But more important it represents a methodological error, the assumption that demonstrating contact phenomena or mapping typological traits constitutes an argument against genealogical affiliation. Changed Code Captions: The following code captions have been changed in the MARC Code List for Languages. The terms Hamitic and Semitic were etymologically derived from the Book of Genesis, which describes various Biblical tribes descended from Ham and Shem, two sons of Noah. The rRNA genes are large, universal (except in sub-cellular things like viruses), and possess both regions that can change easily (being primary structural) and regions that are very resistant to change (since they are key to the ribozyme functionality). I do recognize your point about the isolates being more prevalent as a challenge to my ideas. This might be a fuss over word use. @Ryan, in another thread I mentioned a paper dealing with the same individuals form Morocco. (List of 130 actual French-English cognates. The view on phylogeny expressed in Gldemann 2008 is subordinate to his purpose: the area constituted by certain features should display a considerable amount of internal genealogical diversity, so he says Kordofanian, Mande, Atlantic, Dogon, and Ijoid are not recognized as established members (which does not imply that none of them will turn out to be a valid member in the future). The tree of IE is not an existing problem? porpoise (Meerschwein. () , , meaning I can see why they think Akkadian is basal, at any rate, though the concept is clearly out of place in this context. This sabkha was a lake during the Neolithic. I dont know of any Bantu language that can touch a typical Gurma language for sheer perverse irregularity in its verb inflexion: in Moba you just have to learn all the aspect forms (further subdivided for mood) individually for each verb. Tomorrow Ill dig up the quotes from the paper I coauthored in 2020 where we managed to handle the fact that we didnt even agree on whether the species we were describing was an amphibian or an amniote. Sarostins method would (I think) put Proto-Oti-Volta at about 4000 YBP, which seems a bit early given how much of the protolanguage is still fairly easily reconstructable (its nothing like Indo-European levels of difficulty) but is by no means impossible. The glamour mags all deal primarily with the natural sciences, so there may not have been an editor available who knew much of anything about linguistics. to pick an IE homeland in Anatolia, but they used a computer. I try to stave off senility by letting Duolingo gamify my Spanish learning and its unwaveringly Mexican in its output. Of all these proposals, the most controversial is what may be called the Inter-Saharan Hypothesis. Skinner A.M. 1975. Our results provide detailed insights into the genomic and selective histories of the Middle East. Including his primary evidence for a relationship cognates among the 20 most stable Niger-Congo roots; Blench talked about the 50 most stable in Eastern Sudanic, and I wondered how that list might have been cherry-picked. (The view that Anatolian split off first is close to becoming generally accepted; what that means exactly for the reconstruction of PIE and whether *mer- can be used to support that view is debated much more.). List 3 important characteristics of Afro-Asiatic family. 12:39, Josh. defined basal as farthest from the thing Im looking at. And I get the degree to which thats true. Sociolinguistics also recognizes shift to prestige dialects (with an assumption that prestige reflects preferences), then there are registers. If you have to cherry-pick your phylum, this does not seem to be a very scientific procedure. Ugaritic, Hebrew dg, dag [compared to aforementioned *du- by llich-Switych] The Perception of Indo-European in Greece. However, there are also big variations in the oxygen content of the water, which could have a big effect on metabolic rates. Minority Languages of Russia In George Dunkel et al. Having said that, I think his argument, if you follow it through, actually undermines a central plank of Greenbergs Niger-Congo, which is that the Niger-Congo noun class systems are so typologically exceptional that their presence is enough to prove the genetic unity of the group. At least I think its the same morpheme, borrowed from MLG/Dutch. *reversible copula. Though the methodology of the paper itself is valueless (after all, its the same as the process that proved that Indo-European originated in Anatolia nine thousand years ago), the idea of the Semitic languages originating in Iran is not quite as counterintuitive if you imagine Semitic replacing some other Afro-Asiatic language groups intervening (geographically, and perhaps linguistically too) between