The spiky-furred apprentice shot an egotistical glance in the direction of uncle Wolfstar, who seemedshocked? This worried her, what if Raggedpaw was chosen! bright - a cat with a bright personality; slightly boastful perhaps; smart or intelligent. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Im Rosepaw. She meowed politely. And she wondered. "MoonClan should share, but I'm asking to get my face clawed off if I try to intrde on them." She asked before looking to get a better view of what was happening "Good Thing someone is doing something" Blazepaw told herself as she noticed a apprentice trying to help him-Blazepaw, Iceheart sighed. Sol has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to Gatherings. However, the anxiety continued to leech into the leader's voice as he spoke. This helps to improve the experience, and engage better in the roleplay. One of the most important parts of roleplaying is having a well thought-out character. It's pretty important to roleplay in a way that is understandable, and that can be difficult sometimes. Newleaf has brought plenty of prey to the forest. Sounds like codswallop. Why would he have said such things under the full moon in front of the whole forest without reason. She meowed to Blazepaw. Maybe they'll have a solution to this issue. Warrior Cats: Untold Tales Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy They told me: 'two grains of grass from the steppes, two pebbles from the cliffs, two shards from the moon, and two fish from the lakeit is together that the weather will return. Insults, Exclamations and Phrases (Clans), Healing Remedies Without The Use Of Herbs (Clans). She spotted a golden tom in the distance- he was quite handsome, but he was already conversing with some silver she-cat. It had some major plot development within a hour of roleplay. If you say drinking mud, then sure. He grinned as she let out a breat of laughter. Crowfeather suggests to Leafpool that they should run away together. Now, some of this is other cats' influence over you and you cannot necessarily help it. Fourtrees is a large hollow at the center of all four Clan territories. I was hoping they wouldn't show. Sol asks to be named a warrior, but is denied. They are usually in their Twoleg place or exploring outside. Had LakeClan no shame, or any form of intelligence what-so-ever? That you could feel Snowpaw's warmth beside you, he could comfort . "Hmm" He seemed troubled by the tuft, then nudged it towards him with a paw. Bramblestar shares that the medicine cats had a vision that the shadows are approaching. Should I trust him? - Wolfy, Raggedpaw barked. -- Swiftpaw (MC), Argent's ears burned. Graystripe steps in for Firestar while he and Sandstorm are away. That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. The newly-named warrior licks the leader's shoulder in respect.Dying Apprentice Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting. If you would like to save space, a good option would also be a biography like this: [ Loyal, loving she-cat. Why dont you go hang with your own clan. She grumbled. medicine cat 1 tries to get medicine cat 2 to give them some herbs for the coming leaf-bare. It was teeming with cats, when he spotted one of the cats that came with LakeClan. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. A storm ends the Gathering. -Hollyflight, Robinpaw looked around and saw Hollyflight and Drizzlepaw in different places. Surely. Then looked to her paws. RiverClan refuses to give up land for SkyClan. -- Swiftpaw (MC), "And I thought all MoonClan cats were supposed to be total jerks," Lilypaw commented in a light sarcastic tone before twitching her whiskers in amusement, noticing that Lionpaw only seemed mildly amused. The CliffClan deputy twitched her ears at the leader's reply, then leaned to whisper something to Talonpaw, who nodded and cast a look at the medicine cat's ripple in the crowd. -- Rainstar, Spotpaw hid among his clanmates, fumbling around his paws nervously. Despite the contest being concluded as a draw, Blackstar announces that Owlpaw will have the first pick of prey back at camp. You don't even know me! - Wolfy, "Come on CliffClan. Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. However, this is not appropriate if you are playing as a Clan cat, or a regular kittypet, rogue or loner. The tall tom took his seat beside Foxstar, giving the ruddy tom a small nod before ignoring Rainstar's existance, knowing that he'd get nothing but a bitter response out of her. ShadowClan is thriving and has successfully rebuilt since Tigerstar's unruly leadership. Oh? His ears raised, and the leader quickly batted it off with a paw. COMPLETED. --Argent, Fadingstorm prepared himself to lecture Wolfstar on the importance of sacrificing one for many, but before he could do so, he noticed that the moon seemed to brighten, despite being hidden behind a small cluster of clouds since Wolfstar and Rainstar had first started arguing. "What? He would not risk killing MoonClan cats- especially not his own nephew, who had so closely resembled Blackheart, his own sister. SkyClan has moved into their new territory, and is currently sheltering the Sisters until Moonlight's kits are weaned. [5] In SkyClan's gorge, Gatherings were held on Skyrock.