdner Bank AG, 379 F.3d 1227, 1238 (11th Cir. uuid:5691859e-1dd2-11b2-0a00-00ceffffc0ce The Supreme Court has repeatedly emphasized the virtually unflagging obligation of the federal courts to exercise the jurisdiction given them. endstream . See, e.g., Doe v. Exxon Mobil Corp., 654 F.3d 11, 58 (D.C. Cir. 196 .). w3TPI2T0 BC#=C3\. 54 Both by function and by rationale, therefore, the act of state doctrine is properly considered a manifestation of international comity. 201 the Executive is in the best position to determine how they should apply. 222 cmt. . In fact, Justice Story meant nothing of the kind. 85 Close See id. In Ungaro-Benages v. Dresdner Bank AG, the Eleventh Circuit went further and upheld abstention on international comity grounds, despite the absence of parallel foreign proceedings, to support a foundation established by the United States and Germany to hear claims brought by victims of the Nazi regime. To get a comprehensive understanding of Atmanirbhar the thinking and the . In these areas it makes sense to think of an international law core and a comity penumbra. The Supreme Court refused in Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. to impose a rule limiting assistance to evidence that would be discoverable under the foreign tribunals rules, but the Court noted that comity and parity concerns may be important as touchstones for a district courts exercise of discretion in particular cases. 82 86 But the Court also faulted the Ninth Circuit for ignoring the risks to international comity its expansive view of general jurisdiction posed. nor of mere courtesy and good will, Occasionally, conduct prohibited by U.S. law may be required by foreign law, in which case compliance with U.S. law may be excused under the doctrine of foreign state compulsion. . 36 at 735 (Kennedy, J., dissenting). See, e.g., The Apollon, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.) In effectuating the purposes of international comity, rules have some advantages over standards. ,.. Take the doctrines of sovereign party comity, for example. 123 Acts 1981, 67th Leg., p. 1582, ch. A panel of the Ninth Circuit later applied the doctrine to an expropriation claim brought under the FSIA, though that decision was later vacated when the case was reheard en banc. Last week, House Democrats under Speaker Nancy Pelosi approved the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which was intended to restore the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 to its former . 40 <>stream Close 6 <>stream 151 The following are the inherent powers of the state except one. 2008) (Since Palestine is not recognized, under United States law, as a foreign state, the defendants cannot derivatively secure sovereign immunity as agencies and/or instrumentalities of Palestine.); Knox v. Palestine Liberation Org., 306 F. Supp. It is true that courts sometimes justify the extension of comity through assumptions about what the legislature would want. H at 70. 38 The second "is referred to as ' comity among courts' or adjudicatory comity, which 'may be viewed as a discretionary act of deference by a national court to decline to exercise jurisdiction in a case properly adjudicated in a foreign state.'" Id. 394 2006) (Applying [section 403] factors, we can only conclude that the doctrine of international comity does not require that we forego application of the United States Bankruptcy Code in favor of Bahamian bankruptcy law.); United States v. Nippon Paper Indus. Close . In the areas of prescriptive and adjudicative comity, one finds a mix of rules and standards. 17,031) (Story, J.) 2009) (holding prudential exhaustion applies equally to cases brought against foreign states (and their instrumentalities) under the FSIA), vacated, 616 F.3d 1019 (9th Cir. 249 Id. 569, 596 (La. 107 x+ | Tr. 144104, June 29, 2004 (477 Phil. American law is full of international comity doctrines. Forum non conveniens is an exception that applies in certain narrow circumstances. 397 22 0 obj Close 164, 167 (1870). Close deference to foreign tribunals is termed adjudicative comity, Section 2(b) of the Torture Victim Protection Act imposes an exhaustion requirement by statute for human rights claims brought under that act. Pfizer, Inc. v. Govt of India, 434 U.S. 308, 31920 (1978) ([G]overnments recognized by the United States and at peace with us are entitled to access to our courts. Once that focus has been established and the territorial reach of a provision determined, however, the geographic scope of the provision remains the same in each case. and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. 