A possum just ate 4 8 day old baby rabbits in my yard. all possum traps are built to tough, professional standards and offer the highest quality features including: * open size: 24cm (w) x 66cm (l) x 26cm (h) * safely captures troublesome possums. Its someone elses pet give them the opportunity to deal with the problem unless they refuse and then its up to you. I recently found a good deterent, mix about 30 gm(1 OZ) of precrushed garlic plus about 15 gm of dried flaked chilis in a jar. any suggestions on getting rid of HORRIBLE SMELL. Various odorous products or homemade concoctions are said to help deter possums. IM going to take them to a wild life sanctuary in the next couple of days. It would be a dead possum if I had my way! The possum is very cooperative and plays possum, which means you can generally get within thirty feet and take several shots at him. Message me for my addressyou can send me a check. Possums belong to this type. Humans carry many types of diseases, steal from each other, and can be loud and annoying. I saw a baby opossum in my bathroom and I think a few were spotted in the access panel enterence for my tub pipes in the hallway. Nothing thats what, they just cause smells, damage and have more and more of their disgusting, ugly babies to continue on the cycle. videos, make sure you use all equipment, including PPE, safely by following the manufacturers instructions. yes, all Gods creatures do have a right to live. Our possum trap range includes traps that: Use possum traps on their own or alongside other possum control methods depending on your infestation levels. Was able to capture all three now their living in my cat carrier until I take them to a safe place. As a pitbull lover its sad that you are telling people to be careful about letting your dog get around one but that is the only purpose for your pit. this house was built in 1925. Cheryl is right. You may be required to get a permit or licence before the trapping process can commence. But after reading most of these posts, a lot of you recommend rat poison & the like but what those people dont understand is eagles, hawks, owls as well as many other animals (including cats & dogs) will eat the poisoned pest and die themselves. Exactly, theyre natures garbage men. I never thought it was possums living in the attic and then this year when I heard them I could smell the skunk smell I live in the city and I am freaking out.. why my house and I have no idea how they are getting into my home.. If you have them under your house for any length of time, get ready to spend a few bucks on new HVAC ducting. This is such BS! I did not release it as it would be up in my roof again causing damage. They hiding under my porch and my wife and children are scared. Im not afraid of them or worried about damages, there have been no damages to date. Start car, put the opening of the bag over the exhaust pipe for 1 minute and seal around the pipe. Prevent your tiny native neighbours from getting too close for comfort with your garden produce. The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects. Even deer have come to NYC, dont forget about the coyotes you saw on the evening news. This will release the spring activated front door and safely trap the possum inside. What I thought to be a cat fight, as the neighbors tom cats will do at times, was not. The possum are nightly visitors to the chicken runyes, they have dug underneath the buried fencing. If you see one in your yard it will not stay long as they are roaming scavengers. Wow, are you sure it wasnt a raccoon or a squirrel? By the way they can get out of traps very easy. Losing him has ripped a hole in her heart so big it will take a very long time to heal. I knocked down the wood pile and gave it an opportunity to leave on its own but it didnt. Use of a humane, live catch possum trap will ensure you capture troublesome possums without hurting or killing them. Everything will be dead. Yes its true,illegal in ny to relocate any wild animal,dec will confirm this.You end up with an animal that can no longer be trapped and you may bring a diseased animal to an area that does not,have .indigenous to the other location.As per dec you should dispatch the problem on your location. Stacy & Kelli, the name of the site is PESTKILL !!! A spouse just passed away.They always kept a door (slider) open for the dogs to go in and out, something is getting in and eating stuff, bread, donuts even when it is out of reach in a cabinet. Will also trap cats and possums. Oh yes, one more thing. Oh and they never bothered my trash cans either! Killing one helps to restore their balance. Suitable for trapping most dogs and other larger animals. Method 1 Setting the Trap 1 Buy a large steel cage. Ive had Norway (ground) rats in my house twice. Its not an easy crawl for me to get under there to look around, and I cannot see anything that my spotlight reaches from the crawl space opening. i need to get rid of it by any means possible and dont want to see it again! My cat and the neighbors cat sometimes are out on the patio too and often there is a young skunk in the mix with no issues at all. C) They are not mean. Its a case of they MAY become extinct is more important than the fact that were giving these creatures an advantage they never would have had in a natural ecosystem. Just take a trap by truck or car at least 5-6 miles away from your house and garden, and open a cage there. Where to set the trap? Call a pest control company. Repels possums without harm. That is horrible. In actuality they are more scared of us, than we should be of them! They are NOT RODENTS. I have a 2 year old sorry all bets are offI dont want disease ridden rodents around my child, if its them or my child they are dead. I like gregs answer bout eating emgranny and jed clampett, of beverly hill billys swore by this delicious feast.. gotta go for now. I tried to throw my slipper at the possum but it walked up to my big tree in the backyard & just sat there. Only interested in humane options. Put the chicken wire up in an L shape, with the bottom of the L a few inches under the ground. Most of these people are so full of hatred that its scary! Today I see a brand new burrow right next to the old one. As a matter of fact I live 15 miles outside of the city; there is no leash law here. I would kill Mice anytime I had them, I wouldnt do so with Opossums, and ive had to deal with them many times. They are slow moving. If you are trapping possums, this possum lure, possum trap bait is exactly what you need. If not those people are insane to want giant rats around. i would love to have one at my house!! I saw this as humane as it seemed to have accepted its fate. February 2016. Made from hot 3 i have called the village they wont do a damn thing, said they no longer