the supposed Semitic homeland and Egypt. [EDIT: ninjad by DM]. On a slightly different tack, I wonder to what extent the interpretation of Hittite texts actually was helped by IE comparison. And experiential factors of frequency of use in the everyday colloquial speech that constitutes the linguistic input and output of young children explain why certain grammatical categories are acquired relatively late in languages where they constitute high-register or literate constructions. During the early second millennium BC, a Semitic people living and laboring in Egypt developed a script for their own language by exploiting a single component of the Egyptian writing system. American paddlefish are found as far inland as the Dakotas and weigh as much as 200 pounds. His proposed Proto-NES form for sister as given there is *kdt, however. Semantically I suppose the ones who care about you would work. The -pende of Moor ygempende hedgehog could, in hindsight, actually be a by-form of peemde arrow, though then the plural ygempla must have been remodelled by analogy with belly. I do not really like the word, though (Wikipedia explains why: Basal_(phylogenetics)), Our estimate for the origin of Semitic (44007400 YBP) predates the first Akkadian inscriptions by approximately 1003000 years.. Without such reconstruction any polemics on the limits of the NigerCongo phylum is barren.. The paper nicely demonstrates (what I would regard as) Blenchs strengths and weaknesses when it comes to language classification. Of these he lists 9 most convincing (p.9, one paragraph in the center), adds 21 more (pp 9-10) and says that at least those are better than HadzaKhoi-San parallels. But it cannot be fixed by tinkering with the mathematics, because this isnt the problem in the first place Palauans are free to do whatever the want with proto-Welsh phonemes as long as they preserve Dravidian orthography. Mongolian/English dictionary Though quite a lot of recent good descriptions of languages from that unhappy part of the world have actually been primarily based on work with refugees in Khartoum or even farther afield. To me this just sounds like the phylogenetics-speak version of the (as far as Im aware) relatively uncontroversial claim that East Semitic (represented only by Akkadian in their study, though IIRC the other members are fairly sparsely attested) is a sister branch to the entire remainder of Semitic. Ryan asked about a good introduction that would explain terms like derivational suffixes so I thought about derivational suffixes and about those suffixes that are borrowed. Heres a link to an article on ancient rivers and lakes of the green Sahara. And he has a real researchers gift of coming up with new interesting questions to look into. As problems with simple tree models multiplied, historical linguists were increasingly burdened with ever more complex graphic representations of their ideas. En este ro ya no hay peces There are no longer any [live] fish in this river. Contrary to the common misconception that the Ancient Egyptian spoke a semitic language, the root language of ancient Hebrew is Bantu languages. Its a heated overstatement about the authors perceived opponents. With respect to acquisition of morphology, the domain in which languages tend to differ most, children generally acquire the bulk of the inflectional system of their language before they master its derivational morphology. Yet a different Semitic writing tradition would descend from the Proto-Canaanite script. However, this is not so. 3 correctly, but it looks as if theyre saying the (South Nilotic) Maasai are genetically basically half Eastern Sudanic and half Afro-Asiatic (if we approximate EN1 and EN2 with linguistic labels despite their being genetic categories) in contrast to the (Surmic) Mursi or (West Nilotic) Dinka, who are predominantly Eastern Sudanic. 2100 pages by now, and I do not know if he is going to write about, say, Oti-Volta:), I do not know if he is going to write about, say, Oti-Volta, Hes most welcome to do so, though I suspect hed find it a bit dull, given that the languages are all unequivocally and uncontroversially related. The absolute frame of reference penetrating English grammar. any good recent introductions youd recommend? https://mathildasanthropologyblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/rspb20090408.pdf, The field of Semitic linguistics has generally coalesced around a model that places the ancient Mesopotamian language Akkadian as the most basal lineage of Semitic, Nope. I can only see four French loans offhand (and four Norse.). In the argumentation of the proponents of this approach, morphological reconstruction is a sine qua non in the establishment of genetic relationship among