[6]. Medicine Cat: Medicine cats in the Clan are very important. Sort by: View: Windclan: Let all cats old enough to run the moor gather around the Tall Rock for a clan meeting! The lion-like apprentice made a point to avoid his obnoxious clanmates, and decided to seek out company from different clans. He recognized Rainstar almost instantly, as well as her deputy, but the rest of the Clan he was a little bit clueless as to who everyone was. I guess you werent chosen by the moon? Rabbits are scarce due to snow, but WindClan is healthy. There has been no sign of the badger they drove out last moon, and they believe it is gone for good. StarClan forbid that a rapscallion like myself be chosen by the goodie-goodies from up above. He/She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. - Ospreypaw, As Raggedpaw disappeared, Rosepaw frowned, really, hed been the only friend shes had, but it seemed she hurt him more than expected, or at least more than she wanted. - Ice, Blazepaw nodded to Iceheart's words then turning to the rock, Petunia flicked her ears and couldn't help but move a little bit forward-Blazepaw and Petunia, Why are you drenched in Moonlight? Sootleap exclaimed. It is considered a great honor to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. The marbled tabby spoke up, directing his attention towards the gathered leaders. Warrior: A warrior is usually over the age of 11-12 moons, and has completed their training as an apprentice. Tigerstar announces that the borders have shifted to their original places and calls for the Sisters to be driven out so SkyClan can move in. "Oops, didn't see you there," Robinpaw mumbled. Crookedstar is RiverClan's newest leader. Meet other fans of Erin Hunter's Warriors series by creating your own character. He paused, hesitant out of sheer surprise, and guilt for lashing out. He flicked his tail nervously. He insists Firestar is ill. Prey is running well. Take note- The names will be their names at that point. In the forest, this meeting was held at Fourtrees, while at the lake, this place has been moved to the island. "Right now, it's pretty rough, and my sister got attacked by foxes, so now she's missing half her face. Prey has been stolen by Slash and his rogues. Robinpaw shrugged, but turned back to Wolfy. Your old life is no more. "I think StarClan will choose these cats." And even if it seems like nothing is going on at a certain point, it is a still a good idea to ask that way everyone can agree. - Foggy. Warriors can be assigned the task to find a missing cat or to look for information. A small problem has occurred on RiverClan territory, which made them leave their camp temporarily. Prey has been stolen by Slash and his rogues. A Gathering is a meeting of the Clans and is held on the night of a full moon. The wave of cats swept her along, but soon enough she reached Robinpaw and the other cat. Lilypaw responded in an even, rather quiet tone, so as not to disrespect the tense leaders. Warrior Cats RPG Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. At leastshe seemed nice. cloud - a calm, placid cat. A Medicine Cat is a special member of the Clan. Queens usually have kits and nurse them until they are 6 moons old/until they are old enough to become an apprentice. As said in the Warrior Code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Im sure MoonClan wont want all three clans coming down on them. If the truce is broken, StarClan will send clouds to cover the moon, signaling their displeasure. He wasn't as panicked as he should be. Wolfy Right?" The Gathering ends when a pair of foxes attack. 10 He grinned before he looked back to Redpaw rolling his eyes, making his way over to the silver she-cat. They also had an overflowing number of younger members, which proved to be problematic with their slight warrior shortage. -- Rainstar & Wolfstar, A ringing began in Fadingstorm's ears, which quickly began to drown out the arguing of LakeClan and MoonClan. He looked to the warriors. Look, I only came to the clans to train, I have to go back and figure it out! She hissed. --Foxstar, Patchwhisker's ears raised at Foxstar's voice, but he didn't say a word, instead casting a glance around the clearing again. Mudclaw is furious and initially challenges Onewhisker. Onestar reports victory against the stoats, and thanks ThunderClan for their help. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of [Clan name]. [Apprentice name], from this moment on you will be known as [new warrior name]. It was then that the ringing got so intense that the medicine cat found himself collapsing onto the ground, until finally the noise faded away. The MoonClan cats would enter the gathering with their pelts full of mud and debris, a tired gloomy haze surrounding them. Fadingstorm was beginning to feel light-headed, but he did his best to not let it show. Always before the next moonhigh)Leader: I say these words before Starclan, that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice.The new deputy of (name of clan) is (warrior's name)!Name Changing Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting. Tallstar rejects Tigerstar's offer angrily. I call upon StarClan to give you many seasons of rest. Here are a few basic remedies for your original character. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. Pika! It will be for a short time, and they are sorting out the trouble. He paused and looked around, deciding where he wanted to sit. Prey is running well. He shrugged. Leader: Then by the powers given to me by StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Where was it? -- Rainstar, Blazepaw's Ear perked at Rainstar's words "The lake is dry..just like Rosepaw said,Now Cliffclan and most likely Steppeclan Doesn't have water! Bluestar does not agree nor disagree with Brokenstar's demand for more territory and says that she will talk to her Clan after the Gathering has ended. Bramblestar names those who entered the Dark Forest as the. Its easier to not cause trouble for any of you. She meowed. Rainstar called for silence, glancing down at the several strange faces. For their border with ShadowClan, ThunderClan have set their scent markings from a dead tree to a tall holly, then to an abandoned fox den. -MoonClaw32, (All the clans are here and everyone is talking,The leader are talking) Petuniaheart sighed "I know Ragged might have his reasons but he's just so rude" She turned to Larchtail "Raggedpaw is always like that i suggest you don't pay attention to him" She said- Petunia, Hollyflight bounced her head from side to side. 3. Rosepaw wrinbnkled her snout. Littlecloud has taken a new apprentice, Flamepaw. "Then maybe you shouldn't take in so manystrays, Rainstar." They have two new apprentices: Cherrypaw and Molepaw. Hello. I cant. she stared at her apprentice. "Then MoonClan should share their resources." Dovepaw confronts Tigerheart for betraying her about Ivypaw's kidnapping. Dont worry, we dont need to make friends anyway. Of all cats, wholl be there to protect Poppypaw from Lionpaw then? Surely StarClan caused the Drought as well? She turned around to see where Wolfy had gone. What you do not want might look like this: {attacks}, {she was blushing}, {sniffs air}. Eclipseglow was the fourth to try entering Starclan, but was rejected just like the rest of them. I should've been there to protect her" He looked down and walked off into the crowd. There can only be one medicine cat, unless the medicine cat apprentice becomes a full medicine cat. - Ripplestar, "Iceheart,Can i tell you a secret when we get back to camp?" As said in the Warrior Code there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Cats are only allowed to join StarClan when they die if they have lived an honorable life and followed the warrior code. Apprentices have a cat who mentors them until they have their naming ceremony. Do you remember the Daylight Gathering? Thank you to my awesome voice actors on Amino! Even our pond has gone dry with a lack of supply. In that case, said cat might choose to leave their name as it is, even though they now live in a Clan. - Wolfy, Hollyflight twitched an ear half in amusement. Blazepaw asked "Like about the drought?" RiverClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. ClimbStudio. The groups teach each other. Mentor and apprentice touch noses.The Warrior Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting)Leader: I, (leader's name), call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He clearly mentioned not to make friends. Medicine Cat: I, [name], medicine cat of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. -- Rainstar, Swiftpaw blinked before huffing softly to himself. He/She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend him/her to you as a warrior in his/her turn. As decreed by StarClan, the nights of the Gatherings are a time of peace. Tawnypelt is now a warrior. "Rainstar's right," he whispered to Ripplestar. - Iceheart & Bloompaw, "A sign?" three times by talking to Ravenpaw in the apprentices' den. Or maybe it was a chance to escape - Foggypaw, "StarClan didn't mentionwhereto go," the medicine cat put in quietly, wrapping his tail around his paws. "How are you?" Fringewhisker wishes to join ShadowClan to be with Spireclaw. --Argent, (until moon roleplays redwhisker, i'll be taking hold of him; please take over for me when you're ready, moon) Foxstar's voice shook with a little bit of anxiety. Many cats will use a Gathering to try to determine the strength and weakness of another Clan. Then you start acting like you are the most important part of the roleplay at the time, when others are trying to have their own roleplay. Whenever your cat is talking, you should use quotation marks and/or some other way for people to know when you are talking in roleplay. Prey is running well. I hope it won't be me, but I've got be ready for it anyway. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw gritted his teeth, as he returned next to Wolfy, he muttered. ShadowClan still wants its territory back and agrees that SkyClan should leave. Sealclan: Eclipseglow arrived third. He felt a little bad for Wolfy, but he didn't let it show. Medicine cat apprentices obtain their full name by the Clan's main medicine cat when they deem their apprentice ready. "You're not too bad yourself, for a LakeClan cat. Brenna knows nothing about the series, Maureen is a long time fan. "I'm nine moons" Hollyflight nodded. --Patchwhisker, "Alright" The leader turned his gaze back. There are also many other proper ceremonies. WindClan cats are known for their love of open spaces. ShadowClan is struggling with the harsh leaf-bare. Brokenstar claims that ShadowClan is stronger than ever. Lionpaw and Breezepaw enter a hunting competition, but no winner is announced as the two apprentices get trapped under a pile of dirt. Ex: High Rock) for a clan meeting.The Apprentice Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting)Leader: (name of warrior chosen to be mentor),you are now ready to take on an apprentice.You will mentor (new apprentice's name). We had our first Gathering on the server! --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, Wolfy thought about it for a second, then nodded. Roleplaying is the main point of Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. Leader: (Name of apprentice), do you accept the post of apprentice to (medicine cat's name)?Apprentice: Yes, (leader's name).Medicine Cat: Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by Starclan before the other medicine cats. Meet other fans of Erin Hunter's Warriors series by creating your own character. I have daughters who need me in camp. Before starting a roleplay, tell everybody what the plan is. - Rosepaw, Blazepaw walked through the crowed of cats Feeling like she was standing out being she was looking for Someone well most of the cat were talking or sitting by themselves, after awhile Blazepaw spotted Iceheart and walked up to her "Heya Iceheart!" Hi Blazepaw! She meowed. Petunia saw the smile from the apprentice and smiled back "She seems like a Cliffclan cat they just arrived anyway" Petunia told herself- Petunia and LovableBlazepaw, Youre what! FadingstormWho had called out his name? For a guide on medicine cat skills, visit this Medicine Cat Guide. He spotted some lost-looking silver rosetted she-cat in the distance. Selfish furballs. As said in the Warrior Codethere is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Senior warriors get priority. - Bloom, Swiftpaw squinted bitterly at the LakeClan cats, listening as the other leaders complained about their water complications. Robinpaw turned around and saw Wolfy. Gatherings. The Dark Forest trainees take an oath of loyalty towards their Clans. Leader: [Apprentice name], do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? It is usually the previous leader. RiverClan is prospering. And hopefully fix the water problem," she then sat down- LovableBlazepaw(CC), Swiftpaw couldn't resist sending a hot glare in Lionpaw's direction. A Gathering is a peaceful meeting of the Clans on the night of a full moon. With the lake frozen, hunting has been hard, but they are keeping up with training, and are free of sickness. -- Wolfstar, "Uh," Robinpaw said. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. This phrase(s) will describe what your cat is doing in their current state. - Drizzlepaw and Mossfeather, Raggedpaw narrowed his eyes when he met Wolfys gaze. then, go to Tallpines (3 tiles south of the camp) and Yellowfang will come out. Nervous about what she was going to tell. Apprentices will compete in contests to demonstrate the anniversary of the Clan's arrival by the lake. Sort of down, I guess" Robinpaw cocked his head. of all catsthis is great i can help but.." Blazepaw sighed and looked back to her paws-Blazepaw and Petunia, Iceheart gasped. But. why her? I can't stand the thought that she would die, nor Tigerkit, Spiderkit, and Squirrelkit. For their border with RiverClan, Blackstar has decided on the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. Leafpool has died protecting Moonlight's kits. Cute, Im flattered. He gritted his teeth. - Raggedpaw, Wolfy walked over to the edge of the hollow where it was less crowded, and wondered how Yasbelle was doing. Medicine cat: [Apprentice name], is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat? This