have animal control. EVER USE MOTH BALLS! Luckily most of them arent very dangerous or hard to kill, but there are also those ones that come by and become the source of diseases and danger for your family and pets. hear one been scratching at my bathroom drain pipes. Have a heart and be kind to these little guys God made them just as He made all creatures! Now we have noticed in the last week at about 4:00 to 5:00 on some afternoons we have a good sized opossum! They destroy homes. Opossums are not pests they are the uses only marsupial and actually kill and dispose of the bad bugs and things in your yard and garden. I put out a bowl and he drank it three times on comera. When they attack small animals and eat pieces of them- its to get calcium, NOT to be vicious. This is not a site for opossum advice, its a kill page. I think that did the trick. Thus, while under your house, the fleas will find a way into your residence. Only real problem is they will fight with small dogs who keep sniffing at/irritating them. Not sure where they come/came from or if there are more. I love animals, and believe live and let live, but hes not doing his part, so, next step is murder. They will eat metal and plywood as well as hvac ducts! Possums DO carry diseases and they will attack other animals as well as humans even when NOT cornered! There is nothing here for them to eat, no where to shelter. Theyre Fiercely Loyal & Patient & love a good Joke waiting to surprise me in the dark while I fumble keys & groceries never gets old for them, yet my neighbors have spotted Elvis & UFOs more often. The other morning I let our dog (a YorkiePoo) out and she tried to defend her territory but the RAT did not play dead like most do, this one was biting back. Good for you . My home is not for possums, but rather for me! Cuz I got a cat and dont want her hurt but hate the possum. My Greenie mates bag me for this stance, but still don't have an answer to the problem. Thats really all they arenasty trash eating scavengers. Needs suggestions dont really want to kill it, but will if this is my last resort. It is irresponsible and you can be fined in most cities. Though there are risks that others will come. My dog is the self-appointed 'possum hunter' in our household. Do not place bait on the trip plate. While I do not fear these beasts and enjoy the occasional sightings of a mother walking across the top of my fence with a baby clinging to her. Use single quotes (') for phrases. they have had litters too. Large dogs lime any large threat tend to trigger a seizure which makes them play dead that the animal has no control over. You folks are way more patient than I. Possums are good eatingjust take some sweet potatoes and put him in the a pan w/ the tators all around him then add some red pepper. Trap and relocate? Animal pro will come caught it and clean up they cause histplasmoses in your lung get rid of them fast. Cheryl, if I knew where you lived I would bring the possums we have caught and bring them to you to live in your yard since you sound like a possum lover. Now, knowing when they leave and when they return is not so simple, but if you use a motion detector, it is,. I usually just shoot the disgusting things. What they do carry is tuberculosis and other non-threatening diseases. FREE delivery Thu, Jan 12. Opossums have a rough life, they dont need misinformed peoples making it worse. They are useless and nasty, they chew up your instillation and leave huge piles of crap everywhere, I hate their guts, stupid, useless animals that should stay out of peoples houses. Before you release your horrible spelling rant upon people, make sure you know what youre talking about. Ultimately, any exposure could lead to health problems for my family and myself. Reviews. Holding the handle on the top of the trap, slowly pull up the trap allowing it to fall into place to erect the basic shape of the possum trap. Possum Trap. They are. They drive me bananas because they drink out of my 6 cats water and leave the water dirty. You dont have the first clue what youre talking about, lady. upsets my dog. They REALLY love to live under houses because the temp is very stable. It has a garden hose attachment and optional eye and beak labels. I agree with you Im having the same problem and Im using the elimination process you used but its more than just one. I will personally find you & make sure you go directly to jail if you kill ANY catsWe know who you are.Watch out!! The amount of feces and urine theyve left behind is truly unbelievable. Pour about 200 mls (7 oz) of boiling water, stir and let infuse. Hi molly but we arent talking about a hawk problem here. There are protective sprays that can help deter possums from browsing on your plants. A FERAL CAT THAT I HAVE BEEN FEEDING FOR ABOUT 6 YEARS COMES AND GOES, FEEDS AND LEAVES, COMES BACK TO SLEEP. Relocation to other sites is not an option. To a litter..year 3..the possums gonna eat the cat. Some on this thread sound like they fear their own shadow. I had to get new hens because mine stopped laying. So I cant fathom why you are even on this site. possums are nasty animals one mother possum got into my chicken coop and killed my welsummer and came back for more and ate our plants and then went next door and ate my friends plants and then came for my chickens for the second time and i stayed up all night to kill it and this will be the second night and im going to torture it wen i catch it im going to stab it for every bone of 8 chickens and stacey shut up because possum are nasty. Sharing the earth is one thing but screw them I wont share my yard or house with them anymore! So even though they do not harm anything, I dont want them around very expensive to help my horses. Well people now I fell bad for him mixed emotions I wanted to get rid of them they r huge they dont bother me in any way but my wife is so terrified because I work out of tow a lot gonna have to cut the trees so they wont Clim on my roof and keep my yard spot less clean my dog goes crazy when he sees them and wakes me up on the middle of the nite I have a gun but now I feel bad for thinking about killing them I prefer a possum over a snake. Any advice. You are wrong regarding diseases. Did you ever get rid them? We need to share the space folks. They are dangerous to pets and humans, as well. Lol, that doesnt always work. They dont see well unless you a close but can hear u or smell u. I use 22ga number 4 shot very effective in in rural area. I will try peanut butter and cole slaw this time. Hedgehogs Thank you for taking care of business like that, dont feel bad it had to be done, possums suck and yes they do bother our pets, My dog barks himself into a frenzy when he hears them get into our yard and attic.
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