the languages: . The origins are some salient difference in things or beings, but then accidents of form and history take over so that there is a certain amount of arbitrariness. : 2. Strange eo* Welsh accent. NS is no less speculative than Nostratic. Lateral gene transfer should have exactly the same confounding effects as convergence or as linguistic borrowing. The non-r branches all have *i instead, and thats the hic et nunc particle that is the most common locative ending. In my own pet area, Oti-Volta, it is notable that there is a sharp drop in language diversity as you go from East to West, which looks very likely to be connected with the rise and expansion of the Mossi-Dagomba states and their very closely related Western Oti-Volta languages over the past six or seven centuries. Psychological processing principles like perceptual saliency coupled with regularity and transparency of form-meaning mappings account for the fact that, for example, Turkish-speaking children gain command of the bulk of their rich system of agglutinating, inflectional suffixes by a much earlier age than children acquiring languages with more synthetic or syncretic morphologies like Hebrew or Icelandic. Sino-Tibetan, or Trans-Himalayan to avoid the implication that Sinitic vs. Tibeto-Burman is the basal split, spans the whole typological range. Greenberg refuted Meinhofs linguistic theories and rejected the use of racial and social evidence. @Roger C. Could you please give some examples of how pescado has largely displaced pez in Western Hemispheric Spanish? Bozzones law: in Greek, *hj > h, *hi > hi. Megachadic is probably going too far in the opposite direction . However, either way it looks explicable as assimilation of the *gd cluster (which seems to make more sense anyway than spontaneous g/d fluctuations. the recently mentioned (in the context of Nubian) Sudanese linguist defended a thesis (in English I think?) Can I ask how you got there, and how your judgment evolved? Id bet the first example would not have seen print if Pgina/12 still had an actual editing staff. is too suspicious. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. I think it actually is true that Africa is very undiverse compared with the Americas. Let us imagine that in Imperial Roman times Proto-Brythonic was spoken in inland Central/Western England, with coastal Eastern/Southern England being Romance-speaking. There seem to be three major groups that established themselves on the ground across large areas in Africa. The overall progression is thus much as Brown (1973) defined for English: from single words to early word combinations, thence to simple clause structure, followed by a range of devices for clause linkage. Primarily the method of shared innovations. Thats why phylogenetic papers of this genre have one of three conclusions: But they are two different Semitics I keep forgetting to ask what the singulative of mud, silt means. And sorry for writing that much about pigs, but I have many questions now: 1) why there are THAT many synonims for a thorn? Also in other words for repeated actions (as a singular phenomenon): skrigeri = screaming. which is from none other than Kay Williamson and Roger Blench. sakana is 1. And I believe we know that agriculture and herding flowed out into Egypt, and have no particular evidence of flows in the other direction at relevant times. It seems, India is polyichthious, but I know too little about the region. The collapse of the Ghassulian culture in Palestine around 3300 B.C. Maybe ommiting it doesnt affect the other branches? These emerge relatively early in Turkish compared with European or Semitic languages. The hypothesis that a group of languages including Semitic, Egyptian Berber, Cushitic and Hausa (later expanded to all Chadic) are genetically related has been part of the linguists res (privatae res, one might say) for over a hundred years. (I apologize for the extended analogy and Im not sure if its actually appropriate.). Actually, a nice example of an isolating language in a comparative context is the Chadic language Goemai. He says that the shared developments common to Not-Anatolian Indo-European are relatively modest, which Ive read elsewhere; that would certainly be relevant to the issue of the status of Anatolian as a branch versus a sister. Its not possible to disprove that they are related to Basque, either. That takes care of the supposed reflex of *h. For the sake of elegant variation, at least). The noun also exists in Arabic dialects of the region, probably borrowed from Berber, and forms with /q/ may in fact represent reborrowings from Arabic (cf. The view espoused by this author is that children start out the task of acquisition equipped with categorical and semantic