382 xs This categorization shows that courts have used international comity to defer to foreign lawmakers, to foreign courts, and to foreign governments as litigants, and that international comity has operated in each category both as a principle of recognition and as a principle of restraint. But it is the recognition which one nation allows within its territory to the legislative, executive, or judicial acts of another nation, having due regard both to international duty and convenience, and to the rights of its own citizens, or of other persons who are under the protection of its laws. . 364 But the Supreme Court has specifically rejected a case-by-case approach to extraterritoriality. 169 267 . Lower courts have generally applied international law to decide if a defendant is a foreign state under the Act, To understand the role of international comity in American law today, one must have some idea of where it came from and how it developed. 1782(a) (2012) (The district court of the district in which a person resides or is found may order him to give his testimony or statement or to produce a document or other thing for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal. Thus, in personal injury suits, the local law of the state where the injury occurred generally applies, w3TPI2T0 BC#=3\. Some international comity doctrines have been interpreted to permit case-by-case discretion by the executive branch. . 372 6 H Dairy Bd., 942 F. Supp. 165 Chewing Gum Corp., 453 F.2d 435, 440 (3d Cir. It is needless to enumerate here, Chief Justice Taney wrote in Bank of Augusta v. Earle, the instances in which, by the general practice of civilized countries, the laws of the one, will, by the comity of nations, be recognised and executed in another, where the right of individuals are concerned. w3TPI2T0 BC#=3\. Close Rep. 99, 77 (Feb. 3) (finding international law required immunity for acta jure imperii committed by armed forces during armed conflict). See supra note 152 and accompanying text (explaining restraint was difficult to justify on basis of convenience). <>>>/BBox[0 0 377.76 588]/Length 46>>stream xS**T0T0 BiU" Close 122 ,.. Law Inst. 49 Close. xS**T0T0 BiU" towards greater consideration of private interests. 2d 451, 458 (S.D.N.Y. general principles of taxation 1.without taxes, the government will be paralyzed for lack of motive. The Second Circuit has looked to principles of comity to determine whether to recognize foreign acts of state having extraterritorial effect. endobj See Klaxon Co. v. Stentor Elec. Today, American courts also use international comity to restrain the reach of domestic law. A review of the international comity doctrines in American law shows that many take the form of rules rather than standardsfrom foreign sovereign immunity, to the act of state doctrine, to the presumption against extraterritoriality. Close Close . See Guar. Close 343 It catalogues and categorizes the uses of international comity in American law, based on a reading of all the U.S. Supreme Court opinions mentioning comity, as well as a number of lower court decisions. Indus. The modern presumption against extraterritoriality, for example, has two rationales: (1) [i]t serves to protect against unintended clashes between our laws and those of other nations which could result in international discord; 297 1607. 177 412 403 273 233 125 43 The conflict of laws and the enforcement of foreign judgments are governed by state law in the United States. 428), Jurisprudence on gender-free or homosexual rape, Cario v. Insular Government, 212 U.S. 449 (1909), G.R. 220 <>stream 220 See WestlawNext, (last visited Sept. 25, 2015) (in All State & Federal, search: (comity /s absolute obligation) (recognition /s within its territory /s acts of another nation) (due regard /s international duty /s rights of its own citizens) and Hilton). H w3TPI2T0 BC#=3\. endobj Sg'G!};n$sqvf3b#&K>n dO=XqfjgU&XMyzkM 6Bt2!t Croudson v. Leonard, 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 434, 437 (1808). 169 Play this game to review Other. 24 0 obj 291 2005 Uniform Act, supra note 106, 4(c)(3) (emphasis added). to see if they are sufficient to overcome the strong presumption in favor of the plaintiffs choice of forum. Some rules of foreign sovereign immunity may fit that description. ,.. Samson v. Daway (Case Digest. And even the executive branch has concluded, in the context of foreign state immunity, that case-by-case discretion does not help U.S. foreign relations. See, e.g., Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S. 714, 722 (1877) (observing because [t]he several States are of equal dignity and authority,. 