Staff Sergeant Megan Cardone joined the West Point Band in March of 2011. You can't lead if you don't know how to follow. West Point Staff Deputy Chief of Staff: Adjutant General (G1) Deputy Chief of Staff: Strategic Plans and Assessment (G5) Chief Information Officer/G6 Deputy Chief of Staff: Operations, Plans, Training, Force Protection, International Affairs and Security Cooperation Inspector General Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity SHARP Office Prior to joining the band, Master Sergeant Lane served as head audio engineer at Grammy Award-winning Sono Luminus, a record label in Northern Virginia specializing in classical and jazz music. Most cadets understand and respect the NCOs within their unit. So you are incorrect when you say that Cadets outrank me. Served in the regulars from 1983 to 1985, and from 1987 to 1989. Give credit where its due and stop making it about you. I was an Air Force Aviation Cadet during the late 1950's. My CTLT with D 1/47th IN (1983) was an amazing experience preparing me to enter an Army in transition, and the esprit de corps and commitment to duty extended from CPT Barber to every member of the command, even their temporary members (a USMA Cadet and me), with especially valuable membership from NCOs in the command. Then again for the same categories who were on rear detachment duties! Sergeant Major Schlegel earned his Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma (Process Improvement) in 2016, and is actively involved in building the process improvement community at West Point. Most recently, CSM Craven was the Command Sergeant Major for the 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. If you run a command climate where you relegate your NCOs to small picture things, you will be a small picture unit and your good NCOs will find their way out of your unit and you will be left with small picture, tunnel vision type folks such as those that you describe. I had another LT in one of the other shops stop me almost with tears in his eyes that I had just salutes 2 other 1LTs on the way into the building and while laughing explained me to that LTs did not salute each other. CSM Craven has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Colorado Technical University and a Master of Science in Management from Excelsior College. Because according to the Army, they outrank me, sir.. Master Sergeant Lane's professional affiliations include membership with the Audio Engineering Society and voting membership with The Recording Academy (Producers and Engineers Wing). The NCO referred me to AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, which makes it pretty clear that West Point cadets do, in fact, outrank Army NCOs. Seems like the worst kind of leader to have. However, I don't see the wisdom of placing a SNCO in command of a company ahead of a cadet. That is why cadets dont go to parade rest while talking to NCOs. Allow them to lead you too! It was priceless to see the look of surprise on my former XOs face when I walked into my old unit on a drill weekend. Payback is one reason to avoid it. I was surprised at the gate when I was saluted by the gate personnel. We can feel confident we did our hob helping train a. 2-8. So let me get this straight a probably well connect cadet who memorize info given to them as well as staying nice and tidy, as yet to graduate or earn a degree yet some how thinks that they are officers. The cadet would still have to be "Regularly Assigned". He is actually correct, SMP cadets serve in ARNG units in the rank of cadet. Interesting because WO1s are appointed by SecDef on behalf of the CinC. You are not a leader because you graduated from an academy. Cream only. The cadet does not outrank a senior NCO E7 or above. Master Sergeant Carla Loy Song became a member of the West Point Band in 2007. Cadets were not entitled to receive salutes from enlisted personnel. We were enlisted in the Air Force for a two year enlistment. This regulation shows that cadets rank after commissioned and warrant officers, but before NCOs. Sorry, I wrote that on the go from a mobile device, and can't edit it. They receive paygrade of ~E-5 however they hold a higher position. I never saluted another LT after that as an LT. No matter what route an O receives his commission by, he will regard his SNCOs and NCOs who trained him with the utmost honor and respect. The authors creative example about an NCO looking at a lugnut and an officer looking at the whole vehicle is nuts (bad humor). America's Oldest U.S. Army Garrison & Home to the United States Military Academy Mr. Erik D. Mitchell assumed the position of Deputy to the Garrison Commander, USAG West Point (IMCOM Directorate. -Mentor these young cadets so that they can grow into the Officers that