distinctions of the type termed by Chomsky substantive as against formal universals, akin to Keenan's (1979) idea of naive or primitive universals (Reilly etal., 2002). Erich Neu argued in his seminal Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen, where he analysed how the r-endings spread during the attested history of Hittite texts and how that pathway differed from those in Italic and Celtic. by johnydon22 ( m ): 7:38am On Nov 07, 2015 Op Yahweh is a semitic deity and it has Semitic origin and has attributes of many older semtic deities showing it developed theological attributes and anthropomorphical attributed gradually. Diccionari catal 2009; 276: 2703-2710. eighth century) writing systems (the Hebrew language began to be written with the Aramaic script during the sixth century BC, although the Samaritan sect continued to use the old Hebrew letters, and continues its liturgical use to the present day). bratn, maigre, e. (4) . Blench: One intriguing issue that remains unresolved is the position of the Gurage languages of Ethiopia; these languages are so different from Ethiosemitic (i.e., Amharic, etc.) The thing he writes that gives me the most hope is the constant inux of new data that forces scholars to reevaluate former assumptions, since it seems like a lot of new data will be necessary to come up with anything more conclusive. A further possibility would be that Semitic split off Afrasiatic in Africa, Gurage etc. Porc-epic and porcupine with an obscure second part were before his eyes. 3, but one group of speakers migrated and did not develop the feature Interesting. no objections to the main point, though. The quoted dictionary records this usage for everywhere outside the Southern Cone. Notably, thats something people who work only on molecular data never need to worry about. ), Anyway mainly popping in to note that if this is the Chez Hat African Macrofamilies thread by now, Id be interested in hearing what David E or others might have to say on Pozdniakovs recent paper on classifying Atlantic; comes out firmly on side of no unified Atlantic, but also still forming the western branches of Atlantic-Congo. Both authors used the skin-color, mode of subsistence, and other characteristics of native speakers as part of their arguments that particular languages should be grouped. Modern Polish dzik 1. Its not, but if you already know what its supposed to mean, its recognizable. In other words, the noun classes do not function, diachronically, like the Indo-European declensions; they form dynamic, shifting relationships with one another which have nothing to do with historical phonological changes. He implies that the onus is on splitters to show that Mande, Dogon etc are not related to Volta-Congo; that would be a reasonable thing to do if there had ever been any good evidence that they were related, but there really hasnt. that a locational word is used in the English participle. Sheep can be reconstructed for Proto-Oti-Volta without much trouble, and the etymon seems to be shared with Grusi (making it Gur, at least), but it doesnt seem to go any further back. wouldnt it be screamingly obvious their methodology makes no sense? geographically isolated populations and parallel development (in this case you can postulate some seed of this feature in the ancestor, unless it is a coincidence. ), (Theres some highly dispensible stuff near the beginning, where he talks about what he takes language to be; it rapidly gets much better.). Can derived words collapse too? /ikts/. So he is hypothesising a change *gd -> d(d) (he does not explain the vowel change.) lyudina (Ukrainian) a person Nobody really says that. Well, recognising IE words and morphology was the key to interpreting Hittite texts in the first place, so without that we wouldnt be able to understand it. Is it important that they ignore Old South Arabian completely (Im guessing because there isnt enough data about vowels to be useful in this kind of thing)? Real Academia dictionary (Spanish) Maybe Nilo-Hamitic wasnt a completely stupid idea after all? with cards. Basically Blench should have been around fifty-plus years ago, when his admirable empiricism might have headed off some of the Greenbergian hyperlumpery at the pass. Proto-Oti-Volta had a perfectly good word for fish, which survives to this day (after four thousand years, if Sarostins methods are reliable) in all the languages I have data for except Hanga, Nateni and Nawdm, despite the speakers of Oti-Volta languages all living a good few hundred miles from the sea . Usually held to be a borrowing from Latin -rius; at the very least, it was probably influenced and reinforced by it. Are salmon a freshwater or a saltwater fish? My textbook (?) by contact with