2005). See Posner & Sunstein, supra note 33, at 117980 (considering only presumption against extraterritoriality, act of state doctrine, foreign sovereign immunity, and (mistakenly) Charming Betsy canon); supra notes 4648 and accompanying text (explaining why Charming Betsy is not truly an international comity doctrine). 285 Close 5 0 obj xS**T0T0 Bid]" e International law is distinct from international comity, which comprises legally nonbinding practices adopted by states for reasons of courtesy (e.g., the saluting of the flags of foreign warships at sea). Close 7 this deemphasis has encouraged lower courts over the past fifteen years to ignore certain legitimate sovereign interests expressed by foreign states.). F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. v. Empagran S.A., 542 U.S. 155, 164 (2004); see also Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd., 545 U.S. 119, 130 (2005) (plurality opinion) (Kennedy, J.) Close See Joel R. Paul, Comity in International Law, 32 Harv. international comity the agreement among nations to lessen tax burden of their respective subjects is called yes, with respect to properties not actually devoted to educational purpose an educational institution operated by a religious organization was being required by a local government to pay real property tax. xS**T0T0 Bih]" W But see First Natl City Bank v. Banco Nacional de Cuba, 406 U.S. 759, 765 (1972) (plurality opinion) (Rehnquist, J.) See N. Jansen Calamita, Rethinking Comity: Towards a Coherent Treatment of International Parallel Proceedings, 27 U. Pa. J. Intl Econ. Due process B. 78j (2012), which prohibits fraud in connection with the purchase or sale of a security. (WZfPz%$e9ZlYYujbb;raI!B>=hq'D^ VQ. 87 See, e.g., id. Part I begins with a brief history of international comity, from its origins in the Netherlands, through its adoption by English common law, to its transmission to the United States. For example, no rule of customary international law requires the United States to recognize the judgment of a foreign court, xS**T0T0 BiU" See 159 U.S. 113, 163 (1895) (noting enforcement of judicial decree. Corp., 43 F.3d 65, 75 (3d Cir. It. Close Many of the comity doctrines are justified on the basis of respecting foreign sovereignty and fostering friendly relations. It aims to rescue international comity from disrepute and support its critical role in U.S. foreign relations law by providing a clearer view of both the underlying principle and its manifestations in American law. A. I only. Close H Under 28 U.S.C. 06-10061-MLW, 2006 WL 1344091, at *4 (D. Mass. 47252. d. Exemption of government entities recognized. endstream 181 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, 2015 O.J. while the Second Circuit considers them absolutely binding. 1987) ([T]here are no agreed principles governing recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, except that no state recognizes or enforces the judgment of another state rendered without jurisdiction over the judgment debtor.). 140 See Guar. 21, 3438 (2009) (arguing President is constitutionally bound to obey international law under Take Care Clause). Riding circuit two years later, Justice Washington invoked Huber for the proposition that by the courtesy of nations, to be inferred from their tacit consent, the laws which are executed within the limits of any government are permitted to operate everywhere, provided they do not produce injury to the rights of such other government or its citizens. 362 2000) (applying Colorado River abstention to foreign proceedings). See 336 U.S. at 285 ([The presumption] is a valid approach whereby unexpressed congressional intent may be ascertained. Croudson v. Leonard, 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 434, 437 (1808) ([P]ublic convenience seems to require that a question, which has once been fairly decided, should not be again litigated between the same parties. See, e.g., Pounders v. Enserch E & C, Inc., 306 P.3d 9, 1117 (Ariz. 2013) (applying Arizona choice-of-law rules to determine New Mexico law governed tort action). is a concept with almost as many meanings as sovereignty.). 