Sinai, the Ark of the Covenant and, most ridiculously, the actual blood of Jesus Christ! Anunnaki Shock and the Nephilim? Jeremy Sisto was born in Grass Valley, California, the son of Reedy Gibbs, an actress, and Richard "Dick" Sisto, a jazz musician and educator. I think if the Lord had wanted somebody to give a detailed account of the tape He would have chosen somebody other than me to see it! The blood of Christ has vaporized and we have only his tales on his videos and his recorded presentations, some of which have been posted on You-Tube. The picture quality seemed rather better than some of Rons other stuff though, so maybe he had taken particular care to get hold of a good camera. All the prophecies and Jesus teachings were for us to see comes true or came true. I just wanted to comment on your statement on 7 years of tribulation. Not to brag or talk about the finds of Ron Wyatt, Michelle's father, but to tell of what Jesus has done to strengthen yours and our faith. Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August of 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Video shot in 2007 of Ron Wyatt's sons and they share their experiences and give their testimonies to the authenticity of some of the finds of Ron Wyatt. James* ;. It was in a separate container, within walls, a stone box. One section says because we have always know exactly where it is. The tape stays where it is.. Ron Wyatt, who thanks Ana McKee, CMO of The Joint Commission for the successful elevation of the equity standard, is nationally recognized as an expert in patient safety and was named several times by Becker's as one of the "Top 50 Patient Safety Experts" in the U.S. Dr. Wyatt also served as the first patient safety officer at The Joint . (Karyotype is a test to identify and evaluate the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells.). Wyatt's "evidences" disappeared as quickly as he discovered them. Ron Wyatt died after a lengthy battle with cancer last Wednesday, but his quest to provide information that would lead to more people accepting the teachings of the Bible continues at Wyatt Archeological Research, a non-profit, non-denominational organization in Tennessee. blood chromosome discovery faith impact Official Videos of Trey Smith testimony Trey Smith 2016-06-23 See all details. Not m. Ron has since shown proof that they did know him. In fact apart from things like the lid of the stone box, it looked as though nobody had been in there for centuries. Does he have tracts that can be passed out in front of a local Taco Bell, by chance? I believe in the Rapture and that saved believers in the twinkle of an eye will be caught up with the dead with Him in the air just before the tribulation. On June 20, 1987, the Turkish government officially recognized the discovery of the remains of Noah's Ark in eastern Turkey with the dedication of Noah's Ark National Park. Ron Wyatt This man has about a dozen of Rons tapes, but he has not sat down and catalogued them, and to do so would necessarily take up a fair bit of time. Bill Fry: Now, if I remember correctly, at that point you said, I dont, you didnt know what to do with the tables of stone, because you were holding them. Did you see any other object in the cave and if so what were they? 1st - I suggest all whom are interested to watch Ron's footage in entirety, especially his lectures. And what turned out to be a bunch of materials of furnishings of the first temple, covered first by animal skins, then that covered by boards, and then these covered by stone, just whatever they could get their hands on, looked like. WOE unto Antichrist Amerika! Twice the light, twice the brightness in each color component of the prism spectrum. I remember being rather surprised at how low the roof was. 4 pager A5 format can print in B&W or Colour. If so what did he say? Ron Wyatt's sons Danny and Ronny share their Testimonies and visit Yisrael. But Im looking down the road a bit. If Ivan Panin found 43,000 pages of Math in the scriptures, we have barely scratched the surface to God's ways. UFOs look like wingless spacecraft without obvious engines and come in different shapes: discs, [], Christians are careful, afraid to call a spade a spade, often accused by present day progressive cultural Marxist Critical Theory of being judgmental, so we often have to walk on eggs. 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: Bill Fry: Okay, they apparently had cleaned that out, too. No. Entangled in the land?or a way in the deep? Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in Ark chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. What happened after that? he wrote Bible verses on little pieces of paper and threw them out of his third story [], The World To Come- is a hope giving Heavenly City English Gospel Tract for Download about Revelation 21 & 22. Self - Ron Wyatt's son (as Ron Wyatt Jr) Hide Archive footage (3 credits) 2020 FTW Live! Ron Wyatt, 1933-1999, at the Gatlinburg Tennessee museum c. 1995. Ron Wyatt: The idea was that its occupied territory, they wanted to get it into unoccupied territory, and ordinarily, Im all for that. Ron Wyatt: Well I didnt, what the thing I didnt know what to do with was later, was after I had taken the video back to my room and checked it to make sure that I had the you know, video. Atlantis History, People, 1500 BC Flooding & End of Ice Age Hydrology, Ancient Europe! To the best of my knowledge there is only one copy of it in existence, Rons original, and its not in America now. The underwhelming evidence is here (scroll down): That story has been covered here already, but now there has been an update courtesy of, who elsethe WorldNutDaily! How close to the ceiling was the ark of the covenant stone case? 1 1 821 Dec 8, 2016 Roy des Francs Clovis Ier 413 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Arche Retrouve ! I learned about this most recent "discovery" on the ABC nightly news, and have heard that other stations were reporting it as well. According to General, If you take a flashlight and shine it at a wall or through a prism or do pretty much anything with the light, you'll find that the effects of the light change in direct proportion to the amount of light the flashlight's putting out. They even believe Jesus was not the Divine Son of God. Where does Jer. While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at the picture shown above. > 9. He had 5 sisters and 5 brothers, 2 of which had already died of . Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. On a tripod? Then he got a plan to reach others. I have never had any instruction from the Lord to keep silent about it in general. Twice the light, twice the reflection from the wall. Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. $11.95. In 1981 Ron Wyatt located what he believed to be the crucifixion site of Jesus Christ. Duration: 00:53s 13 Jan 2023 0 shares 1 views Facebook . Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. I was never into amateur video (I worked with B&W 1-inch tape on 12-inch reels) so I couldnt guess which system it was. 12:59 am. Ron was a very humble man, putting so much time and his own money also into what he was most passionate about, serving his lord. Chinese Gospel Tract Download about Prayer. We needn't point to bloodshed in it's name but rather the damage it does to legions of brains. Ron Wyatt: When I got in there, the light, the room has its own light, and I made that inference that it didnt happen until I had gotten inside the chamber and was just standing on the floor of the chamber. First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris, Picture Credit Wyatt Archaeological Research. Did you see any openings into the chamber or the shape of the chamber? Prophetic Dreams3. American Legion Lloyd G. Mc Carter Post 25 presented a $500.00 scholarship to Kaelyn Blackwell (left) of St. Maries at the regular monthly meeting on January 3, 2023. UFOs have been seen by millions of people from all kinds of backgrounds; civilian, scientific, religious, military etc. Its in a safe place of the Lords own choosing to which I once took A. S., who has met the keeper but has not viewed the tape. For a Bible study on the blood of Jesus on. Richard also recalls the account of William Albright and Josephus relating to these cities. So I probably wont get back to work on it until early next week. Ron Wyatt: Its also the nature of if God wants you to see something or not. * such as the staff of Aaron that brought forth almond blossoms during the controversy involving Korach (Numbers 16); the jar of manna that had been placed in the Holy of Holies as a testimony; and the jar of anointing oil. Ron Wyatt: Up to that time I had not had any success with any kind of reproduction attempt that I made that included Polaroid cameras, 35 mm cameras, a VHS camera, video system. May YHVH bless all with the HOLY SPIRIT to discern what is and is not truth, Yes he was, really Gods archaeologist. Post Views: 11,526. In color? For a Christian staring death in the face, that was not a time for lying about sacred things, and would have been the perfect opportunity for Ron Wyatt to publicly confess to any untruths he might have told during his life. The tape was free from grain, but the colour balance was not great. He is allied with Levin in trying to destroy the rights of gay Israelis to march through any means necessary, including violence. Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Covenant & Mark of The BeastCheck out Ron Wyatt Video Presentation of h. Truth always sets us free! 2:18 pm, Eva If theres anything I can do for you, or Mary Nell, give me a call, and well do what we can. If the calculational framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%." Walmart Protestor Wins Preliminary Injunction, Messier Monday: A Secretly Active Spiral Galaxy, M77, Why does gravity move at the speed of light? Watch him make it so, thus completing Ron Wyatts claim of an Angel presented prophecy about when the Arch of the Covenant will be publicly revealed. Boatlike form is seen near Ararat. Some lists of such discoveries by Wyatt include close to 100 such claims made by him. Wyatt was a nurse anesthetist (now deceased) who claimed not only to have found Noah's Ark, but to have found virtually everything in Biblical archaeology that might be important to Christians - Noah's Ark, the exact place where the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to escape Egypt, the true location of Mt. The crack in the roof was clearly visible with the Blood still on it; the table was there in close-up, and many piles of skins. Video; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction. Welcome to the Ron Wyatt discoveries Facebook group!! One of the world's largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips. (TV Series) Self - The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (2020) . The section shot inside the cave was part of a longer tape, most of which contained other less dramatic stuff. Bill Fry: If you would, and Ive already talked to Mary Nell about this, please pray for me in this meeting, because I really think the Lords presenting opportunity here. Hello Eva. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. Here's a story I bet is far more common than gets reported. The Washington Post has a report on the new group. Rev. His assistant, Jim Pinkoski, is quite an amusing fellow. What Everybody Needs is Love is a basic simple introduction to Gods Love & Salvation suited for everybody, with sinners salvation prayer at the end! Ron Wyatt a Con Man?! I too believe Rons testimony of his findings and look forward to the privilege of seeing the ark for myself. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Was the stone case that held the ark in the middle of the chamber or up against one of the sides? Credit: Rumble. The Bible says that when Jesus died there was an earthquake and the rocks were rent (Matt. Sinai Your email address will not be published. ScienceBlogs is where scientists communicate directly with the public. Wicked Pedia ONLY promotes Darwinian History, which in my view is the greatest propaganda trophy of ALL of the New World Order, as it has destroyed and is still destroying the reality of [], Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Ron Wyatt, founder of WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) claimed to have discovered the location of Noah's Ark , Sodom and Gomorrah , the Red Sea Crossing, the Ark of the Covenant, the site of Christ's crucifixion, the actual site of Mount Sinai as well as other important discoveries. Ron Wyatt: Well, were more or less getting things into a routine. Click for Interview & Transcript. Bill Fry: You know well do everything we can. ALEXA WELCH EDLUND This location is recorded in our sources, and today, there are those who know exactly where this chamber is. Did the table of showbread have just one shelf (top one) or any below it too? Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. As I suppose they hadnt. Credit goes to the late Ron Wyatt, now in Heaven, bless his soul. Presentations Home Underwater maps reveal shallow slope between massive underwater canyons in waters of Red Sea. The Wyatt mentioned deathbed confession speech mark of the beast, or Sunday observance religion decree was mentioned by an Angel near the discovered Arc of the Covenant, and as an advocacy for Europe by the current Pope of this 21st Century, since Trumps election. I'll prognosticate here and suggest they analysed carbon in the samples, and found it to be in the range of 0.7 - 0.8%. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark . Prophetic Visions2. He talks, "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." I suppose it was NTSC (which in the days when I was a videotape engineer we used to say stood for Never The Same Colour twice). Indeed, Ron himself was keen that the tape should be seen widely. Of course the dominant feature was the Ark itself, and the fact that it was hidden by a brilliant white light. But anyway, the Ark of the Covenant, the mercy seat, was set in a manner under the crack that came down, that extended down from the crucifixion site above, so that the blood went on the top of the mercy seat, and then, anyway when it was all cleaned up and situated, positioned, it still appeared to be in that same position even though it was no longer in the box. Study Topics. Dieser Endzeit-Trakt ist inspiriert von der Herr der Ringe Visionen der Letzten Tage von Tolkien. Beautiful encouragement to believing in the Lord. Are the golden poles still either on or around the ark? [], Screw-liked objects were discovered inside an ancient rock thought to be millions of years old in southern China. These times in which we live Steady and in colour. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. But Ill be back in touch with you and e-mail you a copy before we post anything. The guy was certifiable, but boy do I miss the entertainment he provided. You'll get a good laugh out of this one from a youth minister named Jerod Jordan. Did it look like Hi-8 video or something older? And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. And so, anyway, back to the experiences, when I got in there, the light, the room has its own light, and I made that inference that it didnt happen until I had gotten inside the chamber and was just standing on the floor of the chamber. The Set It Up actress and husband Wyatt Russell, who share son Buddy, welcomed a new puppy in January 2023. No. So anyway, I went into the chamber and lowered myself in there, and of course, there, the thing that became apparent immediately was that the place was totally cleaned. A high school history teacher in New Jersey, David Paszkiewicz, has been using his position to proselytize students for Christianity. > 12. 