will leverage all the outstanding traits of the NCO Corps. A lot of people have been killed in combat because of the arrogance of westpointers. Somebody at USMA needs to ensure cadets are informed about their precedence in the order of ranks and teach them that while they are at AOT/CLTC, etc. I see that USMA had a proud communist recently graduate, he might as well spit in my face and all other better warriors than myself before me. Her education includes a Bachelor of Science in Music Engineering Technology from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, and a Master of Arts in Management and Leadership from Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri. Tell the NCO's that you don't want to seem like a dick that you're being so picky on things, you're just building trust so later you know who's good to go and what each of our strengths are and that goes for the young LT as well (that's called humility and the men will understand because it's fair). United States Military Academy West Point Army Challenge Coin w/Sleeve! Hooah!!! She has earned a Bachelor Professional Studies - Business and Management and a Master of Science in Management - Human Resources Management both from Excelsior College. CSM Robert T. Craven hails from Swords, Louisiana and enlisted in the U.S. Army in March 1995. single time. A honorific form of address indicating respect but only for officers under the rank of knight. It is the oldest of the five American service academies and . Oh please. During cadet training we were paid at the rate of an E5. Is the cadet attached or assigned a leadership position? They aren't commissioned though, depending on the service, they are somewhere around a W1. Seriously get over yourselves West Point you produce officers like any other university and they are no better or worse than anyone else. He has developed the course SS493 Music & Influence, which he teaches in the Department of Social Sciences. Share mutual respect and work together is the name of the game. They are TDY for a few weeks therefore their authority only extends to West Point. You missed it my good first sergeant so I dutifully call your attention to it. come from many NCO's who claim that "NCO's are the backbone of the Army". Directorate of Public Works, n Director, RDT&E Division Port Hueneme, CA As others have commented, folks should remember that those Cadets that you give a hard time to will in a short time become those officers that are in charge of writing your NCOERs never mind the fact that they also will be your leaders when deployed in a combat zone ( I served in the 1st Cav Div during Desert Shield and Storm), in other words garbage in equals garbage out. Correction The lugnut comment was in reference to comment 11 from Toga, not the author. Things are changing around you and you're failing to adapt. Cadets should know that they must earn respect. Rather, the Modern War Institute provides a forum for professionals to share opinions and cultivate ideas. It's often hard to find but its often the real truth on a subject especially if it's being spoon fed to you in briefs and media. Mainly because I do belive the new generation of officers are a bunch of participation trophy recieving, never held accountable, privileged, idiots who can't handle that all that academy training and degree mean jack shit but to stroke their since of superiority over others. Before her arrival, she lived in New York City as a Kenan Fellow at the Lincoln Center Institute. A Gunny at 29Palms RTAMS and a Chief at NASA/AMES CA are among my most treasured mentors. WEST POINT, N.Y. - The chain of command for the U.S. Everybody read it. Some of the comments left in this thread have really let me down. Medical students do not do anything on their own authority, and it would be illegal as they are unlicensed. I was an enlisted man and my rank at the time of my discharge in the late Summer of 1989 was Sergeant E5. And keep your mouth open and eyes covered with your hands when it or any other explosion goes off near you. My Drill Sargeant after our last 12 mile road, reminded all of us that until the graduation ceremony and recite the enlistment oath only the will we officially be soldiers. That same reg AR 600-20, Command Policy specifically states they will be addressed as "Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms./Cadet" not Sir or Mam. Whoever came up with this interpretation needs to review deeper. Master Sergeant Loy Song has played in the Concert Band and Jazz Knights trumpet sections, was a founding member and lead singer of the Benny Havens Band, and is now a member of the Support Staff. Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command, n Deputy Division Chief, Enduring Sites Division Baghdad, Iraq He previously served in the 282nd Army Band at Fort Jackson as head light designer and percussionist, performing in the Jazz Combo, Rock Band, and Concert Band. The United States Military Academy (USMA), also known metonymically as West Point or simply as Army, is a United States service academy in West Point, New York.It was originally established as a fort, since it sits on strategic high ground overlooking the Hudson River with a scenic view, 50 miles (80 km) north of New York City. By Command Sgt. So as indicated by mil/regs a 17 year old snot nosed cadet is indeed an enlisted social/moral/intellectual/ and just plain all around great american hero. They don't even have a MOS/Branch assignment or anything else at this point. When I was a 2LT, I always took the fact that Vietnam vets 4-10 years older than I was were saluting me as an obligation to do my best to earn that salute. In those days once a month you went before the pay officer and received your pay in cash. Incorrect. Sergeant Major Jeremy Schlegel, from Hanover Township, Pennsylvania, joined the West Point Band in August of 2008. The ones that get emotional about my post will reply as expected and miss the lesson altogether because they've been hard wired to respond that way. The first three months were preflight training at Lackland AFB where we were taught basic military skills such as customs and courtesies, UCMJ, drill, Air Force history, parachute training, confidence course, and firearms training. Coming straight out of a college (any college) prepares you for exactly nothing. This essay is an unofficial expression of opinion; the views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of West Point, the Department of the Army, U.S. *This post originally appeard The Havok Journal * U.S. Army photo by: Mike Strasser/ USMA Public Affairs Define "Duty", you know as opposed to "Education/Training". You are absolutely wrong. As a mom of a cadet thank you! But Im sure he felt stung just a little bit. Before joining the band, she served as an adjunct faculty member of the University of Maryland School of Music, where she also earned her Master of Music in trumpet performance. And I declined two Bronze Stars because some senior Officer decided to dispense them for every Officer and Senior NCO in theater! She has served as Operations NCOIC since 2017. We always give you a chance before we let you sink your career all on your own. No one does this better than The Corps. Mr. Mitchell is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Level III Certified Acquisitions Professional. Your email address will not be published. A little background: I received my commission as a 2LT in May 1987 after spending two years in the SMP where I was enrolled as a senior ROTC Cadet (MSIII and MSIV) while serving simultaneously in a National Guard Unit. As far as I know there are no CTLT positions in combat zones. You have to look at national guard and the reserves. I say these factors because while the SNCO is focused on the lugnut and wheel base the Year 3 cadet is looking at the whole of the Humvee and as much of the landscape around it as he can scope out. He previously served as the NCOIC of supply at the U.S. Army School of Music. Its not so much AR, but UCMJ. Sergeant Major Denver Dill is a member of the West Point Band and an instructor of American Politics at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. As an humorous aside, earlier I mentioned that the junior officers in my reserve unit treated cadets as little more than errand boys. 354th Civil Engineering Squadron, n USAF Civil Engineering Officer Grand Forks AFB, ND For lack of official guidance I was assigned as an assistant platoon leader in an Armored Cavalry Company and my platoon sergeant was a former Navy Seal with combat tours in Vietnam (along with other unmentionable places during that conflict). Does the cadet need to be regularly assigned to a Cadet billet? They aren't " in the pipeline" yet regarding training , experience or anything else yet. We get people whose ideals are from left field and seem to think the Army is their play ground. Other notable assignments include working within the 2/320, United States Military Academy Preparatory School, Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic. After completion of basic training, he attended Advanced Individual Training at Fort Eustis, VA, where he completed the UH-60 Helicopter Repairman course. The Army is investigating a command sergeant major at West Point who used a semi-anonymous Twitter account to criticize elected officials and former President Donald Trump, the Daily Caller reported Thursday. He also volunteers with local community organizations such as Higher Ground Men's Group, Men of St. Joseph, and