231 Oil Co., 499 U.S. 244, 248 (1991) (citing McCulloch v. Sociedad Nacional de Marineros de Honduras, 372 U.S. 10, 2022 (1963)). These international comity doctrines operate to recognize foreign law and to restrain the reach of American law. See Knox, supra note 124, at 36266 (describing origins of presumption against extraterritoriality). Close. States in the United States have adopted a variety of methodologies for choosing the law to apply in a case that touches more than one jurisdiction. ), Judgment, 2012 I.C.J. Close. a court may not substitute its own construction of a statutory provision for a reasonable interpretation made by the administrator of an agency). 460, 487 (N.Y. 1820) (Kent, J.) gave substantial weight to a U.S. statement of interest suggesting that the adjudication of this case will have an adverse impact on the foreign policy interests of the United States. 1812) (No. Close (quoting Foley Bros. v. Filardo, 336 U.S. 281, 285 (1949)). endobj 379 Close Later cases have emphasized separation of powers as the basis for the act of state doctrine. a (Am. 399 24 See id. 170 The Supreme Court has repeatedly characterized foreign sovereign immunity as a gesture of comity 328 See Lori Fisler Damrosch et al., International Law 816 (5th ed. Close 366 Close 28 U.S.C. 281 When an American court recognizes a foreign judgment, it restrains the exercise of its own authority to decide the merits of that case. J. Transnatl L. 563, 564 (2000); see also Edward T. Swaine, Cooperation, Comity, and Competition Policy: United States, in Cooperation, Comity, and Competition Policy, supra note 37, at 3, 910 (suggesting comity was immolated in Hartford Fire). Congress has also authorized federal courts to assist foreign and international tribunals with respect to the discovery of evidence located in the United States. This possibility of interference arises when an interested person, rather than the foreign court itself, seeks discovery. x+ | Close Hilton articulated clear rules for the enforcement of foreign judgments in the United States: [W]here there has been opportunity for a full and fair trial abroad before a court of competent jurisdiction, conducting the trial upon regular proceedings, after due citation or voluntary appearance of the defendant, and under a system of jurisprudence likely to secure an impartial administration of justice between the citizens of its own country and those of other countries, and there is nothing to show either prejudice in the court, or in the system of laws under which it was sitting, or fraud in procuring the judgment, or any other special reason why the comity of this nation should not allow it full effect, the merits of the case should not, in an action brought in this country upon the judgment, be tried afresh. 248 But neither the existence of unfriendly relations nor even the severing of diplomatic relations will be sufficient to deny this privilege. 747, 75154 (1982) (questioning Pipers holding that forum non conveniens determinations should be reviewed for abuse of discretion). 234 courts of justice presume the tacit adoption of [foreign laws] by their own government, unless they are repugnant to its policy, or prejudicial to its interests. endstream See Klaxon Co. v. Stentor Elec. 292 No. <>>>/BBox[0 0 377.76 588]/Length 47>>stream Close, Second, the Executives ability to make case-by-case comity determinations may harm, rather than advance, the foreign relations of the United States. procedures compatible with. See Paul, Comity in International Law, supra note 17, at 27 (examining how courts in other legal systems use either the classical doctrine or the broader notion of comity to manage conflicting public policies between sovereign states); Spencer Weber Waller, A Unified Theory of Transnational Procedure, 26 Cornell Intl L.J. endobj Testifying before Congress in favor of the proposed FSIA, State Department Legal Adviser Monroe Leigh said that the State Departments consideration of political factors is, in fact, the very antithesis of the rule of law which we would like to see established. endstream Close Erie R.R. [1] the factors considered by the second circuit in the comity balancing test include: (1) degree of conflict with foreign law or policy; (2) nationality of the parties, locations or principal places of business of corporations; (3) relative importance of the alleged violation of conduct here as compared with conduct abroad; (4) the extent to In Sabbatino, Justice Harlan observed that [o]ften the State Department will wish to refrain from taking an official position, particularly at a moment that would be dictated by the development of private litigation but might be inopportune diplomatically. Close Today, host countries generally hold primary jurisdiction to tax the active income 18 that is earned in their territories by foreign or domestic firms with permanent establishments. 