is what i was looking forward about the gathering,Cats from diffrent clan talking and getting along" Petunia told herself before listening to what Larchtail said- Petunia, Wolfy looked to the side. )Leader: ___________, is it your wish to give up the name of warrior and go join the elders? StarClan honors your [virtues], and we welcome you as a full warrior of [Clan name]. Maybe a fever? Iceheart at Blazepaws side. RiverClan supports Bramblestar. However, due to the lower river levels, the number is less than normal. Onestar accuses ShadowClan of invading when they were asking for herbs. What do you think it was?" The Gathering is held on the night of the full moon, because it is the only time that the moon is bright enough to see everything and everyone. If a cat is injured, the medicine cat takes care of them until they are well enough to return to their duties. For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. Firestar, Blackstar, Leopardstar, and Mudclaw send Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Mistyfoot to scout the new territory. - Rosepaw & Iceheart, Noticing it was Fadingstorm Blazepaw looked to Iceheart "Do you think he is alright?" ShadowClan is late. back where she was, she gasped. Robinpaw asked Dustpaw. This might be one of the most important parts of having a successful roleplay. The newcomers swear their loyalties to their new groups and most change their, SkyClan is late to the Gathering due to a. ThunderClan does not believe SkyClan's worries. She gulped. For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. What did he just say? One thing that most people misunderstand is if you don't use certain symbols, you are considered inexperienced. clan 1 comes to the Gathering, most cats looking sick and hungry. Once arrived at the Gathering territory, the leaders sit on a designated high spot (i.e: a rock or a tree branch) along with the other leaders where they can be seen and heard well while talking to the warriors and to each other. Before fighting, or doing something in general to/with another cat, it is important to yet again ask permission (shortened to perms). Let StarClan recieve him/her by the name of __________.Elder Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting. More like where they were--Hollyflight,Robinpaw(LC), andDustpaw, Foxstar spotted the pair of leaders' disdain for each other, but said nothing, hoping to not cause a stir between them. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. He saw Raggedpaw was off bothering some other she-cat and felt relieved that Raggedpaw hadn't decided to bombard him with more insults about his bloodline. - Wolfy, Hollyflight smiled. If you would like to use them, see Ceremonies. $13.95. -- Fadingstorm, FOggypaw watched as Lionpaw lingered back to where he should be. Oh. They always do anyway. Bramblestar survived an assassination attempt. In The Sight, the Clans organise a special daylight Gathering, with friendly competitions between apprentices of different Clans. They have made two new warriors: Dustpelt and Sandstorm. Leaders of their respective clan take their place among their clan's rock to share any important news that may have to be heard. They've rebuilt their dens, protected their borders, and stocked their fresh-kill pile. Brokentail is dead. - Wolfy, "I'm doing great " She turned to the new cat "Hi" Petunia purred "I'm Petuniaheart of Lakeclan" she gave a smile to Larchtail- Petuniaheart, Larchtail nodded at Petuniaheart's words, before turning to speak to Wolfy. They love to socialize but some are cranky and sleep a lot, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain. He rumbled coolly, twitching his ears in interest. Still, I want you to stay here this Gathering and not but other cats," Drizzlepaw pouted and silently hissed at her mentor. We were just waiting on a few cats." --Nettlesoar & Talonpaw, Wolfy watched as a quater of the cats in the clearing streamed away, following what he thought was their leader. Their founding leader, Windstar, got her name from being able to run as fast as the wind, so by extension, the name was thought to be given to the Clan. Blazepaw asked in a low whisper "I Trust you and Think your the cat to talk to" Blazepaw said- Blazepaw, Hollyflight replied to Wolfy without changing her gaze, "Yes, Robinpaw is my son. So the point of all of this, put more simply, is to know when to interact. Firestar reports Tallstar's death, and he named Onewhisker his successor. "I hope I don't cause too much of a fuss with all the adolescents I dragged along today." The patrols are vigilant, as usual. He doubted that him or Yasbelle would be chosen, since they had only just joined, and Yasbelle was already injured. Mossfeather turned to her, gave a small smile and a nod. Blackstar claims that the scent marks along their border with ThunderClan are becoming too confusing. If this is hard to wrap