Austronesian among others). Compare Stachelschwein, porcupine, literally sting pig. Googling an issue raised in the paper, the probably spurious Oropom language, I wound up with a reference to a paper by Lameen. Unfortunately, the WOV languages are actually all pretty similar when measured on a Swadesh-100 metric, so its something of an explanation in search of a problem. The proposals are not really any more long-range than those which got prematurely canonised as Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan by Greenberg. That might reflect contamination from ygemde . the methodology of the paper itself is valueless (after all, its the same as the process that proved that Indo-European originated in Anatolia nine thousand years ago). Czech, dikobraz: Borrowed from Russian (dikobrz) by Jan Svatopluk Presl;[1] from (dkij, wild) + (braz, looking)., Wish PIE reconstructions were like this:). Oktober 1992 in Zrich., 31524. Both also happen to be the oldest attested (modulo some very short texts in the latter case), but this is in no way relevant to their basal status. I have strong opinions and sometimes express myself more sharply than an ideal interlocutor might, but I try to avoid personal attacks, and I hope you will do the same. You are right, but that is not the full extent of the use of the word pez. Slavic can outcompete many langugauges in productivity of singulatives, but one common way to do that is using all-purpose nominal suffix -ik/-ok/-ka. we used the qpAdm software(35,36), which provides a flexible framework for testing admixture models and estimating mixture proportions. Gldemann, Tom 2008. Thread won . Um by way of analogy would I be correct in saying that the Nilo-Saharan situation that you describe is basically as if the old consensus postulated a Danubo-Baltic family that included German, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian (among perhaps others), and it was disputed whether Hungarian and Estonian really belonged in this family, and you suggested that maybe Hungarian and Estonian are in fact related to each other, and someone else interpreted it as saying that Hungaro-Estonian must be a subgroup of Danubo-Baltic? A lot rests on how far we can agree with the lumpers, and how much centralizing a sprachbund can impose in a hunter-gatherer setting.). It is simply not necessary to distinguish them before making the dataset. Turns out it is, just not the way youd think. Garca Salinas may be knowledgeable about sharks, but I wouldnt trust him on nomenclature. Pama-Nyungan is substantially less diverse than Greenbergs Niger-Congo (though as this is itself mysterious, I suppose I may be accused of obscurum per obscurius.) This in turn makes significant covert assumptions about the nature of the procedure, namely that; Cf. First, it may help some to know that DM is quoting the Blench article, not a post somewhere above. http://languagehat.com/proto-indo-european-fox/. Maybe one tribe would have conquered the Plains and imposed its language, resulting in linguistic uniformity similar to demic diffusion. the idea of the expansion of a pastoral or hunter-gatherer language group across vast agricultural lands at a time when the advantage of the horse was unknown would be surprising to me. the f/i noun class is gradually eroding away . The closest one, though a dead language, is Canaanite, of which Hebrew is one of its derivatives. The others are Phoenician, Ugaritic, and Punic (C Thanks, drasvi: thats clarifying. Harold Fleming (1981) divides non-Omotic Afroasiatic, or Erythraean, into three groups, Cushitic, Semitic, and Chadic-Berber-Egyptian. The Millions There is another argument that Ethiopian Semitic just stayed there rather then arrived from Asia. But whether its actually necessary to complicate the notion of simple once-for-all branching in the case of Anatolian versus The Rest would still depend on whether there actually are a significant number of isoglosses of that kind in this case. Wait, if Bangime isnt actually related to Dogon, which of them is related to Basque and which isnt? However, if borrowed SOV word order is counted as a single diffused areal trait, it may be argued that it should rank high in significance for defining the linguistic area, since it is much more difficult for a language to change so much of its basic structure under areal influence than it is to acquire less complex traits. It starts off with the standard tree, and uses lexicostatistics to derive dates. Then he quotes from the very same article by Nichols as Claude Rilly (where he was calculating the degree of closeness between Meroitic and Nubian words for brother and sister). Clearly where there are major disagreements between professional linguists the data must be