121 101 Childress, supra note 20, at 34. 378 The doctrine provides that American courts will not question the validity of a foreign act of state fully performed within the states own territory. 307 237, 260 (2010). depends upon what our greatest jurists have been content to call the comity of nations); see also Croudson v. Leonard, 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 434, 437 (1808) (noting spirit of comity lies behind enforcement of foreign judgments). 240 168 No. . xs endobj <>stream Courts have declined to defer to the Executive even with respect to doctrines like forum non conveniens that expressly incorporate public interest factors. Bradley, supra note 66, at 666. 253 endobj 357 251 See Murray v. The Schooner Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. (2 Cranch) 64, 118 (1804) ([A]n act of Congress ought never to be construed to violate the law of nations if any other possible construction remains. Story, supra note 54, 33, at 38. endstream To be sure, the convenience rationale for comity was not exclusive in the nineteenth century. 331 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Recast), 2012 O.J. 395 See Samantar, 130 S. Ct. at 2292 (noting immunity of foreign official was properly governed by the common law). They also point out that courts appear to have little understanding of what exactly comity consists, For more on Huber, see Ernest G. Lorenzen, Hubers De Conflictu Legum, 13 Ill. L. Rev. . 21 0 obj Close As a general matter, [d]ue process limits on the States adjudicative authority principally protect the liberty of the nonresident defendant. endstream noun In international law, that courtesy between states or nations by which the laws and institutions of the one are recognized, and in certain cases and under certain limitations given effect to, by the government of the other, within its territory. SUBSIDY B. Close 11 Id. The doctrines of American law that mediate the relationship between the U.S. legal system and those of other nations are nearly all manifestations of international comityfrom the conflict of laws to the presumption against extraterritoriality; from the recognition of foreign judgments to the doctrines . F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. v. Empagran S.A., 542 U.S. 155, 164 (2004) (Breyer, J.). 138 232 20 on the Judiciary, Jurisdiction of U.S. Courts in Suits Against Foreign States, H.R. 389 For example, the President has unreviewable authority to recognize foreign governments. Ship company PRESUMED negligent for lost, damaged Tan v. Bausch (Case Digest. (invoking unique genius of our Constitution in establishing two orders of government). 1841) (1834) (quoting Saul v. His Creditors, 5 Mart. The case, in which Dallas served as counsel, was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds, but Dallas apparently felt that his translation should not go to waste. 245 the act of state doctrine, Close . 151 Close, International comity has even influenced some of the Supreme Courts rulings on personal jurisdiction under the Due Process Clause. on the Judiciary, 94th Cong. Close Justice Gray began by restating the traditional rule of strictly territorial sovereignty: No law has any effect, of its own force, beyond the limits of the sovereignty from which its authority is derived. 63 306 See Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134 S. Ct. 746, 760 (2014) (identifying place of incorporation and principal place of business as paradigm bases for general jurisdiction over corporations). Close 22. 29 See supra note 37 (surveying international comity literature). 126 See, e.g., Holmes v. Remsen, 4 Johns. Based on this survey, this Article adopts a functional definition of international comity that captures its uses in American law today: International comity is deference to foreign government actors that is not required by international law but is incorporated in domestic law. 258 1838) (No. Close Close 116 See infra notes 316321 and accompanying text (discussing criticism of comity as discretionary). See, e.g., Republic of Austria v. Altmann, 541 U.S. 677, 735 (2004) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (observing judicial independence. See Crawford, supra note 24, at 157 (noting while some countries allow recognized governments to sue in local courts, great caution is needed in using municipal cases to establish propositions about recognition in general international law). 1, intro. 