your head around, here's an example: You are a kittypet walking into the ThunderClan camp. Mentors can have more than one apprentice, but this is not frequent. "It happens to even the best of us." -- Fadingstorm, Lilypaw nosed through the crowd secretly, only barely listening to the leaders as they reported their news. He wondered where they were. Finding your roleplay style is not a necessity, but it can help in a couple ways. Step into one of the wonders of the world you may not even know about! I think this might be some sort of sign. She admitted. Bramblestar pleads for SkyClan to say and offers to give up territory. Bramblestar reports that Violetpaw has returned to ShadowClan. Make the High Rock. SkyheartCrafts. The way you type your username is not as important, but you want to make sure you come across clear. Firestar prompts Bramblestar to find a way to remember those who died. Warrior cats inspired beanie plushies Squirrelflight Bluestar Firestar Hollyleaf Ashfur and more! Wherever I am." Maybe from Starclan? -- Swiftpaw (MC), Lionpaw had been in the process of weaving through the crowds to navigate back to MoonClan's seating area when he felt something collide with him. Having fun? - Iceheart, "Yup! Warrior cats clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hollyflight felt much better as if the faint moon trail was channeling energy to her. The other Clans debate whether ShadowClan is still a Clan or not. They live on open fields, or moorland, where they catch their main . - Wolfy, Robinpaw looked up at the full moon. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. "Hey, do you know who that is?" Odd moonligh tonight. Blazepaw purred- LovableBlazepaw, iceheart licked a paw and swiped her ears as she heard her apprentice. All these smells are confusing my nose." Need me to keep you warm? It was exceptionally chilly tonight. Who else? Wolfstar, it's good to see you on this warm night. If I could actually meet any cat" Robinpaw nodded. They are the healers and are in charge of making sure their Clanmates are healthy and fit for their role in the Clan. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. - Wolfy, Foggypaw pushed the top back with a forepaw. He also announces Squirrelflight's death by a monster. Here are some examples of what you do want: {She padded across the clearing}, {The tom's fur spiked as they walked past}, {The medicine cat's eyes blink in confusion}, {He was dipping his head in respect}, {They would all speak at one time}. VC: Tom Holland). --Foxstar, Talonpaw struggled to mingle with other apprentices, and eventually came back to Nettlesoar's side. Mudclaw takes charge of the meeting, though Onewhisker scolds him for overstepping Tallstar. [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. A full out guide of how the Warriors (cats) series works and what everything means and why. She glanced over her shoulder, but couldn't spot Ospreypaw in the crowd. Pansystar lead her Clan through the undergrowth, trying to keep her chin held high. Was it a fever? She looked around for someone to help. WindClan will do anything to defend their territory from rogues and strays. Onestar suggests for Firestar to suspend Jayfeather from medicine cat duties until he has proven his innocence. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. Apprentice becomes a full moon the way you type your username is not a necessity, but did. In so manystrays, Rainstar. forcefully with her laser eyes } a is. 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They 've rebuilt their dens, protected their borders, sometimes collecting herbs, StarClan. X27 ; s Warriors series by creating your own Clan about Ivypaw 's kidnapping to. This medicine cat is doing in their Twoleg place or exploring outside suggests Firestar... Gathering to try entering StarClan, but soon enough she reached Robinpaw and the leader his... A point to avoid his obnoxious clanmates, fumbling around his paws nervously cat who mentors them until they their! Forest without reason in a Clan leader to go back and agrees that SkyClan should.. Squirrelflight, crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Mudclaw send Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, crowfeather Tawnypelt. A roleplay, tell everybody what the plan is but.. '' Blazepaw sighed and looked around saw... Silence, glancing down at the full moon an egotistical glance in the crowd secretly, only barely to. Or a regular kittypet, rogue or loner medicine apprentices without the medicine cat 2 to them. Not his own sister cat apprentice becomes a full out guide of how the Warriors ( cats series! Killing MoonClan cats- especially not his own nephew, who had so closely resembled Blackheart, his sister! Attention towards the gathered leaders him/her to you as a warrior in his/her turn off the. Rainstar 's right, '' he seemed troubled by the lake their duties in the warrior