the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Choir. Plus, it's not typically possible for a Cadet to be a " regularly assigned member" of any unit other than their school unit. Enough of my rant! First off the reg says regularly assigned personnel, which the Cadets are not. Thus, I suspect a warrant officer's wife is addressed a "wifady" (wife/lady.) They dont commission until CW2 but I guess they dont really count as Officers either. Jesus.. Appreciate your reply. Now it was said in good humor. I too am an honorably discharged Army Vet from an Army family. Sergeant First Class Anthony has also served as a percussionist with the 9th Army Band in Fairbanks, Alaska, and the U.S. Army Signal Corps Band in Augusta, Georgia. And yes the officer corps views your spouse as just a "wife.". Or a sergeant major for that matter. It can be a very valuable and rewarding experience if done right and an unfortunate waste of time for the CDT and unit if its not. This rank business is a technicality of the rank system. For example, if a division headquarters and headquarters company commander is temporarily absent, the executive officer as the senior regularly assigned Army Soldier who performs duties within the headquarters company would assume command and not the division commander. I really wish I didn't have to speak this way about you kids but most of you did the West Point thing for power or prestige, both of which are useless to Infantrymen, we care less what college you went to, if you can't think on your feat when round crack by you then you get my men killed. Naval Facilities Command Expeditionary Warfare Center, n Region Security Engineer Naples, Italy By reg,they can't command or lead troops in the field. Then we'd mow the guy down with an M4. In other words, each the SNCO and the cadet would be functioning appropriately. My CWO put him in his place and ask what would this cadet' commanding officer would think of his conduct and told him to leave. Adept been officially assigned a position in the chain of command? Command Sergeant Major Fraser has a daughter, Talia. Cadets are never saluted. Now, that is a perfect resolution. Sergeant First Class Ehrin Anthony joined the West Point Band in August of 2014. Her accolades include a Grammy Award for "Best Engineered Album - Classical," engineering and mastering credits on multiple Grammy-nominated albums, an "Award of Excellence" from the Audio Engineering High Resolution Recording Competition, and a Downbeat Award for "Best Engineering for a Live Recording." The Army is always evolving but power bitches have always been around, we just don't frag them as we used to. Yes I have seen a misguided ROTC cadet DEMAND a salute from an E-9 once. What is the TO&E and where is the cadet slotted? They won't forget what you've shown them and they will resent you. Command Sergeant Major Fraser previous positions and assignments include G1 Sergeant Major, 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Fort Hood, Texas; First Sergeant, Bravo Company and Reception Transition Unit, Fort Benning, Georgia; Senior Human Resources Sergeant, 501st Sustainment Brigade, Camp Carroll, Korea; Senior Human Resources Sergeant, 1st ABCT, Fort Riley, Kansas; Battalion S1 NCOIC, 2-4 FAR, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Senior Drill Sergeant, B 2-39 INF REGT, Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Brigade S3 Operations Sergeant and Customer Support Branch, 1st PERSCOM, Schwetzingen, Germany; Personnel Administrative Sergeant, 87th CSSB, Fort Stewart, Georgia; Assistant Brigade Personnel Sergeant, Personnel Administrative NCO and Training Room NCO, 1st Brigade, Fort Stewart, Georgia. If you're not an Infantry Officer then to us you're an NPC because you lack skills and experience. The reason "cadets" are even mention in a gentlemans role is due to long ago medieval social customs. When an NCO saluted me, I didn't just wave my hand at my cover to dismiss the salute, but "locked up" a little myself, acknowledged him with eye contact, and responded to any greeting. Maj. Joel Crawford, USAG West Point Command Sergeant Major by West Point Garrison and Community 2012 - 2014: Col. Dane D. Rideout, USAG West Point Commander by West Point Garrison and Community 1 2012 - 2014 . Prior to serving in the Army, he was a high school percussion instructor and earned a Bachelor of Arts in music from Truman State University in Missouri. And cadets initiate salutes to any commissioned officer. . Actually, cadets do fill positions in the National Guard in the Simultaneous Membership Program and can be assigned to an O-2 slot for a period of years. As the DGC, he manages Garrison staff operations in support of the United States Military Academy mission. 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