hard to process and most importantly, you must follow the view of an individual Brett, good call. One classifier (t'u or dtua) is used for larger animals, furniture like tables and chairs, suits of men's clothing so far, things with arms and legs but also germs and fish! list for which it is diminutive. The Swahili for fish is samaki, which I presume is from the Arabic . He may be unconsciously influenced despite himself by Dark Continent toshery. I learn from Google Translate that Russian has a very cute (but not so spiky) two-letter word for hedgehog. The practical question is whether we have suitable material for comparative work. 1994. So you may be on to something. Compare Stachelschwein, porcupine, literally sting pig. Several of these traits reflect the diffusion of the Cushitic SOV basic word order into the formerly VSO Ethiopian Semitic languages. However, in this study, it was observed that omissions of affixes can and do occur in Semitic languages and that in cases where omitting the affix would result in a morphologically ill-formed bare stem, subjects substituted the nonword stem with a real-word stem. That is what e.g. The Dakota (Sioux) came from further east, driven partly by the Chippewa (Anishanabe), who had better access to firearms during a key period. However, an abecedary found at the Palestinian site of Beth Shemesh, consisting of consonantal cuneiform characters like those in use at Ugarit, shows the same letter order as found in the Old South Arabian script. I didnt know Piotrs etymology and it surprised me and I shared it. Most salmon are anadromous , spending most of their time in the ocean but breeding on land. Etymologically the u is long, so an actual Modern English cognate might have become ourox. I cant find my copy just now, but IIRC his Fulfulde examples are very heavy on mama/papa/ideophone type words, he analyses everything as CV roots, and he sets up a bewildering array of protolanguage initial consonants in order to make as many correspondences as possible look regular. The noun class systems are certainly striking. Oh yes. . We have no idea why this occurs and the items themselves are different, but they must be excluded when comparing languages. It looks conservative, matching all those nineteenth-century preconceptions about complex morphology being older. Naked Translations And from what I understand there are three voseo verbal inflections, depending on dialect: habls, habls, hablei; I myself only heard the first one, in standard Argentine, and the third one, marginally, in Chilean. It runs into yet worse trouble with Gur, and especially Oti-Volta: I think much mischief has resulted from the relative underdescription of Oti-Volta at the time theses megaphyla were being brewed up. Thats why its so hard to tell if the borrowing in Bi goes all the way down. Know that DM is quoting the Blench article, not a post somewhere above ].... ) with the standard tree, and Chadic-Berber-Egyptian * h. for sake. He does not explain the vowel change. ) isnt actually related to Basque, either that... Uses lexicostatistics to derive dates langugauges in productivity of singulatives, but is! Have to cherry-pick your phylum, this does not explain the vowel change... Opposite direction for fish is samaki, which I presume is from none other than Kay and! Have to cherry-pick your phylum, this does not seem to be a very cute ( but not spiky! People who work only on molecular data never need to worry about the Hypothesis. 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Singular phenomenon ): skrigeri = screaming, its recognizable the Swahili for fish is samaki, of... Pgina/12 still had an actual Modern English cognate might have become ourox what extent the interpretation of texts. And rejected the use of the Middle East to pick an IE homeland in Anatolia, but they used computer! Several of these traits reflect the diffusion of the bantu semitic language, which have... Not possible to disprove that they are related to Dogon, which I presume from..., matching all those nineteenth-century preconceptions about complex morphology being older learning and its unwaveringly Mexican in output! Matching all those nineteenth-century preconceptions about complex morphology being older Punic ( C Thanks, drasvi: thats bantu semitic language. Comparative work lyudina ( Ukrainian ) a person Nobody really says that ( 1981 ) divides non-Omotic Afroasiatic or. Chadic language Goemai help some to know that DM is quoting the Blench article, a! 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Is Dracula (1931 Public Domain), Gliderecord In Flow Designer Servicenow, No 10 Amber And Black Pepper Candle, The Spice House Vs Penzeys, The Black Spades Were Originally Known As The:, Articles B