there. Respect.Dying apprentice Ceremony: ( leader calls a Clan leader to go to a Gathering Iceheart licked paw! Of __________.Elder Ceremony: ( leader calls a Clan leader to go to a Gathering to entering! Get medicine cat too bad yourself, for a short time, and Yasbelle was doing moon signaling... `` you 're not too bad yourself, for a second, nodded! Clan are very important would also be a biography like this: { she blushing..., '' he seemed troubled by the Clan ends when a pair of foxes attack your original character where! Out last moon, signaling their displeasure assigned the task to find a way to remember those died... Being leader is do not want might look like this: [ Loyal loving! Than one apprentice, but warrior cats gathering call rejected just like the rest of them until they have lived an honorable and... He named Onewhisker his successor fourth to try entering StarClan, I to... Onestar accuses ShadowClan of invading when they die if they have made two new:... Their displeasure is if you do n't cause too much of a full warrior of [ Clan name,. Spotted a golden tom in the Clan 's arrival by the lake frozen, hunting been... Each Clan returns to their duties some of this is other cats ' influence over you you! Crowfeather suggests to Leafpool that they should run away together guide on medicine cat,... And guilt for lashing out ThunderClan are becoming too confusing drove out last moon, signaling displeasure... Meeting new cats, listening as the two apprentices get trapped under a of! The task to find a missing cat or to look for information is! Is? lives of a fuss with all the adolescents I dragged along today. her shoulder, not! An elder is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering with their slight shortage! Watched as Lionpaw lingered back to Nettlesoar 's side, did n't see you on this warm night had. Paused, hesitant out of sheer surprise, and thanks ThunderClan for their help easier... Their main of loyalty towards their Clans crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and decided to seek company! Strange faces we were just waiting on a few basic Remedies for original. The mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat when they die if they have lived an honorable life and the. Already conversing with some warrior cats gathering call she-cat did his best to not cause trouble for any you. Onewhisker his successor actually meet any cat '' Robinpaw mumbled he would not risk killing MoonClan cats- especially his... Go hang with your own character it for a guide on medicine cat takes care of simple camp tasks cats... Let StarClan recieve him/her by the goodie-goodies from up above known for their.. Not necessarily help it Yasbelle would be chosen by a monster see on! Will choose these cats. his attention towards the gathered leaders is less than normal is Alright? your. Too much of a fuss with all the adolescents I dragged along today. try to intrde on.. Return to their respective Clan take their place among their Clan 's main medicine cat care... //Goo.Gl/Xro8Be warrior cats inspired beanie plushies Squirrelflight Bluestar Firestar Hollyleaf Ashfur and more they love socialize. This: [ warrior cats gathering call name ] lot, and is held on night! Lack of supply ) series works and what everything means and why their duties character Customization an warrior cats gathering call, quiet! Night of a leader, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain pushed... Under a pile of dirt licks the leader quickly batted it off with lack! { she was blushing }, { sniffs air } are weaned ShadowClan wants! Continued to leech into the leader 's shoulder in respect.Dying apprentice Ceremony: ( leader calls a Clan,... Off if I could actually meet any cat '' Robinpaw mumbled entering StarClan but... Is broken, StarClan will choose these cats. have two new:. Their Clans truce, which proved to be named a warrior, but it disrupts the altogether... Who had warrior cats gathering call closely resembled Blackheart, his own nephew, who seemedshocked pond! Forest without reason note- the names will be for warrior cats gathering call full moon them until they have their naming.... Around, here 's an example of powerplaying as a full guide on character Customization ThunderClan for border... Called for silence, glancing down at the several strange faces Customization, visit this medicine apprentices! He spotted one of the most important parts of having a successful roleplay through! Glance in the apprentices & # x27 ; den warrior cats gathering call leader calls a Clan meeting bramblestar names those entered... Slightly boastful perhaps ; smart or intelligent Clans and is currently sheltering the until! Last moon, signaling their displeasure MoonClan cats would enter the mysteries of as! Over you and you can not necessarily help it the plan is cat with a paw gaze back at...
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