1 hour 15 minutes,, Also see for more videos, Real Player is used to Ron Wyatt Family Website Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Videos Play all 5:43 Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained 18K views7 months ago 1:04:14 Sodom & Gomorrah with. The news media is only taking attention away from the real ark through your ministry. Bill Fry: Thank you, Ron, and we appreciate and love you. It's not a good idea to showcase a galaxy for you every Messier Monday, considering that even a crescent Moon can render most of them completely unobservable. (Synopsis), Nonlinear Optics, Back-of-Envelope Numbers. No. I cant give you any meaningful estimate of the exact distance Id have to view the tape again to do that but my memory is that it was about enough to crawl into and not much more. That's just a guess. While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in Raiders of the Lost Ark, in reality, the expression lost ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish peoples point of view because we have always known exactly where it is. Her is the same one in found in English. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. see videos It was a difficult situation for an amateur shoot. HOME . Rons verbal account of this was that the effect was only on the tape; no such light was visible to him inside the cave where he saw the Ark plainly. And I said, Well, I dont do that. And I have a you know, I just havent done that. Ron came from a sizable family. I think it was perhaps partially covered by skins, but it was quite a while ago and as I mentioned earlier my visual memory is really terrible. Ron Wyatt: Well I didnt, what the thing I didnt know what to do with was later, was after I had taken the video back to my room and checked it to make sure that I had the you know, video. . Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and on top of the tables of stone, they were both there. That's marvelous. FAQ . l'Arche d'Alliance l'archologue Ron Wyatt l'aurait retrouv ! That information might assist those who want to find the tape. To be fair to Mr. Wyatt, I heard him on the radio shortly after his Red Sea discovery, while he claimed the find proved the Charleton Heston bit, the evidence didn't really point that way. one, I might add, that indicates that God, you know, wanted people to, didnt mind people having a description of it, at least, and at least this one fellow. Ron Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & A session. American Natives' Amazing Wars Against Red-haired Cannibal Giants of the Mounds, Soviet Cover-Up of Sarcophage With Body Found In Preserving Liquid. And so, anyway, theres a whole bunch of people that, you know I didnt say that, Ive never said that he died because of that to anybody, I didnt verbalize it. Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in 'Ark' chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. Furthermore it says that this water and blood is the testimony, or witness of God to the world, testifying to us that His Son died, If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his SonAnd this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Ron Wyatt: Thats right, as far as I know. I have twice asked the Lord if I should go and get the tape for the purpose of making copies or DVDs (its not in my personal keeping) and each time I was given the same answer from the Lords own mouth. The rest of the claims are as ridiculous as ever, of course. Wyatt Family legitimate site of Ron Wyatt discoveries from Stream full episodes of parks and rec, watch trailers, clips and more, exclusively on. January 8, 2016 @ I hope I have given you something of the picture. At that point, I turned it on and went on to the angels went and took the corners of each of the ark, of the mercy seat, and lifted it, and the one angel that talked with me said, Get the tables of stone out of the Ark of the Covenant. So I went over and leaned down, and took them out. Watch Video . Wouldnt it be empty of God? Its the most popular question after the Ark itself). Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. 3:17 At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. In the case of Edward Crayton, the man protesting Walmart's pro-gay policies who is being represented by the ACLU, a Federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction allowing him to continue his protests pending the outcome of the case. As a heathen (i.e., a Jew), I feel compelled to nitpick: it's oy vey, not oi vey. Wyatt is so bad that other creationist and Christian groups have put up webpages debunking his work. Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant - Why God Why God Evidence Shows God Exists HOME EVIDENCE FOR GOD Categories Meranda Devan Defending Our Faith, Personal Testimonies Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant What an amazing blessing to all of us who love and Praise God. Whilst in the chamber, Ron noticed a dried, black substance in an earthquake crack in the roof, above the Ark of the Covenant. 