95 U.S. 714, 722 (1877) (holding no state can extend its process beyond that territory so as to subject either persons or property to its decisions). 315 137 Close Close Kirkpatricks approach was more rule-like than the approach in Sabbatino, where the Court suggested a case-by-case balancing of factors. Close Va. 1799) (No. L. Rev. (noting Canadas State Immunity Act has chosen to embrace principles of comity and state sovereignty over the interests of individuals wishing to sue a foreign state in Canadian courts for acts of torture committed abroad); see also William S. Dodge, Is Torture an Official Act? endstream ); see also Fischer v. Magyar llamvasutak Zrt., 777 F.3d 847, 859 (7th Cir. VIII INTERNATIONAL COMITY IN TAXATION CLYDE J. CROBAUGH University of Indiana (Reprinted from the Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 482 U.S. at 554 (Blackmun, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part). w3TPI2T0 BC#=C3\. Close endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 377.76 588]/Length 46>>stream 111 ), Judgment, 2002 I.C.J. endobj 72 Close 1998) (The Act does not preclude recognition of other types of judgments through the doctrine of comity.). The history of international comity begins with the seventeenth-century Dutch jurist Ulrich Huber. 2004) (The standard of review for the grant of a permanent injunction, including an antisuit injunction, is abuse of discretion.). Close 175 Finally, this categorization does not include the Charming Betsy canon of avoiding violations of international law, Yet Story also thought that the territorial sovereign could trump other considerations and refuse to enforce foreign law: No nation can. When one nation applies the laws of another in its courts, it recognizes that the other nation has jurisdiction to prescribe rules for the transaction or event. Gilbert, 330 U.S. at 50809 (outlining private and public interest factors); see also Piper, 454 U.S. at 25761 (discussing district courts application of private and public interest factors). w3TPI2T0 BC#=3\. 142 In the past, it would have answered that question by relying on rules of international law. To say that the presumption applies in all cases is not to say that U.S. statutes apply only to conduct in the United States. See supra notes 257258 and accompanying text (discussing Ninth Circuits decision in Mujica). 313 Yet this suggestion raises problems of its own. This aspect of the doctrine has perhaps obscured its foundation in comity. 96 Other doctrines of international comity expressly reject a reciprocity requirement. The Supreme Court has adopted a rule that any government recognized by the United States, and not at war with it, may bring suit in U.S. courts. International comity b. See Ramsey, supra note 19, at 896 n.16 (I speak here and throughout this Article only of international comity used in connection with the effect-of-foreign-acts inquiry.). 295 note at 591 (Am. <>stream See, e.g., Howe v. Goldcorp Invs., Ltd., 946 F.2d 944, 95053 (1st Cir. 73 But the United States is not a party to any such treaty or supranational regulation. H Close 43 0 obj 68 In England and America, this discretion was exercised in the first instance by courts but subject always to legislative control. Close 14. 151.615. Id. Close H 371 A court has no discretion to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the purposes of foreign state immunity would be served by its application. 67 <>stream Lower courts applying the doctrine of foreign state compulsion in antitrust cases have noted its basis in comity. 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Filardo, 336 U.S. 281, 285 ( 1949 ) ) law of the choice! 2004 ) ( the act does not preclude recognition of other types of judgments through the doctrine has perhaps its! Preclude recognition of other types of judgments through the doctrine of comity through assumptions about what legislature. Presumed negligent for lost, damaged Tan v. Bausch ( Case Digest conveniens an! Law for torts and other noncontractual claims ) 72 Close 1998 ) ( Breyer, J. ) ( )... History of international comity doctrines are justified on the basis for the act of state doctrine, 22 (! Provision for a reasonable interpretation made by the administrator of an international law, 43 65... Stream Close 6 < > stream Close 6 < > stream see e.g.! Approach whereby unexpressed congressional intent may be ascertained extraterritoriality ) U.S. 449 ( )!, G.R case-by-case balancing of factors Jurisprudence on gender-free or homosexual rape Cario... 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