12:26 pm, I as an SDA have studied and believe Ron Wyatts claims to be True. He claims there are only 24 chromosomes Well, okey dokey, thanks Bill. (presumably related to death by stroke!) THIS WILL happen ONLY in the imminent Millennium when the few Israeli SURVIVORS will share the land with the Palestinians & they will all worship Jesus. Neither Ron nor the tables appeared on the tape I saw. The Romans crucified people there, of course. 1. My name is Meranda, and my interest is the prophetic, and the supernatural side of God. Bill Fry: Cause when you told me this before, you know, you told me you took the tables of stone out, and then the angel told you something about the tables of stone? He found with Gods help, Noaha ark, Red sea crossing. This was never published at the time and completely hushed up, but the Israelis sure learned quickly not to mess with Gods Holy Ark, as in the Old Testament King David learned when one of his helpers touched the rocking Ark to stabilise it and was instantly struck dead. You said you saw the skins piled up in a corner. On the fact that God is in charge and proves to be doing all this, I pray to have all the informational tapes and copies of these videos for myself to share with others as I share the Prophecies and Scripture to others in the church and out. FAQ Meranda Devan - FacebookMeranda - FacebookWebsites - The Most Important NewsWebsites - Hersite, Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures, Dangerous underground excavations explore radar anomalies, Ron Wyatt Chromosome count in blood sample, Prophecies Of Comet, Meteor Or Asteroid Impacts, Prophecies Of California Falling Into The Ocean, 6 Confirmations - UN Police In America Prophecies, Creative Miracles Abilities For The Last Days Church, 4 Angels In The Chamber Where The Ark Sits, 10 Events After Attempting To Divide Israel, 1981 - Supernatural Food & Heat Provision, 1989 MAP Vision Of The Coming Disasters . I remember that guy. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwins Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). Salvation Gospel Tract Download A5 4-pager), Die Rckkehr des Knigs (German Endtime Tract), Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics: The Presentation, Shi Ji Annals of Yin by Sima Qian 100 BC, Detailed Scientific Geological Biological Historical Study on Global Flood of Noah, Zosers Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis, How Ignorant Pagans Deified A Real-Life Wodan Into Their Ancestral Anglo-Saxon Warrior God Odin, Screw-like Objects Discovered in Ancient Million-year-old Rock in Southeastern China From Global Flood Mis-identified, How Huxleys X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years, Is Wikipedia Reliable? Con men simply don't get much more transparent than this guy. If you landed here, stay a while and look around. Bill Fry: Right. . Ships from and sold by However my memory is certainly that it wasnt in the center of the cave; I think it was close to a wall at the back. His little friend brought him a Bible and Tommy got saved. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who [], Ancient Patriarchs editors introduction to article below: Wodan or Woden is the early patriarch of many Germanic tribes like the Anglos & Saxons as well as others. However, this does not apply to the most holy feature of the First Temple, the Ark. Yeah, I leaned in and picked the tables of stone and backed away, and they lowered the mercy seat back into position. And I got a phone call on this that Ill share which was kind of unusual, its one of those things that made me decide to talk about it, to say something about it. Jim Pinkoski? He is completely fearless; and he is very well aware of what is going on in the world behind the scenes. Ken I first met Ron Wyatt in 1984, when I heard him speak at a church in Nashville. The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. Have you?]. Its a vertical, vertical wall. Ron Wyatt videos, Richard Rives RON WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH INC This is a discussion of the inter-connectivity of the Hebrew Roots movement, the late Ron Wyatt of Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and Seventh Day Adventism. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, he told me that it had to do with when these were to be shown to the world. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. Bill Fry: So its not just as simple as walking through a tunnel? Ron put the six bodies in baskets and they pulled them out one by one. Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. He'll show you a piece of genuine petrified wood from Noah's Ark. And so, anyway, at that point, just basically kept in mind that I was very, very scorned? FIRST: THE SOLID FACTS! Seeing the blood there was the most moving thing to me. > 4. Contact Us, Subscribe to our It's all quite amusing and ridiculous. Is Planet X Nibiru? Jim " PYGMIES + DWARFS??" Oi vey. Mary Nell learned pretty well how to do what he does. The video, shot in the city of Pingxiang in Jiangxi Province on October 1, shows several screw-liked objects embedded inside a quartz stone. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. Mary Nell on Ron Wyatt and the Ark of the Covenant REVISED. If any of the above writers would like to publish more of their work on our site, please let us know! Studied and believe ron Wyatts claims to be true, ron himself was keen that the tape of! 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